Now excuse me as I react to things that are old news for everyone else.
Wooo, they fixed the Grunts! I love the look now.
Bleh, they kept the Halo 4 Jackals. I just don't like the design at all. At least the energy shield looks a lot more glowy.
They also kept the Halo 4 Elites, and while I don't love them, I don't loath them. Anyways, moving on to the Prometheans/Forerunners, I love that they really expanded upon their variety and added a more humanoid profile to them. However, I still think the designs are too complicated and not nearly sleek enough.. and what's with Megatrons face? I'm still not in love with this enemy class visually, but I can't wait to fight them.
I just really wish they would stuck closer to the actual Forerunner aesthetic.. I really wish we could fight Forerunner enemies that look like this:
I realize canonically that what we are fighting are post composer Forerunners, and the pictures above are from when they were alive. But the 'Prometheans' we fight look nothing like the Forerunner aesthetic I know and love.. plus the ancient armor just looked cooler.
Anyhow. I still find this human architecture incredibly bland and boring. It looks brilliant in in concept art, but in execution with the Halo engine it just doesn't do it for me. Everything sorta looks and feels like plain building blocks, where only the skybox is appealing.
Also, the covenant architecture doesn't look very Covenant. I thought this was a human city at first. It should be brighter, sleeker and more organic. It kinda lost the charm.
However, when it's all said and done, this excites me:
Plus, Buck is on Lockes team? Hell yes.
Look, I know gameplay is the thing that matters in the end. But I loved Halo for it's beautiful and alien worlds, and its art style was very unique. I just feel a lot of that visual identity and charm is lost here, it doesn't look right to me and isn't exciting me or making me wish to explore it the way past games did. Again, if they nail the gameplay I'll be happy, but this is still something that bums me out.