I had no idea the magnetism was that strong.
Yeah then you scope out of the DMR and it's fucking garbage. Hence fighting ARs being a pain in the ass with one.
I had no idea the magnetism was that strong.
You're talking as if CE didn't have the most balanced weapon sandbox in the game. The good players could utilize every single weapon on the map. And the pistol forced people to actually be proficient at power weps lest they get fucked by the 3sk. Subsequent Halos made certain weapons in the sandbox useless or only viable as part of a dual wield.
The speed at which the shields recharge, especially in pistol games, is gross.
Word on the streets is you can dual wield ARs in H4... And triple wield BRs.How are 2 ARs vs one DMR part of a discussion about balance? I keep seeing people mention it.
I've decided to stop reading HaloGAF and use the chatbox on TwitchTV Halo streams for all of my Halo discussion.
Trey, you're not wrong, but I think you are significantly underestimating the importance of difficulty to use and its relation to potential kill times of weapons.
How are 2 ARs vs one DMR part of a discussion about balance? I keep seeing people mention it.
In my quest for AR kills, I usually drop shields with a DMR, Pistol, or Plasma Pistol first, but now and then I'll use just the AR, and sometimes won't even kill a guy with a single clip, despite following him closely with my reticule. I don't know this mythical weapon you guys are talking about.
Two people with ARs and that magnetism is insta-kill. In a franchise in which people are used to being able to take out two trigger spamming idiots, it's a bummer. Reach implemented a whole bunch of unnecessary shit and lowered the god damn bar when it comes to outwitting players.
The fact that you could implement a quick crouch into your strafe to avoid a 3sk in Halo CE makes it the best Halo ever.
The difficulty curve of the 3SK in CE was *almost entirely dependent on what your opponent did to throw off your aim. That's what made it difficult.
Defensive options (strafe, crouch, jump) were muted throughout the series. To compensate, weapons were weakened, impacting player to player interaction and making it more like beating the minigame faster than your opponent.
*There is still execution required to 3SK. Never argued there wasn't. But it was at a level where it took some skill to use, but didn't guarantee a kill if you mastered it. You had to earn it by beating your opponent, not the game.
Probably has more to do with online play than anything.
The difficulty curve of the 3SK in CE was *almost entirely dependent on what your opponent did to throw off your aim. That's what made it difficult.
Defensive options (strafe, crouch, jump) were muted throughout the series. To compensate, weapons were weakened, impacting player to player interaction and making it more like beating the minigame faster than your opponent.
*There is still execution required to 3SK. Never argued there wasn't. But it was at a level where it took some skill to use, but didn't guarantee a kill if you mastered it. You had to earn it by beating your opponent, not the game.
Two people with DMRs is any different?
Two people with DMRs is any different?
Yes, especially with No Bloom DMR's
not to mention how few bullets the pistol has.The speed at which the shields recharge, especially in pistol games, is gross.
Adding another bullet would break the sandbox bro! WE CAN'T HAVE THAT.not to mention how few bullets the pistol has.
But the mechanics of the game are what made the player to player interaction more skilled. The player movement and inertia mechanics, aim assist and magnetism mechanics are all related to how players fought each other. You can make the DMR a 3 or 4 shot kill, but it takes far less skill to do it in Reach because the game's mechanics don't reward or punish the player as severely as Halo CE's did.
Any game is about beating the opponent, but the rules of the game affect how you play your opponent. I don't see how you can separate the two.
The reason I originally used the CE Magnum as an example though was to illustrate the point that a weapon that is more difficult to reason (through a variety of factors) should have a faster potential kill time than some bullet hose.
Yes, especially with No Bloom DMR's
Two people with ARs and that magnetism is insta-kill. In a franchise in which people are used to being able to take out two trigger spamming idiots, it's a bummer. Reach implemented a whole bunch of unnecessary shit and lowered the god damn bar when it comes to outwitting players.
You mean raised the bar.
Now you can outwit people by picking jetpack, evade, sprint, armor lock and more! You just need to know when to press LB. It's skill and strategy that made Halo Reach deeper than any other Halo game before it.
Shishka in August 2011: Needle Rifle is not appropriate for 85% bloom gametypes.
Reach in February 2012: Needle Rifle can be found in just about every playlist with TU gametypes.
I'd be down, but I like playing with gaf kids too much. Can we all get something nice like CS 1.6 and play that together instead?Nothing is appropriate for anything. Whole game sucks. Scrap the shit. Where's my Halo 4.
::throws rattle on the floor::
Shishka in August 2011: Needle Rifle is not appropriate for 85% bloom gametypes.
Reach in February 2012: Needle Rifle can be found in just about every playlist with TU gametypes.
Shishka was wrong, obviously.
Isn't the needle rifle a pick-up anyway in 99.99% of the playlists anyway? Big whoop.
That's what I've been trying to tell you guys.
Why are you telling us Shishka was wrong about the NR? We already know this. It's fine.
It makes automatic rifles worse which is fine by me.That's what I've been trying to tell you guys.
I've using it in my TU escapades. It's a 6 shot-kill (w/bleedthrough), effectively no bloom, and boy, does it have some wicked auto-aim.
But the TU doesn't unbalance the sandbox, copy.
it's just not fun, that's what it is.The AR is now underpowered as a starting weapon and overpowered as a starting weapon? :lol
Huh, thought I had at least a 1.75 or so with the GL (only 1.67).
I don't consider it a PW in the sense that no one rushes or fights for it like the others. I'd put it on the same level as the needler. It's definitely my trusty companion in FFA on Swordbase though.which I suck with
Looks the most like the Halo 3 AR I think. *Shudder*
The Reach AR looks so much better than the 3 and CE one.
I don't really give a shit about the armor.
Exactly. What's the point in living in a country with a democracy when you'll just hate people who don't vote the same way you will?
Artist or not, Marty can be as 'wrong' or 'right' has he wants to be and you should respect his differing views either way.
Automatic weapons need to stay, they are fine.
If you get killed with an AR, you got killed with an AR, someone used it in a better situation than you could have used your BR in.
Besides close range spamming a single shot gun takes about as much skill as spamming an AR.
AR's are fun, people like them, they add variety.
How come most people don't know the difference between "it's" and"its" ?
How about no. Given the nature of bloom and people who strafe it takes more skill to use a precision weapon upclose than it does using a gun that has this level of bullet magentism.
Who said that?The AR is now underpowered as a starting weapon and overpowered as a starting weapon? :lol
it's just not fun, that's what it is.
How about no. Given the nature of bloom and people who strafe it takes more skill to use a precision weapon upclose than it does using a gun that has this level of bullet magentism.
I got back into Halo 3 last night. No bloom, no nuclear grenades, no jerks camping behind walls with active camo and shotgun, no melee dashes, no jetpacking morons...
What in the hell happened, Reach?
It also significantly bests the DMR.It makes automatic rifles worse which is fine by me.
That's what I've been trying to tell you guys.
Your point?It also significantly bests the DMR.
It also significantly bests the DMR.
We are about to see Franksanity come March 5th.
Oh, it's quite obvious game balance isn't a concern to many here. There are still some who care.But no one cares, that's what you're missing.