I guess I'll do a large write up when I get home.
But basically it's this.
MP: Had fun in every game I played
Obviously only gonna talk about MP. Also, montage coming the minute the embargo lifts.
this is all just cross promotion for halo odst 2.
when does the embargo lift?
Damn - how did you get it so early?
Would love to walk into a shop - see the game sitting there and pick a copy up. Would be so good.
That was intense, I hope they have helmet cam footage to put online. Would be amazing to see.
The fuck? God no.November 1st at 3:01am est.
We will never ban someone who purchases copies of the game in good faith. However, the retailers who violate their contractual obligations will be dealt with.
HOWEVER, if you start posting videos and such online, that's a different matter. We're doing our best to protect innocent consumers from unwittingly being spoiled and we have no easy way to determine legitimate from illegitimate copies from an online video.
Do you guys have a problem with people streaming multiplayer? I understand Campaign stuff.
Stratos drop was crazy...
I got chills when it cut to this angle :O so glad he made it back in one piece!
Do you guys have a problem with people streaming multiplayer? I understand Campaign stuff.
Oh probably not, seeing that streaming multiplayer isn't still playing a leaked game or anything.
Oh probably not, seeing that streaming multiplayer isn't still playing a leaked game or anything.
No skill based ranking system. Worst Spoiler Ever.
I appreciate both this and the realities of development in general, but ranking (or the lack thereof) at least appears to be "in flux and in dev" a hell of a lot later than literally any other feature. Meanwhile, other features, some of which were at least initially unpalatable to the "1%" were revealed far earlier, with far more confidence, and far less concern about "flux". In that context, it's hard not to feel -- if you are a member of that diehard constituency who play Halo games come rain or shine for year upon year until the next one is released -- that your fanboy purchase is being taken for granted, and other constituents actively courted ahead of you.
Also, while I will not dispute that it is a small minority of players who are vociferous about having visible ranks, I think the people who you say don't care may not consciously care, may not report caring, but still actually do benefit from ranking, and are moved by ranking, in ways they don't really consider.
Also, the Pareto principle is at work here. The sizeable majority may not "care" about ranks, but the minority that does -- and cares about 'competitiveness' in general -- also tend to be some of your most devoted customers, the kinds who go and make threads on other forums, drive conversations and communities, buy map packs, hype your games, and play them day after day after day, long after the majority has got distracted by newer, shinier things. Attending to that minority -- or at least being more obvious in respecting what they cherish -- has implied value for the franchise far down the line.
The problem isn't that they get to see the sausage being made; it's that the butcher is serving them last, if at all.
Edit: I also appreciate that they are the hardest audience to please, and will happily call you 'cunts' when you fail to, so I can understand why you might throw your hands up and dismiss them. But to do so is probably bad for Halo in the long-term.
It was the price is right horn.Youtube crashed. GG.
It was the price is right horn.
Nice to have a video like this. (saw it earlier)
niiiceSo you were angry at the panel while reading GAF, we are angry at GAF while watching the cut panel.
Seems fair.
Thanks, nice read.NYCC writeup
It's Bungie being passionate about a new project with their A team, things were very far from that for Reach.I don't see how anyone can have hope or faith in an upcoming Bungie game. Reach was what they wanted Halo to be. They released less information than 343 does. They grew increasingly arrogant and condescending with their fanbase. They took the best console FPS of all time and made it increasingly worse. So yeah, I'm not holding out much hope for Bungie's next game. In fact, one of the things that made me most excited about Halo 4 was that it wasn't Bungie at the helm.
Embargo? People have been posting their NYCC multiplayer videos all over the place with no problem.Also, montage coming the minute the embargo lifts.
Dayum, sorry man, someone spilled slurpies and teenager gamer angst all over the place, hard to navigate.Spoiler tag that shit, man!
Does the embargo lifting mean people will be able to stream multiplayer and campaign on Nov. 1? I am curious because I assume stores will likely have the game by then, and franchise owners and managers will probably grab a copy early and play as soon as they get the shipment.
The fuck? God no.
Phew, I though the rest was embargoed.That's the review embargo. It's the earliest any Halo review embargo has ever been (Reach and 3 were both Noon PST the Sunday before release and Halo 2 was something like the day before). I imagine it's also the embargo for any other entities that may want to show off gameplay.
The fact that Spartans aren't casting shadows in forge(?) is freaking me out.
Like noticing the shoes squeaking in a basketball game.
So now we can't even put "better shadows" under the list of Forge improvements.
So now we can't even put "better shadows" under the list of Forge improvements.
I said this to Ghaleon on Twitter, but sources say soon on the BTS. Relax, sweeties.
Forge could look cartoony and like Minecraft for all I care as long as it had a wide variety of visual pallets and played good. If making Forge's art stylistic was what it would take to make it varied I would take it. Still, I don't think things need to be that dramatic.
Not just anyone gets these lips for free.And the people in the other thread say you're boring. A+
I said this to Ghaleon on Twitter, but sources say soon on the BTS. Relax, sweeties.
but sources say soon on the BTS. Relax, sweeties.
but sources say soon on the BTS
but sources say soon
I said this to Ghaleon on Twitter, but sources say soon on the BTS. Relax, sweeties.
Soon is relative. Especially to those with doritos and dew to drink. Poor guys.I said this to Ghaleon on Twitter, but sources say soon on the BTS. Relax, sweeties.