There is nothing wrong with discussing various ways a game can be competitive.
I certainly don't agree with lots of the majority of MLG's beliefs.
I don't think "BR, no bloom, no armor abilities" is necessarily the key to a good Halo game.
I would love Halo to mature. Halo's gameplay was designed to accomodate 10 year old tech, and it has hardly evolved since Combat Evolved.
But I do think that it is good for a game to be competitive.
That is the whole purpose of a game, right? To win and have fun.
Competitive doesn't have to be hardcore, it can be fun.
And who better to give suggestions than those who play it competitively?
Of course it is the developers vision, and I hope they do great things with multiplayer.
But it can't hurt to have a mature discussion over the positives and negatives of past Halo games.
Haha touche
Point still stands even if David was to go on the show though. What do they expect him to say? He can't talk about Halo 4.
Who says it has to be anytime soon? I would love for them to wait until after Multiplayer is revealed.
I assume if anything is talked about at this thing on the 29th that it is going to be Multiplayer.
Frankie said in the OHI that the Multiplayer has been running for a long time.
So it is probably the most polished out of all the content. Plus, nobody wants details from the campaign, we want to be shocked!