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Halo |OT12| Last One Out, Get the Lights

Whelp, guess I better starting hitting the bottle to deal with how bad MM will become.
I'm wondering if they thought Halo 4's narrative would be so captivating that it'd make people want to go out and buy the books.
Worked on me. I haven't bought any yet, but my interest was definitely at an all time high after finishing the campaign.
I would be OK with one forge map from each of the environments per playlist. It would give a bit more selection, while not getting old aesthetically.

Wait, really?

The ones on haven at least. The straight up ones seem fine. Plasma one went up. lol inconsistencies.


Grenades definitely go up lifts. It's one of the easier ways of dealing with players who sit atop the center structure on Abandon.


Destiny looks to be everything I could have dreamed of. It's as if Bungie dug around in my brain for the game that I would love the most.


Nothing like getting in a firefight and losing, to see the kill cam show your team mate swinging melee 5 times and missing. Shoot muthafucka!
nothing like winning a firefight then having your victim instantly respawn and AR you down before your shields are back up.


Re: Reach multiplayer is better.
Reach multiplayer was more infuriating that anything I have witnessed in Halo 4. Sure there are things about Halo 4 multiplayer that are really annoying, such as Camo, Boltshot, AR range and more but even then I really don’t see why people are now being nostalgic about Reach. Reach wasn’t a good game and even after the must needed Title Updates it still wasn’t. It was a decent game, with more bad concepts then good. There was far more randomness in Reach then Halo 4 which cheated you out of kills and promoted (at least in matchmaking) bad behavior from players.

Let me break it down. Armor Lock cheated me out of kills or caused random deaths that were unjustified. Even if I outgunned somebody, the person could go into Armor Lock to regain time, health and if he got lucky coming out of Armor Lock could drain half my shields. Then there were other factors, his buddies could just finish me off with ease because of time created by Armor Lock or bouncing grenades from my own team members or enemy could kill me (more about friendly fire later). Yes, I know some playlists didn’t have it and I could avoid it whenever I wanted, but for a while there I could not and to avoid major playlists just annoyed me to death.

Jetpack, jetpack and jetpack. What hasn’t been already said about this? Something just did not factor in the hit detection, no matter how many shots you took. Most of the times, I was just left head scratching at how a jet packer even won the battle. I usually had more luck when they landed or when multiple people were shooting at the jet packer. People found out that the hit detection was off if you used the Jetpack and this resulted in teams of people using them. Fun.

Team members killing me for the sniper or power weapons, sometimes in the heat of moment when it could have saved us both but the jackass had to have it or killing me the moment they find out I had a sniper or Rocket Launcher. I’ve seen my share of people also just respawning and killing people for power weapons over and over again. Yes, a lot of games have jackasses who ruin it for everybody but my god did Reach have more than usual. No regard for anybody. What made it worse was the booting system, get killed ten times by some jackass on your team but accidentally kill them then you are booted. Seriously? The douchebag that has no regard for anybody gets to boot me? Then I get banned for 15 minutes, really? REALLY?

Speaking of teammates. Reach was quit city and guests galore. People quitting was a huge problem and factored in the game being crappy. It was fun maybe to be on the other side, getting to dong people and get easy kills but it destroyed any sense of “fun” competitiveness. I felt bad for some of the people that stayed behind after their whole team just abandoned them, I even just went running around the map avoiding the people that were still left. Who cares, right? The problem is that quitting was not really punished, a 15 minute ban is nothing, people just quit for the smallest thing; which forced other people to quit too. Even if there was chance to win, people still left. Time where I was forced to just quit is staggering, I felt frustrated that I even had to do it. I can only remember a handful of times where I overcame the odds. That is just bad.

Guests galore all up in that motha. Seriously, like every match at least had them. Now add that up with the quitting problem I described above, yeah that made it even worse. Outside of that, they were usually not the most skilled players. More the type that just wanted to try the game out and often at the expense of match. Just trying to pull your weight in such matches was just infuriating. I guess some of the blame also stems from the fact that connection took precedence over Trueskill in Reach. If you didn’t run with a crew, you where bucked by the sea of guests.

Grenades were the most inconsistent thing ever, my grenades are like firecrackers but everybody else has nukes with unbelievable range. I still don’t get why this even was a factor. Just utterly bizarre seeing somebody throw a grenade in the most random section that wasn’t even anywhere near me and then take my shield down. Yep, dead in one second. I throw it right in their face, nothing happens it just bounces off like nothing. Great, that feels really satisfying. I had this problem up in till the time I stopped playing Reach, inconsistent, cheap and annoying. Yes, there were matches where they worked fine but it was far and between that it happened. Sprint plus Sword was inconsistent for me too, everything I did barely registered but everybody else could lunge kill me from the most bizarre ranges. Same with the Shotgun, ugh (Remember people crouching with the shotgun and having camo on? Guess 343 never picked up on it).

Map selection was terrible out of the box. The only two great maps were Zealot and Countdown (No, Powerhouse is not a good map. You know how I feel about that map, HaloGAF). The rest was the decent to terrible. Map packs? Decent maps but 343 terrible integration means I didn’t get to play any of them enough, thanks by the way guys. Even with all the updates, they barely even showed up in matchmaking. New Forge maps? Some where decent, but most were mediocre. Did I say I saw a lot of grey? Bleh, that joke has been run into the ground so that needs no explanation.

One of the things Reach did right was weapons, the DMR and Grenade Launcher are wonderful things. Outside of the actual gameplay, the UI was impeccable and community driven support (such as options, Firefight and Forge) was utterly fantastic. Bungie gave every possible option, from the smallest to the biggest. One thing 343 can learn from, Bungie gave everything even if it might seem insignificant at first sight. For me however outside of that part, the gameplay just wasn’t right. Too much randomness and cheapness that killed any enjoyment I had in the game.

You could argue that a lot of the points I bring up are or could rise in Halo 4, but even then I would not even give Reach a faint praise. I never feel like I am being cheated out of kills with Halo 4, a feeling I constantly had with Reach. This might sound really controversial, but I feel more in control in 4. Which makes me really like the game more. I will say that Reach is the most feature rich Halo thus far, but the actual gameplay for me personally has been always broken. Gameplay, that is what counts for me. I can get behind being mad that features getting cut, but to go back to Reach for that? Just no. Going back to the older mainline Halo’s? I really have no complaints about that, they were perfect even with their imperfections. Far better then Halo 4.

With all that said and done, Reach will always have a place in my heart. Even if I am being overly harsh and treating it like an unwanted child. There were times where it just clicked and I loved it, but not enough of that happened to really see it as “well it was just the times”. It was just a failure, an interesting failure but still a failure.

TL;DR People are crazy for going back to Reach or listen to Nasty.
Why do people care what some ex-bungie employee thinks about the game. Halo obviously has not went in the direction bungie wanted it to but its when it a direction the majority of fans are happy with.

As a Halo Fan since CE, I love Halo 4.

Some don't and that is fine but bringing the previous EU stuff to the forefront was a good move for the series.


anyone have online numbers for previous halos compared to 4? let's see if 4 is what fans have been waiting for all this time.

I'm kind of having fun with the mp but it doesn't take a genius to see their main focus is the cod fan, not the longtime halo fans


Why do people care what some ex-bungie employee thinks about the game. Halo obviously has not went in the direction bungie wanted it to but its when it a direction the majority of fans are happy with.


Weren't Bungie unhappy with Halo Wars too? I remember reading something that said they considered it to the 'whoring of their franchise'. Hate to think what the general consensus is on Halo 4.


I would argue that Halo 4 is more closer to Halo 3. Reach was the more tactical built game, which was slower paced and less arcady. There is no doubt that everything around Halo 4 is COD inspired, from the progression system to the perk system.

Weren't Bungie unhappy with Halo Wars too? I remember reading something that said they considered it to the 'whoring of their franchise'. Hate to think what the general consensus is on Halo 4.

I respect Bungie as a developer and wish them success in the future but I care what they (and the ex-staff) think of Halo 4 as much as i care what Cliffy B thinks of the studio. Its nice to see another Devs opinion but the posted above twitter comments come off with a tone of "Look how they damaged OUR franchise"

I dunno comes off as petty


I respect Bungie as a developer and wish them success in the future but I care what they (and the ex-staff) think of Halo 4 as much as i care what Cliffy B thinks of the studio. Its nice to see another Devs opinion but the posted above twitter comments come off with a tone of "Look how they damaged OUR franchise"

I dunno comes off as petty

Yup, being disappointed with the direction of something you put 10+ years into is totally petty.

They are allowed to have opinions.
I really love the sound of Destiny. I've been thinking about a game with a similar scenario and I think Bungie could be the right studio to bring this idea to life. Can't wait till we see more of it.


Yup, being disappointed with the direction of something you put 10+ years into is totally petty.

They are allowed to have opinions.

He's one to talk about competent storytelling though if he was involved in Halo 3. Halo 4's narrative is a mess... and yet still better than Halo 3's.


there was a dude running around with the AR in flood before. what's up with that? I think I infected them too, but they spawn as human again.
So can somebody explain to me why that one large hill on Complex was a bad thing and needed to be changed? Thought it was cool like that considering how wide open that area is.. Now it's just a little circle in the middle of an open field ;[

All I know is the hills on Complex are complete deathtraps compared to some of the other maps because of the DMR.

TL;DR People are crazy for going back to Reach or listen to Nasty.

Excellent writeup, captures my feeling on the current situation really well.


He's one to talk about competent storytelling though if he was involved in Halo 3. Halo 4's narrative is a mess... and yet still better than Halo 3's.
So true. I felt the story was more engaging in Halo 4, especially if you just focus on Chief and Cortana. I was never interested in the story in 3. Halo 4 does have an issue with telling the story. There's a ton of history in it. The terminals should have been played out in the game not in waypoint.


We should see some pics of the new maps in this week's bulletin, shouldn't we? They come out on the 10th, so I hope we do.

and then hopefully people will stop choosing Complex when they're released... Grrr.
Alright people, anyone still need that achievement where you save marines on the Spartan Ops mission? I would kinda like to get that this weekend so I can 100% this game come Monday.

Also, did anyone unlock the achievement for completing 20 challenges?

And no, I didn't rebuy the game, it's my roommate's copy.


I hope two out of the three maps in the first expansion are slayer sized, especially as there's no concrete plan to fold any Forge maps into the rotation before 2013. Quite ridiculous, really. Adding to the game feeling like a beta, Slayer Pro is literally a rotation of Haven, Adrift, and Solace, with Haven appearing 80% of the time.
Alright people, anyone still need that achievement where you save marines on the Spartan Ops mission? I would kinda like to get that this weekend so I can 100% this game come Monday.

Also, did anyone unlock the achievement for completing 20 challenges?

Got both. 3 left, all requiring Episode 5. You talking about "Pelican Down"? If so that was really easy, just kill quickly, and don't run from one area to another before you kill all the covies.

I hope two out of the three maps in the first expansion are slayer sized, especially as there's no concrete plan to fold any Forge maps into the rotation before 2013. Quite ridiculous, really. Adding to the game feeling like a beta, Slayer Pro is literally a rotation of Haven, Adrift, and Solace, with Haven appearing 80% of the time.

Better than Sword Base, Countdown and Boardwalk, with Sword Base 80% of the time.


Alright people, anyone still need that achievement where you save marines on the Spartan Ops mission? I would kinda like to get that this weekend so I can 100% this game come Monday.

Also, did anyone unlock the achievement for completing 20 challenges?

I got the Spartan Ops one because the Marine glitched into the wall. By memory, that level in particular is pretty buggy.

and yeah I did. Heard some have had trouble with it though


2 missions left of this week's SpOps. I must say that mission 3 was a pain in the ass
Constantly spawning between enemies is not fun
. Also, why don't they make enemies to escalate depending on how many people are you playing with? Because I played every mission by my own and I hate to see that every single mission is only designed to do it in coop. Any way, despite it's flaws, I'm having fun with it.
I hope two out of the three maps in the first expansion are slayer sized, especially as there's no concrete plan to fold any Forge maps into the rotation before 2013. Quite ridiculous, really. Adding to the game feeling like a beta, Slayer Pro is literally a rotation of Haven, Adrift, and Solace, with Haven appearing 80% of the time.
Hopefully a haven/midship type map, a symmetric pit/sanctuary type map and an asymmetric lockout/guardian style map
Hopefully a haven/midship type map, a symmetric pit/sanctuary type map and an asymmetric lockout/guardian style map
Originally, I was one pushing for smaller maps for Halo 4, but because of instant respawns and sprint, I don't think I want something quite as small as lockout and guardian. But I do want some more good 4v4, maybe 5v5 maps.


Answering this too late, but just want to make this clear.

He was there...

He was aboard the Pillar of Autumn, but we didn't see him. The Spartan in the hangar was Linda. It wouldn't make sense, that it was Chief, because minutes later, he wakes up in his cryo-tube. Also, there is an easter-egg, which shows the status of Linda's cryo-tube.


Halo: First Strike spoiler
When Master Chief asks Sergeant Johnson, what's in the cryo tube, he answers "Linda".
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