The pistol allowed you to at least compete with it in most instances, especially on the larger maps.
I initially thought that it relied on some pretty intricate pathfinding, but on further thinking I realized it would be impossible with Forge maps to implement effectively. Even with teleporting drops, you'd have them warping halfway into dynamic walls on custom maps and stuff like that. I'm guessing that you can place "Random Drops" as traditional Ordnance. And then there'd be an option within saying:
I imagine personal ordnance just clips through the map, or teleports if it can't cast a ray from the sky to the ground.
So you could potentially save ordnance spots like that. I'm just wondering if we can spawn those ridiculous Dominion turrets in any match.
What's up with the space elevator? Are there multiple, or just one and they are in Africa? I love seeing that and I also love the pretty forest scenes.
I guess we'd have to get into semantics over what a 'gameplay skill' is, because players who know where and when everything spawns and time their movements through the map and deliberately control/deny certain areas of it at certain times to maximize their advantage by taking charge of resources that are just as available and predictable for other players is something I consider skillful, even though I don't do it myself in any real way.I agree with this so that definitely weakens my argument on a single game basis, but my point still stands that there is not necessarily any gameplay skill involved in knowing where power weapons are. I still choose randomness over that.
I explicitly mentioned this above. It doesn't matter if it smooths out across infinity (no pun intended) if it fucks with individual games, because individual games have traditionally been the measure of victory and defeat in Halo. Numerous 343 design decisions, though, suggest they are following after the developers of Call of Duty in deciding that enough stats and unlocks laid out in a metagame breadcrumb trail just long enough to sustain players until the next release is sufficient to distract those same players from their actual proficiency at the game they are playing.
Checking my K/D (and XP earned, and armours unlocked, and...) after 100 hours played is not more interesting for me, and never will be, than winning an individual game. And if that game gets settled at 48-49 because some guy rolled a binary rifle on his last drop and got a hopelessly easy double kill to flip the script, that fucks with my understanding of both fairness and fun. It doesn't matter if the Binary Rifle is 'balanced' over the metagame if it ruins the actual games.
I guess we'd have to get into semantics over what a 'gameplay skill' is, because players who know where and when everything spawns and time their movements through the map and deliberately control/deny certain areas of it at certain times to maximize their advantage by taking charge of resources that are just as available and predictable for other players is something I consider skillful, even though I don't do it myself in any real way.
Space elevators are present on just about every planet the UNSC has a presence on, and are used to ferry goods and people to and from the planets' surface. While expensive, they enable a planet to import and export much more efficiently and are thus worth every cent. It has also been stated several times previously that Corbulo Academy is located on a colony world.
I was actually going to compare it to poker, where there are certain unknowns and a hefty dose of luck involved in any given individual hand, but good players are able to push their positive expectation over a career of play to come out as net winners.The one situation where probabilities over time do ameliorate impact in individual games are where the probabilities are known, and strategies can be built around them (card games, dice games).
I agree with this so that definitely weakens my argument on a single game basis, but my point still stands that there is not necessarily any gameplay skill involved in knowing where power weapons are. I still choose randomness over that.
Edit: it is fun to fight over power weapons, but it also bottlenecks the hell out of maps. I think random drops will change up the map dynamic a shitload. So when 343 say its more dynamic now, I wouldn't totally disregard that.
I was actually going to compare it to poker, where there are certain unknowns and a hefty dose of luck involved in any given individual hand, but good players are able to push their positive expectation over a career of play to come out as net winners.
But I don't particularly want Halo to be poker. I don't want to have to check my K/D or W/L ratios a year after launch to get a sense of how I'm doing now that all the luck has evened out. Ideally, I'd like the original unit of 10-15 minute matches to be the measure, as far as is reasonably possible. It's more rewarding in the short term and doesn't require me to adopt a Zenlike calm in the face of repeated cheap deaths in the knowledge I will be doling out cheap deaths of mine over time.
I disagree. Knowing where and when a specific weapon spawns may not in itself take skill, but it allows you to develop and implement strategies around that knowledge which is a skill.
shake appeal and bigshow making sense like usual
Courtesy of Duncan.
We got to preview/review Forward Unto Dawn Episode 2 as well which was cool. I didn't do the review this time though. Here's a link for anyone interested:
I liked the 2nd one a lot, and knowing the ride really starts in the next episode based on what Frank and Stewart Hendler have said, I'm way excited. This will be a definite Blu-ray buy for me unless they really mess it up, but I don't see that happening.
Shaky cam was alright. I watched the Bourne movies recently so maybe I'm conditioned.
The Warthog looks absolutely awesome and I can't wait to see it in some action scenes!
The brief look at the Elite at the end looked promising. Can't wait to see some Covenant!
That beginning...oh god. It makes me so excited for Halo 4.
What's up with the space elevator? Are there multiple, or just one and they are in Africa? I love seeing that and I also love the pretty forest scenes.
Beamish! If you Google "Frank O'Connor Beamish" you will see that Martin Beamish is a character in a book by writer Frank O'Connor. Interesting. Probably just weird coincidence, but still.
I seriously hate when Halo games leak, or any game for that matter.
Watching this Halo 4 leak unfold is really upsetting.
FUD spoiler:Spartan Hand Image from Classified ONI video:
And what's different about Halo 4?
The Custom Loadouts allow you to deal with Rockets/closer-ranged power weapons from a distance and they also help you deal with longer-ranged power weapons up close. So in essence, nothing has changed.. I'm sure you were more complaining about the "random" part of Ordnance Drops, but I had to point out that the power weapons are not "unbalanced" (in that negative sense you're using the term) because they're supposed to be strong by design.
When did you ever go out of your way to pick up a Needler in previous Halo games? Never/Rarely ever. Welp, now you will think twice about passing it up.. I fail to see the problem with this and I'm sure you'd agree.
Ah, really? Cool.I'm pretty sure they said that only the person who calls in the drop can pick it up for the first 5 or 10 seconds after it lands.
Great analogy, and yeah, I totally agree.I was actually going to compare it to poker, where there are certain unknowns and a hefty dose of luck involved in any given individual hand, but good players are able to push their positive expectation over a career of play to come out as net winners.
But I don't particularly want Halo to be poker. I don't want to have to check my K/D or W/L ratios a year after launch to get a sense of how I'm doing now that all the luck has evened out. Ideally, I'd like the original unit of 10-15 minute matches to be the measure, as far as is reasonably possible. It's more rewarding in the short term and doesn't require me to adopt a Zenlike calm in the face of repeated cheap deaths in the knowledge I will be doling out cheap deaths of my own over time.
:lolODST/FUD Spoilers:Frankie is the Superintendent
How are we friends when we have such fundamentally opposing views of this game?shake appeal and bigshow making sense like usual
Halo 4 metagame is gonna be a fuckin' mess. Either you down with the random chaos or you just pray the classic playlists are good.
I disagree. Knowing where and when a specific weapon spawns may not in itself take skill, but it allows you to develop and implement strategies around that knowledge which is a skill. At and above a certain level of play (not even really that advanced), every player will know the maps and where the weapons spawn. How you use that information is where skill comes into it.
*random thought during class*
Have we ever discussed a ranking system that would be persistent, like..
I know in Halo 3 you could go up and down in rank, but im thinking more like a leaderboard, one that could change depending on your skill, but also the players around you
So there are buckets of players still,
but somehow it works differently to group players (my idea is falling apart at this stage)
Im having a difficult time putting this into concise words, but does one of yall get what Im sayin?
fuck idk, it would have to be like set times it would recount, and idk how it would keep track initially
The difference is that the kill times between the utility weapons that everyone has and the kill times of the power weapons is vastly greater than it was in Halo CE. This makes it much more difficult to deal with a power weapon user, even if they are missing one or two shots.
The problem I have with the needler is that it is inherently flawed. It's either going to be overpowered or completely useless due to the fact that the player doesn't really have much control over whether or not the needles actually hit. All they do is aim in the general direction and from there it's up to the game. I'd rather have the needler be completely worthless, because the alternative is an unavoidable death stream that takes absolutely no real skill to use.
It also allows the designers to force action in certain parts of the map, which they can use during map design. Controlling the pacing and location of action is a huge part of why Halo Slayer used to work so well, and is why something like CoD turns into a clusterfuck in Deathmatch Games; you never know where to expect people to be at any given time, and it turns into people camping or just who-sees-who first.
If you don't force players to move or place importance on certain parts of the map at certain times, there's no flow to the game and it's not fun. You can't plan or predict, so you simply camp and then rush the powerup when it spawns.
is that blood?Already on it!
Soon to be the Call of Duty ranking system, too.End explanation of the Starcraft 2 ranking system.
It also allows the designers to force action in certain parts of the map, which they can use during map design. Controlling the pacing and location of action is a huge part of why Halo Slayer used to work so well, and is why something like CoD turns into a clusterfuck in Deathmatch Games; you never know where to expect people to be at any given time, and it turns into people camping or just who-sees-who first.
If you don't force players to move or place importance on certain parts of the map at certain times, there's no flow to the game and it's not fun. You can't plan or predict, so you simply camp and then rush the powerup when it spawns.
Soon to be the Call of Duty ranking system, too.
Soon to be the Call of Duty ranking system, too.
Halo 4 metagame is gonna be a fuckin' mess. Either you down with the random chaos or you just pray the classic playlists are good.
Man, I need news on Halo 4's skill ranking asap. Hopefully the rumors about tomorrow are right.
Man, I need news on Halo 4's skill ranking asap. Hopefully the rumors about tomorrow are right.
I dont know why people keep bringing up how well SC2 ladder system works when Arena is pretty much the same thing.
I think changing up the action hot spots of a map gives it more variety. Not that I don't know what you mean, I just think a lot of people on this thread prefer objectives in their slayer, which is where I differ.
You can still place importance on map control in slayer without placed weapons, but its based on more intuitive things such as having the high ground rather than weapon location.
The Halo 1 Rockets were way more broken in that game with the Pistol then the Halo 4 Rockets will be in this game with the other weapons. That's what I'm saying. You calling the power weapons "unbalanced" in a negative manner is simply false unless you want shitty power weapons like Halo 3's Rocket in a faster paced Halo 4 ;\
Are you saying you want a Starcraft 2 type of ranking and match system? If so I fully agree.
For those unfamiliar SC2 works like this.
You play 5 matches, and based off your performance you are then placed into a league that ranges from Bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, master, and grand master.
Based off your first 5 matches, if you were to win all 5, you cannot be placed past Diamond I believe initially.
You are placed in a ladder of 200 or is it 100 people, and you are basically competiting within that ladder to get to number 1 or close to on your ladder. The more you win, and less you lose, the game will then start to place you against opponents in a league above you. So you are a bronzie, you have won 5 in a row, well here's a silver player, did you beat him? Yes? Okay, maybe you are even worthy to hit up gold, so here's a gold player or two. Can't beat them? Okay, well here's some silvers again.
Based off of those wins/losses and the league you could go bronze to silver, or in certain circumstances go straight to gold or even platinum.
As for masters and grand masters, this is the top of the top. Once you are in masters league you can see your exact win/loss ratio, where as up to then it is kept secret from you to encourage more play. Grand masters is the top 100 in the region you are in. So there's a GM league for North America, Europe, Korea, etc. This is the BEST of the BEST.
At any point if you start to suck it up and lose a LOT without wins, the game will demote you in order to try to maintain your win/loss at 50%. That's how the game is built is so that you are in the league where you are at a 50% win ratio. Once you tip one way or the other it proceeds to place you in the correct league to get you to 50% again. (Of course doesn't apply to Grand Masters since you can be #1 for your region and win forever)
Could this work for Halo ? Absolutely! You can have an individual and team league placement. Plus, the one other thing SC2 is going to add in soon is unranked matchmaking, so that you can still get placed in the right league skill for opponent but it won't effect your win/loss.
End explanation of the Starcraft 2 ranking system.
I don’t know why people keep bringing up how well SC2 ladder system works when Arena is pretty much the same thing.
.what rumors about tomorrow?
"I went to Comic Con and asked the 343 Industry developers and while I didn't get the name of who I asked (I go back tomorrow, so if anything I'll let you know who) said they are putting up a Multi-player video similar to the other Halo 4 informative videos and it will include all the information we want to know about ranked. It'll be coming out Saturday!"
No idea who they talked to, but I wouldn't blow that out of proportion.
The problem is that if someone has the higher ground, why on earth would you ever attack them or go near them? The only logical outcome when you place so much importance on geographic advantage is that one team gets the lead and holds the power position while the other team helplessly throws themselves at it. You need to force teams to leave these power positions and you do that by placing great emphasis on other points of the map.
You can still change up the hotspots of action with static powerups; they don't all need to be on the same respawn timer and they aren't all of equal importance.
Unknown iXi contracted me recently saying that he never got the ONI patch I sent him from the little PAX give away I did awhile ago. I know the poster and cryptum pin made it to the right people ok, but I can't seem to recall anyone commenting on getting their patch. I'm curious, winners, did any of you receive your patch?
Well that's up to smart map design my 343. Good map design should allow for a weakness of any "power" spot. That's why swordbase had such weak design, that one room had no real weak spot.
Thanks for the explanation, I knew nothing of the system other than it was called "ladders"
That sounds great, thats pretty much exactly what I was thinking of
.. I knew it was too good of an idea for me to be the first person to ever think of it lol
Ranked and Unranked matchmaking, fingerscrossedddddddd
does SC2 reset every month and make you start from nothing?
Okay then.
That's good. At least the post office didn't lose the entire batch. Sorry again to unknown and anyone else who may have not gotten their prize.I got mine! Thanks and sorry for not mentioning it.