Loved the Hail Mary grenade kill.
Am I seriously the only person on the planet who's never had any trouble with Silverlight (including Netflix, Waypoint, xbox.com,etc) ever? Seriously, it's so much better than the POS that is Flash. Still HTML5 would be the best solution.
Yeah I've never had an issue with it.
vidoc was great
10/10 would watch again
*tries to watch*
Please install Silverlight.
*did that days ago*
Hey Ellis, Waypoint still blows.
EDIT: I can't watch the BTS because it wants me to install Silverlight, and when I try to, SURPRISE, YOU'VE ALREADY INSTALLED SILVERLIGHT ARGO FUCK YOURSELF.
Holy shit, dude. Be a little more tactful with your rage.I can't Ellis, even if I specifically download 32-bit it says I already have the 64-bit installed, ARGO FUCK YOURSELF.
BTS is good, did bother me in parts with talking about accomplishing things in game then show a exp bar. That's me though as a competitive player.
Game cutscenes look unreal, can't believe a 7 year old system can do that.
Can't access the terminals on Waypoint, they're down of course, but I bet they're related.
Can't access the terminals on Waypoint, they're down of course, but I bet they're related.
Wasn't there supposed to be another locked terminal?
Is it available now?!
I haven't had any trouble with Silverlight either.
It's like your a completely different guy, Ninja.Man, that video made me excited for the future of Halo again.
Just imagine what they'll be able to do on the nextbox.
I actually wasn't able to secure one of those shirts
They are really nice though.
vote shirt plsCyren was first, but Tunavi made me laugh more.
Tunavi picks first, then Cyren.
A strange departure from your typical posts.looks like a meteorological symbol for wind direction.
that type of thing
that's about all I remember from the meteorology course I took lol
It's like your a completely different guy, Ninja.
Vidoc was great, loved seeing all the folks that worked on it.
Can't access the terminals on Waypoint, they're down of course, but I bet they're related.
I imagine we will need a few more symbols. I wonder if those symbols are out in the wild or are yet to come?
Cyren was first, but Tunavi made me laugh more.
Tunavi picks first, then Cyren.
Just got a tweet from @Halo4Spoiler I didn't read it, but y'all should (carefully) block that sonuvabitch.
Just got a tweet from @Halo4Spoiler I didn't read it, but y'all should (carefully) block that sonuvabitch.
Isn't there a way to turn off receiving tweets from people you don't know?
So.. on Turf, 3-plot is whats up
So.. on Space Turf, custom Dominion?
Make your twitter account private so you only see replies from people you follow.
This Pit standoff on EGL is the shit for realzies...
Will dominion allow for traditional territories or will we have to wait/hope 343 patches it in?