You know how in games like Brawl you can have customizable button layouts? Just imagine if you could map kinect commands and then share them with people.
I was actually thinking the other day how the Concept Art Trailer music before the trumpet shows up would be pretty cool as pre-boss room music.
I'm glad to hear this, because in the past few games (Reach, ODST, 3) the trailer music influenced other themes, but never had a direct appearance in-game. I'm talking about Finish the Fight, Prepare to Drop, and Uphill Both Ways (Multiplayer Madness Remix) respectively. I think it would be neat if Halo 4 took a Brave Fencer Musashi route and had a ton of different styles and compositions, but all based on a few
different, recurring themes. It'd be cool to be able to add music to your multiplayer maps too, even if it's just ambient synths, french horns, gregorian chants (like the recurring "I e i U" one you've heard since Halo 2's High Charity Suite) and echoing percussion like in the beginning of Firefight and the credits screen and stuff.