I'm calling it now. The flavor will be Mountain Dew flavored.
I mean, ultimately, that's where this is all headed.
I'm calling it now. The flavor will be Mountain Dew flavored.
It looks like Halo! Yesssssss
Holy crap, looks great.
Is it an MMOFPS on consoles as well? And is Marty composing?
How will an MMOFPS work...
Also, Destiny Feels Like Halo™ more than Halo 4, haha.
instead of master chief being frozen in that tube thing, I would've had him in a pepsi refrigerator filled with great pepsi products like Mountain Dew
upon waking up, chief busts open the door, turns around, cracks open a Dew, and based on how you move your controller to raise it to his mouth, that's the inverted/noninverted controls check. chief chugs it, grabs cortana, then while running out of the room he finds an old bag of doritos on the floor. he picks it up (holding the logo over the camera), then finds the first covenant enemy on board and punches him to death while holding the doritos bag.
nearing the level's end, cortana asks chief why he killed that covenant with a chip bag, which chief responds by saying, "just do it", except when subtitles are on you'll realize he said "just dew it".
end scene[/QUOTE]
ROFLMAO. Damn it Kyle. I'm still at work. I can't be laughing like a mad man right now.
*keeps saying "Remember Reach" to keep hype in check*
Why is everything a giant ball?
Yup. That leak sounds fucking amazing, but after so many disappointments in the last couple of years with games I want to see it in action before getting too excited. Bungie's concept artists are second to none though, Jesus Christ.
I am excited for Destiny, but cant forget that Bungie made Reach... I personally think a lot of what made Halo fun for me is exactly the stuff Bungie looked at and was disappointed by.
Im sure Destiny will be a good game, but I doubt it will give me the fix I need when it comes to Halo.
Why is everything a giant ball?
Didact in Destiny confirmedOnly joking, calm down
too late.
already on the hype train
Yep, damn. And I wanted to be cautious after Reach.
HaloGAF is swiftly going to become BungieGAF.
HaloGAF is swiftly going to become BungieGAF.
HOLD THE BALL TO EARN POINTSWhy is everything a giant ball?
Destiny is the sequel to the Reclaimer Trilogy.
At the end of Halo 6, Master Chief fails to defeat the Didact and dies.
Over a long period of time, the Didact drives humanity to the brink of extinction. Allows the remnants of humans to live in one city. Watches over them in a giant ball.
Then.. humanity begins to rise back up and claim the mantle. Their... DESTINY.
maybe not
I don't think it will be a traditional MMO. I'm expecting MMO elements in a story based game with some kind of PVP.
I'd like to be a part of JasonJonesGAF. Dude has a brilliant mind that I would love to explore.
Also, new avatar.(If you think you can make it better, I invite you to [picture link])
You complain about the cheating in a 1-50 system. Assuming that this is your service record, and not some random person's, you changed your gamertag when you bought a 360, sometime between 2006 and 2007. And I've found an anomaly on your Halo 3 service record.
According to your Rank History( http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/rankhistory.aspx?player=oi mack io ), you achieved General rank on June 20th, 2009. I then went and checked your service record to see what game you got your General in, and it was this game in Living Dead.( http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3.aspx?gameid=1193330309&player=oi mack io ) Note: You can tell he earned it in that game, because the next game shows the General logo. Now this means you earned the General via EXP, not the 50, since Living Dead isn't ranked. So that meant I needed to go back and find your most recent game of each ranked playlist. None of them contained a 50 in it. In any form of your defense: I only went back 16 pages before the General game, so it could still be there; And I'm not entirely sure on Halo 3's Rank system (whether it takes your highest achieved rank or your highest rank). I did go back to the very start and only found 2 questionable games(meaning your entire team DNF'd and the score is 0-0) until you reached 46 in Team Slayer.
The relevance: It backs your point better if you have your background to help you(although if the above is true, it might be hurting you).
My counter: You're making it seem like a bigger deal than what it actually was.
Living Dead was Ranked once or twice. Lol he's a Living Dead 50.
Marty's music is going to make it one heck of a premiere trailer.
Marty's music is going to make it one heck of a premiere trailer.
He is.Wasn't there a rumor that Paul McCartney was working with Bungie on Destiny?
Marty's music is going to make it one heck of a premiere trailer.