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Halo |OT12| Last One Out, Get the Lights

willow ve

Make it 5

I think Dominion would be helped by having 4 bases. 3 feels like too few and routinely lands one time in the driver seat for the full match. When the opponent realizes they can't take B back from the winning team they just camp their own base and get shotguns, rail guns, snipers, etc., sent to them to help them defend.

Having 4 bases would force a team to move out and take 3 out of 4. And then defend 3 out of 4. This would allow for the losing team to take back a base one at a time.

And while we're at it I think the scoring should be changed. Instead of scoring points for each base you own, you should only score points for the # of bases you control that are greater than your opponent. IE 2 bases to 2 bases = no score change. 2 bases to 1 base = you only are scoring for one base. This would scale easily with 4 or 5 total bases and still not force the games to end in 2 minutes.


Team mate joined when an enemy player joined? Halo 4.

Ugh I played the first chapter of the latest SpOps episode... felt like I was replaying one of the many Sniper Alley missions. So boring.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I really dont like "Next Kill Wins" but its "Team mate joined" which I think can be more misleading. Would it be that much harder to make the commentary team specific? Opponent joined would be a lot more useful to hear if that's the case.

Yea that's true.

It should be either Teammate Joined or Opponent joined.


The story so far:

There are Covenant on Requiem, they're bad so we gotta kill them.
Here's generic rookie "The eyes and ears of the player/someone we can relate to"
Hey Crimson, push that button
We got a Promethean artifact, eggheads are gonna geek it.
Shit froze my Infinity!
Palmer: I'll kick it!
Great, egghead touched the artifact and is gone now
Token Black Guy spartan stop, don't be headstrong with a shotgun! Goddammit.
Hey Crimson, push that button
Call in old lady egghead, see if she can figure this box of nerd out.
Hey she made the original Spartans you know.
Hey old lady don't touch that
Shut the fuck up, I know what I'm doing
Hey old lady, I wanted to talk you about the original Spartans
Halsey receives an anonymous text message on her iPad 3000
Tell me your story rookie
Well my fam & friends died so I thought I should try to become Batman
Hey Crimson, push that button

Oh and all the Elites sound like Chewbacca ate a garden hose.

But the CG's pretty, I wish I could download it in 1080p.

edit: Granted, I am being harsh. But I'm disappointed with the way it went and I don't believe this is going to get players to "come back" to the game every week. Maybe it does/will but I don't think it will attract its own audience or foster the playerbase.

lol your awesome plywood thats basically all you do though push buttons in game and out..
Well I finally reached my first Spec, the game doesnt explain anything about the spec or in-game effect just some vague info, so I have to use google.


Reviews say it is, but it's mostly due to the SP experience. Very few are massive praising co op and MP for it.

If you are going to get it, and can, do PC version to make the most out of the SP experience.

Haha my laptop can barely run TF2. I've actually been thinking of investing into a good PC. When does it come out?

Conor 419

Whilst Spartan IV's are a symbolic disaster for the series, I'm still holding out hope that the overall story will turn out to be okay.
Set as in what? Rockets, Bi-Ri, Damage Boost? And since when is a winning team playing slowly at the end a problem? The losing team should capitalize and win the next batch of power weapons. All PoD does is promote slippery-slope gameplay aka snowballing. That kind of thing only makes sense in League of Legends, where games would literally last three hours if it wasn't in place.

The most PoD should do is give the player nades, and I'm even iffy about that.

Oh I don't think itd be anything that powerful. Probably the map weapons would be enough for power weapons. Not even sure what you can pick in the custom options...havent checked.


I think I'm just about done with this, so this is my 2 cents on everything. As I've already proven (in this thread!) I'm not fantastic with putting my thoughts together so this may be kind of a mess, but hopefully they'll at least see another voice with these concerns. Short of any significant and substantial changes I'm more or less done with the game unless I get dragged on by somebody.

-Largely lackluster from start to finish, outside of looking pretty. Hold X to push this button, now we're going to mark where the next button is.
-IMO, previous Halo campaigns were often characterized from epic and large levels that gave you at least some freedom of choice; nothing at all like that in this game. Narrow corridors, and you're rarely rolling with Marines or anyone else.
-The soundtrack is fine, but the lack of certain notable Halo tracks is extremely obvious. This is also made worse by the audio mix, which seems to be pretty awful. The only other thing that sticks out at me is how incredibly fucking awful the Warthog sounds. In multiplayer I actually avoid it now because of it, it sounds like an annoying, high-pitched RC car. Baffling.
-The enemy AI is awful, and noticeably worse than previous games. Outside of the pretty consistent and hilarious "Banshee stuck on wall" moments, the AI will frequently stand still as you shoot them or run up to them, etc. On the mission with the Convoy, I was able to consistently break the same large encounter and get like 20 enemies running away from me, and they would all get up on the same cliff wall and just run forever up against it. Which reminds me...
-No Campaign Theater is ass; the best moment I've had in this game in any mode was the ONE time I played with friends and it wasn't laggy, but it was in Campaign so now it's gone forever.
-This is subjective, but I think all three (!?) of the new enemies are fucking awful to fight. Not any fun, no good feedback, etc.
-The story for people who haven't been intimately following fiction outside of the game is confusing, and is largely not explained at all in-game. Even reading up on stuff prior to playing the game, you still have to make some leaps in logic. I've lost track of the number of people in Party Chats myself or someone else has had to explain things to, and looking at the OT on the Gaming-side as well as elsewhere this a very common issue. The defense that the terminals explain a ton of stuff is garbage since they're hidden (albeit not that well), but also they're not even on the goddamn disc. I finally had to youtube them, because I couldn't even get them to load on Waypoint. You don't hide major story beats as hidden things that you then have to view outside of the game, and the fact that those couldn't be ready in time for the game to ship makes me seriously wonder how fucked their production pipeline was. I'm still not even sure I completely understand what happened at the end either with you-know-who, but quite frankly I don't even care now. The only thing that's even remotely interesting is what they wind up doing with Chief, but they've gone about "humanizing" him in such a ham-fisted way that I actually laughed out loud during some points in the ending that were obviously supposed to be poignant.
-I've beaten the game three times now, and absolutely nothing sticks out at me, and I will never play it again. Offering worthwhile Challenges maaaaaybe could have done it, but you don't get regular XP for doing Campaign, just the Challenges which doesn't make it worth it. Which actually doesn't make any sense, since my understanding is that you get XP in Ops because that's "your" Spartan. So not getting XP in-Campaign makes sense if you want to make that canon or whatever, but then why do you get XP for Campaign Challenges?

Spartan Ops
-There is an enormous disparity between the quality of the CG cutscenes and everything else remotely related to it. Also a relatively minor complaint, but no subtitle options for the CG cutscenes, good lucking out for your deaf and HOH customers 343 (unless I'm completely missing it?).
-The writing and characters are amateurish at best. I want every person who speaks in this series to die in a fire. Most of the dialogue is actually embarrassing, I saw better stuff out of my high school drama class.
-Not only are environments re-used (which is fine and expected to a point), but they're re-used repeatedly, often from week-to-week.
-The encounters are largely terrible; with a few notable exceptions, it's just the game dumping a hundred people on top of you, while randomly deciding to tag 15-20 of them as though it wasn't already obvious. I don't need 15 HUD indicators on top of an already super busy HUD, thanks 343.
-I have yet to play a single game of Ops online that isn't a laggy disaster, whether in custom games or matchmaking. Also not allowing players in matchmaking for Ops to vote for the difficulty of the Chapter is stupid.
-Maybe my biggest complaint, but it's completely baffling that game doesn't scale to the number of players. I'm literally forced to play solo since it's unplayable with other people, and it's ridiculous. It also highlights how completely fucking terrible the spawning is in it; sometimes it will spawn you on the other end of the map nowhere near where you were, sometimes it will spawn you in the middle of 20 enemies repeatedly.
-When there's a Challenge active for something in Ops (like killing X number of this enemy) it tends to pop-up the Challenge progress box EVERY SINGLE TIME. Hold on guys, I can't see the 15 people marked for death over this challenge box, gimme a second!

After 4 Episodes I want literally nothing to do with Spartan Ops. I'll finish next weeks' to wrap up achievements, then that's probably it, assuming I even still own the game past that point. Unless the last few Episodes are a completely enormous turnaround in every possible category, they've completely underminded any interest I have in future installments, much less paying for them. This had incredible potential, and instead it's a shitty replacement for Firefight with pretty CG. Outside of the CG this feels like a fan mod, down to the dialogue and encounters. So fucking awful.

War Games
Random Ordinance drops and being able to (usually) instantly respawn with long-range weapons completely breaks most maps. There is no flow anymore; they threw in CoD-esque systems, but didn't balance anything else around that, which is made extremely apparent in Ragnarok. It's lifted from Halo 3, except in Halo 3 you couldn't take the hill and Pelican then hang out the entire match on them because all 8 people on your team have long-range weapons. Every match on that map (at least in Slayer) turns into both Mantis' being cautious on their respective side of the map until one gets destroyed, then the team with the surving Mantis (or the momentum) takes the middle and dongs on the other team behind cover for the duration. I've been on both sides of it plenty of times, and it's just stupid.

Also I'm forced to require a full section to how fucking broken the online is. Literally every single day I have played with friends, at least one, and usually more than one of the following happens:

-JiP into a match less than 10 seconds before the end on the losing team, which they explicitly said would not happen.
-JiP either splits your group onto different teams, or as hilariously has started happening to us, it splits us into different GAMES.
-Matches start uneven; a lot of matches start 4v3, 5v4 etc, except that when it does it will almost never fill in the remaining slot, and being down a person in a lot of playlists (especially objective ones) will often cost you the game. Alternatively, BTB seemingly refuses to start unless it has the full 16 players, so a lot of the time you spend 2+ minutes at 15/16 players waiting to find the last one.
-You lose some or all of your Loadouts for random periods of time.
-You are stuck on the backup servers for extended periods of time.
-You lose all of your Loadouts AND any spent Spartan Points and unlocks, so you're stuck with default in-playlist loadouts because you can't even just re-setup your Loadouts if you've lost them because everything is re-locked but you're not given your points back.

Everyone in our group has an open NAT, and two of my friends went so far as to buy a new fucking router recommended by Microsoft for the 360, and shit's still broken as fuck for them. I will say that outside of the issues above, in the actual game I can count on one hand the number of times I have seen lag, so that's something I guess.

Other Random thoughts/fixes on Multiplayer:
-X on death is gone, removing callouts. This is made worse by most of the maps not having super-defining features to identify locations in the heat of battle.
-Why the fuck does EMPing the Gauss Hog not disable it's ability to fire like it does with the Scorpion, Banshee, or Ghost? Shit's broken yo.
-They need to remove the ability to play a map twice in a row. In BTB Ragnarok gets voted twice, then Exile, then it repeats (or vice versa). Even then Ragnarok and Exile need lower weighting, otherwise most matches will flip-flop between those two maps back and forth. Only being given one chance to vote is good though.
-Why in the fuck do the Gauss Hog, Banshee, and Scorpion exist on Exile in BTB (can't remember about Dominion)? It makes literally no sense.
-Tying armor unlocks to specific Commendations was a baaaad idea. Already seeing people just running around on vehicles not killing people trying to get splatters, or idiot teammates trying to get kills with stupid weapons like the Storm Rifle just to unlock armor pieces. You shouldn't be forcing people to play weapons or modes they don't want to for cosmetic things, it's encouraging bad behavior.
-It's been harped on enough, but Camo: what the fuck were they thinking?
-Along the same lines, the Boltshit is ridiculous in 4v4/5v5. It's a bit more high risk, but it's essentially a shotgun, yet ironically the Shotgun/Scattershot are Ordinance Drops. Hmmmm.
-The UI both in-game and out of it are fucking terrible, and would require such an extensive overhaul to correct that it'll never happen.
-Getting a DNF for backing out of a match BEFORE IT BEGINS is retarded. As far as I can tell you don't get the DNF for voting then backing out; that would still be terrible but almost make sense. But once you've voted you can't back out normally anyway and I've never dashboarded out, but I have a bunch of DNF's. But it could also be broken because Waypoint is just outright missing games I've played, has full matches I've played listed as DNF's, and has some matches listed twice.
-Any sort of trueskill matching they're doing is crap. Most matches in any playlist I play are total blowouts. Just now I played a 4v4 Oddbal match where our team just got utterly and completely fucking destroyed, the other team was a group of 4 guys in a Party chat who all had ridiculous K/Ds and were at or almost at the level cap. Worst I've been donged on in a long time, went like 4/18 or something. We back out after the game, then it puts us right back against the same team who completely dongs on us again, even harder this time. Not only should we never have been matched against them to begin with, why the fuck would it put us with them again when they just completely destroyed us and we backed away from them?

The game is largely souless, and I only find real enjoyment out of filling bars. This game doesn't seem to satisfy traditional fans, but I don't feel it goes far enough in the CoD direction to satisfy that crowd either. They should have either gone all-out CoD crazy with it or not, but they're straddling a line that's not going to work. For filling bar potential it just makes me want to play an actual CoD game, and on the Halo side of things it just makes me want to play Halo 3. It's mindless, and it's sometimes fun, but it's not really special or fulflling in any way and most of the time I am either just frustrated or indifferent. I went something like 36/4 in BTB earlier, didn't notice it until someone pointed it out to me, and I was like "eh." It would be a disappointment under any name, but for being a mainline Halo game it's even moreso.
Is far cry 3 any good? The reviews made it sound awesome, and that map maker... are there magnets and shadows?

Polygon said the multiplayer wasn't even worth bothering with.

Look at that, then we look at Halo 4's Forge.

Whoa, you can make awesome maps for a game with terrible multiplayer!

You have to make sacrifices somewhere. And that's without taking into consideration that the Far Cry 3 map editor is merely an extension of how maps are already built by the developers. They took a development tool and moved it out to the community. Forge was a ground-up playground that has slowly been moving toward a development tool. Apples and oranges.


Forgive me for asking a question that's probably been asked a lot, but - what is going on with the backup server problem? I have a friend that's been stuck on it for a couple of days and can only play matchmaking with other exiles; he can't join our weekly customs lobby, play co-op with me, or even see/show his actual rank. A little Googlin' shows me this has been going on for a while now. Why no fix? Any official comment on the problem?

Sometimes I see a different set of hoppers, and my SR gets set back to 0. Why does that happen?

What you are seeing are "fallback hoppers". When you enter this mode, you will see a UI notification. It shows up on the "Find Game" screen for War Games. In previous Halo titles, you're dependent on the servers to get the information you needed for Matchmaing, and if they go down, you can't play. Fallback hoppers are a new functionality for Halo 4, and they allow people to continue playing Halo 4 when there are server issues.

In order to preserve the integrity of the online experience, there are some limitations to this functionality:
  • Reduced XP earn rate, counted as offline XP
  • Players in the fallback hopper cannot play with those that are using the regular server hoppers
  • Player customization is disabled (no armor, loadouts, emblem)
Since the server isn't actually available in fallback hopper mode, you'll be missing functionality that the server provides. This includes:
  • Spartan Ops
  • File Share
  • Service Record
  • Commendations
  • Challenges
  • Double XP tokens
You will automatically be switched to fallback hoppers if you fail to download a necessary file. You'll remain in fallback hoppers for up to 10 minutes after the services return. When in this mode, it's a good idea to relaunch the game on a regular basis, so you can reenter the regular hoppers as soon as they're available.

Now that we're done with the housekeeping, we'd like to say that we hope your experience with Halo 4 has been nothing short of pleasurable. If that's not the case, definitely let us know here.

I think that's all 343 has said about it. Seems to causing problems for a number of people.


How exactly is this relevant?

You complain about the cheating in a 1-50 system. Assuming that this is your service record, and not some random person's, you changed your gamertag when you bought a 360, sometime between 2006 and 2007. And I've found an anomaly on your Halo 3 service record.

According to your Rank History( http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/rankhistory.aspx?player=oi mack io ), you achieved General rank on June 20th, 2009. I then went and checked your service record to see what game you got your General in, and it was this game in Living Dead.( http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3.aspx?gameid=1193330309&player=oi mack io ) Note: You can tell he earned it in that game, because the next game shows the General logo. Now this means you earned the General via EXP, not the 50, since Living Dead isn't ranked. So that meant I needed to go back and find your most recent game of each ranked playlist. None of them contained a 50 in it. In any form of your defense: I only went back 16 pages before the General game, so it could still be there; And I'm not entirely sure on Halo 3's Rank system (whether it takes your highest achieved rank or your highest rank). I did go back to the very start and only found 2 questionable games(meaning your entire team DNF'd and the score is 0-0) until you reached 46 in Team Slayer.

The relevance: It backs your point better if you have your background to help you(although if the above is true, it might be hurting you).

My counter: You're making it seem like a bigger deal than what it actually was.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Global Ordnance get tweaked? I'm seeing less Needlers and just saw Rockets and Concussion rifle Spawn on Adrift which I have never seen.


I'm just baffled by Palmer.. There must be a long game here, right? I just don't know where they're going with her.

I hope she does die, but from a narrative perspective what would that achieve? No-one is going to be sad for her? No-one is going to wish she was still around. If she were kidnapped I'd genuinely consider never playing again so that I can pretend in my head that he's no longer a part of Halo.

Surely she's not going to gain a respect for science through some sort of revelatory moment in the story where science helps her? Because that would be ridiculous.. science built everything that makes her a Spartan.

My real fear is that people at 343i think she's cool, think that her one liners are funny and that she's going to be a great character for the series moving forwards, because literally everytime she speaks I want to pour hot wax in my ears.
Yea if I had it my way this is how Halo 4 would work

You enter Playlist Selection its seperated by 3 categories.

Warmup: (JiP - Drop In Drop Out)(10Minute Games - No Score Limits)(Rotating Map Playlist):
Team Training
Mercenaries - No Partying but still team games.

So you pick one and are almost instantly thrown into a game of FFA, Team Training, and BTB. Players names are ranked by KillsPerMinutein the game in FFA, Teams with Highest ScorePerMinute are on top to show who is doing better at the moment. Games are statistically ignored and unrecorded, but you can watch and make clips of everything from the moment you entered to the moment you left. All three would have the Personal Ordnance system and Global Ordnance and Instant Respawn

Competitive (No JiP)(1-50 Visual Rank)(Games start and stop as they always have)
Team Slayer - This would use Personal/Global Ordnance. To 500
Pro - No ordnance, traditional weapons on map system. To 500
Doubles - Personal Ordnance, No Global, Weapons on Map. First to 250.

Weekly (SWAT, Snipes, rotating at the moment with others added later)
You covered everything but AA's. What happens with armor abilities and tactical support packages? This is the problem with adding more and more crap to the game. You want to keep the playlists from becoming too many, but then there are too many extras and it's impossible not to have a massive list of playlists to account for all the different options.
You covered everything but AA's. What happens with armor abilities and tactical support packages? This is the problem with adding more and more crap to the game. You want to keep the playlists from becoming too many, but then there are too many extras and it's impossible not to have a massive list of playlists to account for all the different options.

I think I'd do Everything goes in Warmup playlists, Everything in Ranked Slayer, Nothing but Sprint in Pro, Nothing but Sprint in Doubles. Is that even possible by options?

And playlist specific in Weeklys cause those are all weird.
I'm not fantastic with putting my thoughts together so this may be kind of a mess, but hopefully they'll at least see another voice with these concerns.
Not a mess at all. Lots of good points really. And I have been in some games where JIP seems to never fill in that one last slot on a team. Don't know what the deal is there. Also experienced getting split into different games a few times too. Very weird stuff.
I'm just baffled by Palmer.. There must be a long game here, right? I just don't know where they're going with her.

I hope she does die, but from a narrative perspective what would that achieve? No-one is going to be sad for her? No-one is going to wish she was still around. If she were kidnapped I'd genuinely consider never playing again so that I can pretend in my head that he's no longer a part of Halo.

Surely she's not going to gain a respect for science through some sort of revelatory moment in the story where science helps her? Because that would be ridiculous.. science built everything that makes her a Spartan.

My real fear is that people at 343i think she's cool, think that her one liners are funny and that she's going to be a great character for the series moving forwards, because literally everytime she speaks I want to pour hot wax in my ears.

343i took the wrong direction to humanize the Spartans, Palmer is the perfect example of that she blames Science, she hates science, she derp derp derp science, yeah ignoring her aumentations and her armor in the process. they just destroyed the iconic myth of a Spartan into American Football players.


It's why I haven't been jumping up and down about FC3's map creator either.
Too bad Halo 4's multiplayer is ... what it is

Really the only thing bad about FC2's MP was the GOD AWFUL aiming system. I don't know how anyone thought it was a good idea to ship a game with an aim mechanic like that.



If you wanna bitch about Halo canon and get some co-op Legendary Halo 4 missions done, be online at 8PM EST (UTC-5, so about an hour and change from now) and msg FinalPOSTMORTEM. We're doing runthroughs of each campaign mission with an eye towards discussing the fiction, and GAFfers are always welcome.

(Only spamming Halo 4 Spoiler OT and Halo OT, because I love you guys the most.)


Not a mess at all. Lots of good points really. And I have been in some games where JIP seems to never fill in that one last slot on a team. Don't know what the deal is there. Also experienced getting split into different games a few times too. Very weird stuff.

It's weird because BTB refuses to start unless it has 16, it will always hang at 15/16 forever, when that's the ONE playlist where it would make sense and be okay (in theory) to start mismatched teams. On the other hand it should never start 4v4 or 5v5 with mismatched teams, but it happens constantly.

Playing this game just depresses me now.

willow ve

It's weird because BTB refuses to start unless it has 16, it will always hang at 15/16 forever, when that's the ONE playlist where it would make sense and be okay (in theory) to start mismatched teams. On the other hand it should never start 4v4 or 5v5 with mismatched teams, but it happens constantly.

Playing this game just depresses me now.

I love Dominion 5v2 starts. So great to have people JIP to a game where they are in overshield last stand mode as soon as they break out of black screen.


So Halo 4's problems stem from the fact that they had to build the studio and game from the ground up.

But Halo 4's Forge problems stem from the fact that the engine can't handle a proper map editor.

So Halo 4's problems stem from the fact that they had to build the studio and game from the ground up.

But Halo 4's Forge problems stem from the fact that the engine can't handle a proper map editor.

Stop implying that 343 has no excuse for not creating a good game. We all know that MS is nearly bankrupt and 343 had super limited resources.


aka Cabbie
My real fear is that people at 343i think she's cool, think that her one liners are funny and that she's going to be a great character for the series moving forwards.

I'm guessing this is the case for alot of the choices made. "It'll be awesome and cool and insane!"
I'm just baffled by Palmer.. There must be a long game here, right? I just don't know where they're going with her.

I hope she does die, but from a narrative perspective what would that achieve? No-one is going to be sad for her? No-one is going to wish she was still around. If she were kidnapped I'd genuinely consider never playing again so that I can pretend in my head that he's no longer a part of Halo.

Surely she's not going to gain a respect for science through some sort of revelatory moment in the story where science helps her? Because that would be ridiculous.. science built everything that makes her a Spartan.

My real fear is that people at 343i think she's cool, think that her one liners are funny and that she's going to be a great character for the series moving forwards, because literally everytime she speaks I want to pour hot wax in my ears.

I get the feeling the dudebro characterisation is to make her appeal to the type of people who like the military meathead characters in modern military games. :( Spartans are such interesting potential characters and I was really looking forward to seeing them in a Halo game, but from a gameplay and story level I think they where completely underused and in many cases badly written. More diologue between them and Cortana/ Chief would have been interesting.


I love Dominion 5v2 starts. So great to have people JIP to a game where they are in overshield last stand mode as soon as they break out of black screen.

I stopped playing Dominion because the weird framerate issues on it seemed to be getting worse >_>. Ignoring that, it's criminal that's not in BTB, along with any of the other objective stuff.


aka Cabbie
I get the feeling the dudebro characterisation is to make her appeal to the type of people who like the military meathead characters in modern military games. :( Spartans are such interesting potential characters and I was really looking forward to seeing them in a Halo game, but from a gameplay and story level I think they where completely underused and in many cases badly written.

I'm hoping it's just supposed to make for a really obvious contrast, would give more explanation as to why they chose the game's opening cutscene
with Halsey
to talk about the themes that it does
of introversion and such
Looking at the game as a whole, some of the stylistc parts are characterized by a particular... enthusiasm. Which is great for creativity, but as evidenced by some of the more cringeworthy armors and Steitzer callouts it can turn out to be a bit of a childish/dudebro enthusiasm.
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