Lobby's open. Customs at 5.
Tashi Station
OshTashi B'Goshi
thinking about changing my gamertag to "Tashiii" since "Tashi" is taken, unused but someone is still paying gold for it. Ughhhhhhhhhh
whoa Whitney Houston died
Yea we saw the tweet bro......... LollerzI guess she won't ALWAYS love you...
Yea we saw the tweet bro......... Lollerz
Lol I love that one. Also, my film teacher used to call me Tashi station lol
Yo Frankie for real, what do I have to do to get "Tashi"?
Ohhhh can we leave all leave a complaint on the gamertag? Mark it as offensive? So then it forces the guy to change it and then I can swoop in and take it???
So I just accidentally did a headcount. 22 Playlists. 22. Not including firefight.
I just wanna dong with somebody.
EDIT: Oops, wrong window.
I just wanna dong with somebody.
Sorry dat ik zo snel weg ging bij customs. Ik heb de hele dag al Reach gespeeld dus ik was er een beetje zat van.
So I just accidentally did a headcount. 22 Playlists. 22. Not including firefight.
So I just accidentally did a headcount. 22 Playlists. 22. Not including firefight.
I just gotta know how do you accidentally count all the playlists? lol
Because had I know how depressed it would have made me, I wouldn't have done so. I think I meant recently or something. Reach is frying my brain.
This and Tashi Station are both amazing choices. But I'd go with Tashi Station.Therefore: Tashindeiru
Good games Devo et al. Unfortunate that the customs disbanded so quickly.
I'm convinced that the system is incapable of giving us a decent skill match. Three guests and a warrant officer make a pretty poor team.
About 2 hours late man.Hey guys, ready to start customs?? :-D
I still don't get why Kyle was so mad about his last game.
Here let me repost his -10
Aww how cute the lovers are having a spat.
1st game of Anniversary Slayer:
*johnnycakes decided to quit only after going -11
It. Spelled right.Quit tryin' to be me. You can't even spell it right.
It. Spelled right.
meet me somewhere
You guys weren't too bad in matchmaking, had a lot of fun
One boner at a time.Fine. You can be Carl, and I will be Karl. We shall rule the world.
One boner at a time.
Yeah sometime GAF parties are so good that there's just not enough kills to go around.
Except when I'm passenger in the Revenant...amiright Heckfu?!?
LoL its a revenant! I forgot. Last night I'm calling it out I'm like that big pink car is weak!!!
Yea that vehicle can go, hardly memorable at all.
Are you guys playing tonight? Plans fell through so I'm staying in.
That was one of the craziest things I've ever, ever seen in a game.
This guy was riding around with an AR and got multiple killing sprees including a double kill blowing up a warthog.
LoL its a revenant! I forgot. Last night I'm calling it out I'm like that big pink car is weak!!!
Yea that vehicle can go, hardly memorable at all.
LoL its a revenant! I forgot. Last night I'm calling it out I'm like that big pink car is weak!!!
Yea that vehicle can go, hardly memorable at all.
LoL its a revenant! I forgot. Last night I'm calling it out I'm like that big pink car is weak!!!
Yea that vehicle can go, hardly memorable at all.