The Librarian
But seriously, I, too, would like a tease about the next Forerunner novel.
Not strictly true as we counted te Peimordium excerpt as a January episode.We're actually planning to record a new episode later this week with a couple very special guests. Anything we should talk about?
Not strictly true as we counted te Peimordium excerpt as a January episode.We're actually planning to record a new episode later this week with a couple very special guests. Anything we should talk about?
But Gabotron told me it was fun. So they have really fixed it with more trash.
Everything. Lets meet some of the team.Not strictly true as we counted te Peimordium excerpt as a January episode.We're actually planning to record a new episode later this week with a couple very special guests. Anything we should talk about?
Also very true.If we know who the guests are we could come up with some good, appropriate questions/topics for sure. =)
If we know who the guests are we could come up with some good, appropriate questions for sure. =)
Piggybacking on Zeouterlimits suggestion and co-signing it!Or get some of the design team, Jesse Snyder, Scott Warner, pick their brain about design topics, have them talk about games they enjoyed and why etc.
Yeah, she is also Zoey from L4D.
Should have happened last year if you ask me.So for PAX Prime this year and the HaloGaf meet up, I would like to suggest Frank and David take the few HaloGaf members at PAX on a 343i tour.![]()
"Why does NEOGAF get all the special tours?"So for PAX Prime this year and the HaloGaf meet up, I would like to suggest Frank and David take the few HaloGaf members at PAX on a 343i tour.![]()
Yeah, she is also Zoey from L4D.
So come toPAX East fo lyfe.
West Coast is living in the past man, we're a whole 4 hours ahead. Come to the future, 343.
So come toJapanIreland?
PAX East fo lyfe.
West Coast is living in the past man, we're a whole 4 hours ahead. Come to the future, 343.
Halo 4.
inbe4"HALO 4" stuff.
Situation about Firefight, more development stories about Anniversary or a tease of the 3rd Forerunner book.
For those going to pax prime, I'm jealous, simply because Washington especially the Seattle area are awesome, make sure you hit some of the restaurants down by Pike's place.
I think I'll eventually move back there, such an awesome place to live.
Gamescom dude, we're 5 hours ahead of you and 9 hours ahead of those west coast players.
Not strictly true as we counted te Peimordium excerpt as a January episode.We're actually planning to record a new episode later this week with a couple very special guests. Anything we should talk about?
And leave the best goddamn country of ever?
srsly, pax east has more attendance than prime and you can show H4 gameplay plz
You are that plan.The plan for Firefight updates.
Also, Firefight updates. :-|
.The plan for Firefight updates.
Sorry to self quote, but.Anyway, another noob question, but how does one usually play with HaloGAF?
We tried.
Only me, Sean P, and Devin Olsen showed up.
Hypertrooper tried, but got lost and only found us as we were leaving. Moments later we ran into Tim Dadabo on the street (he recognized us from the day before) so all was not lost.
Next time we'll have to plan a GAF meetup for dinner - The Athenian had an excellent breakfast, but it was too far from the hotels for everyone to get there early enough. (Of course, the HBO breakfast the next day was even earlier but that was much closer to PAX.)
Send a friend request to the someone who plays regularly.Sorry to self quote, but.]
[spoiler]meme faces suck. This was the only thing I could find to defend our pride :( [/spoiler][/QUOTE]
God bless Dutchland.
Tut tut, take initiative, check Game HistorysLike who?
God I fucking suck.
meme faces suck. This was the only thing I could find to defend our pride
You misspelled Deutschland.God bless Dutchland.
The top right pics looks more like it was made in a Belgian frituur. Or do you have cervela's in Holland as well ?
You misspelled Deutschland.
Tut tut, take initiative, check Game Historys.
I'm not going to volunteer anyone, but practivally everyone here is willing to bring someone along. I've largely committed to not playing Reach anymore, don't enjoy it, so I can't help in that sense.
You can leave self-deprecation in the OT. Save your energy for insulting someone who enjoys Halo differently to you :-D
Sorry to self quote, but.
We're going to need to know if you can be certified as a cleanser.
Have you ever cleansed, donged, wiped, waped or blained?Don't know what that means, so probably not.![]()
Even if his country is filled with professional karate experts masquerading as football players.![]()
Have you ever cleansed, donged, wiped, waped or blained?
But what about the rest of Halo 3?Heavies ruined Halo 3 for me. I wasn't crazy about H3 BTB (and multi in general) because of the unbalanced vehicles but I still managed to enjoy myself ever once in a while before they added the game type. I lost all desire to play H3 once they added that to BTB because it came up so often and the games were always lopsided.