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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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A new OT eh.

Squad Slayer made Reach worth playing. No Bloom GAF Customs were good for the couple weeks they lasted too, even though most would rather dong in MM.

RIP Squad Slayer.


Three of the best things in Reach gone in Halo 4, only for Camo to return as an AA. Halo devs can be cruel.


I hope that returns. Along with the Chopper :(
Whoever decided the chopper shouldn't return in Reach probably made most of the design decisions in Destiny.

Terrible decision.

Edit: the sticky det on the other hand is amazing. Sticking a mate and sending him in as a suicide bomb was hilarious.
This. The Sticky det is rubbish, and I never cared much for the Plasma Launcher. Reach GL was teh win.

Plasma Launcher was awesome as a campaign weapon, but I could take it or leave it in multiplayer (same for the sticky det). It was fun, but I'm not at all devastated it's gone. The Hyrda seems to have taken up that niche in multiplayer anyway, with a bit more of a skill aspect.


Geez I leave for a few days and there's already a new OT and everything.

Also I missed the discussion about Breakout and wanted to add that I think shifting terrain would be perfect for that game to reduce camping and make it unique. The shifts would change which areas have cover and high ground and they would be on a set timer and non-random. Maybe there would also be a 3 second warning. An alternative would be dynamic areas of the map like rising and falling towers. The map style seems to lend itself to this as well since it looks like a simulation that could be altered on the fly like that. It would work well for more abstract ideas like this and it would help differentiate the game type.


And throw in a sign up link for HGS for people that want to have real gaming discussion.

Real gaming discussion? More like 50% Destiny, 50% Dota nerd shit, 50% making fun of Ram and 50% making fun of GAF.

200% of fun tho

And the hornet was a lot better than the falcon. Whoever made it so the falcon couldn't pick up passengers aka flag carriers was a bonehead.


Damnit Fracas I had my new thread ready to go once OT23 was actually done :/

Put a link to the Destiny OT in the OT pls to encourage people to complain about that elsewhere.

We complain about Halo in this OT.

And throw in a sign up link for HGS for people that want to have real gaming discussion.

send me your content my dude


RIP in pieces Wesley.

That's one less person on the bad opinion train :(

I could come aboard but I don't really play Halo right now

Rip Halo

Neither do I to be honest, I just come on here to talk about it. Been playing a lot of Destiny recently, should be working really :/

Cool H5 image:

Credit to Star Troker.
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