Remember when Halo was good?
Nostalgia glasses bro.
H2 Campaign was garb. SMG starts were garb. BRs only, Spartans only, Precision weapons only, Lockout only is boring.
Remember when Halo was good?
Nostalgia glasses bro.
H2 Campaign was garb. SMG starts were garb. BRs only, Spartans only, Precision weapons only, Lockout only is boring.
Nostalgia glasses bro.
H2 Campaign was garb. SMG starts were garb. BRs only, Spartans only, Precision weapons only, Lockout only is boring.
Not nostalgia. I had more fun with those games than I have had with Reach/Halo4.
Dat story. Dem locations. Dose characters. Dat MP. <3 H2
No, slow it down. This isn't difficult, 343. Just make it a little slower.Make the DMR more shots to kill, or decrease its range.
Huh where is Halo 4 and Halo 3: ODST, Barlow?Remember when Halo was good?
Anyone wanna play some Halo 3 or Reach? For old times sake? With your ol' buddy kittens?
You are going to kill me, but I played BF3 with a friend, today. Things are getting serious, when somebody, which was from the beginning a Halo fan, switches to BF3 again, because he wants to have fun.
I hope you will return, when the Xbox 720 comes out, though. I understand that you are selling your Xbox. It's just a huge slap in the face for old school Halo fans.
I just don't have fun anymore. I'm playing less and less Halo 4 and I'm rage-quitting in Halo and you don't see me much rage-quitting, normally.
No, slow it down. This isn't difficult, 343. Just make it a little slower.
Anyone wanna play some Halo 3 or Reach? For old times sake? With your ol' buddy kittens?
This sounds like the best solution. Small change that could make a world of difference while still maintaining the weapon's potency at range.No, slow it down. This isn't difficult, 343. Just make it a little slower.
Could very well be nostalgia. We've been over this countless times. What you experience in the past, especially as a younger person will always hold a special place to you, even when you go back and revisit it.
Nah. I had a lot of fun with other games as a kid that I cannot go back to now. I can still go back to Halo 1-3 and have fun.
Fun density used to be higher. Now the funs are being spread too thin.Not all funs are created equal.
Fun density used to be higher. Now the funs are being spread too thin.
Deadly Cyclone's Exceptional List of Things Wrong with Halo 4
(Read in Morgan Freeman's voice)
Ammo disappeared after Halo 2 (although they did have the Rocket ammo in Reach and Halo 3 campaign). My issue with this part primarily is, you want more DMR ammo (I hope you're using a DMR) while sitting at the strongest position of the map? The map has issues as it is, this would make it worse for any balance it has left.Finally, WHERE IS THE AMMO ON THE MAP. I HATE running out of ammo on Ragnarock. An ammo box here and there won't change the gameplay that much.
Halo 2's Prophet of Truth and the Arbiter were so well done. Voice acting alone carried them to such big heights. What they did to them after is just awful, though.Dat story. Dem locations. Dose characters. Dat MP. <3 H2
It truly is amazing how bad this game is. No one at 343 saw the problem with randomized rewards for players? So when a match is coming down to the wire, one team receives a Needler while the other gets a Binary Rifle or Incineration Cannon. Needless to say, the match isn't close for much longer.
343, your game is bad and you should feel bad.
I looked it up and the sources I found said the game is still good, not bad. It did note, however, it needed some tweaks and fixes.It truly is amazing how bad this game is. No one at 343 saw the problem with randomized rewards for players? So when a match is coming down to the wire, one team receives a Needler while the other gets a Binary Rifle or Incineration Cannon. Needless to say, the match isn't close for much longer.
343, your game is bad and you should feel bad.
Do it for all the weapons, if you're gonna do it.Less auto aim maybe too?
Wouldn't be worth equipping it unless you got a nigh endless supply for your loadout weapon.-Make the Ammo perk only apply to starting weapons.
Do it for all the weapons, if you're gonna do it.
Here's some quick and dirty weapon fixes off the top of my head:
-Make the Ammo perk only apply to starting weapons.
-Slow DMR down a hair, making it still a powerful weapon at range (albeit with a wider window for others to retaliate to being mini-sniped) but allowing the other starting weapons the upper hand at the ranges they should have it.
-Tone down the AR damage a (tiny) amount.
-Make the Needler track less efficiently when the target is moving directly perpendicular to the stream.
-Give the Scattershot a slightly longer range and improve its scatter ability to give it an actual role that isn't eclipsed by all other weapon in its category.
-Have a charged Boltshot blast empty the clip (which will, among other things, fix the instacooldown glitch).
-Slow the Spartan Laser charge even further.
-Make the blast radius on the rocket launcher much, much smaller; slow it down; or both.
-Require a (long, slow) reload after every single Binary Rifle round (even this may not be enough: shit is jokes).
-Delete the Incineration Cannon: shit is jokes.
-Delete the Fuel Rod Cannon while you're at it: it's utterly redundant.
-Delete Pulse grenades and replace them with a Promethean version of Spike grenades.
-Replace the Sticky Detonator with the Reach Grenade Launcher.
Scattershot needs a buff for sure. Or at least a tweak. It's about as consistent as the Halo 2 shotgun online.
-long post-
Not nostalgia. I had more fun with those games than I have had with Reach/Halo4.
damn dudeDid you play in partys? We didn't even play together.
Hope you will return, maybe a TU or the new maps will help. Right now I don't even care anymore for anything in the game and just try to do fun stuff lol.
Snipers was my favorite playlist.
No, it's fine.
Feels good to kill a guy standing in front of a wall because the shot goes through him and bounces off the wall for the kill.
If anything needs a buff it's the non-DMR rifles.
Yea that's cool but not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how sometimes it can kill in one shot and then another time from the same distance it takes 3 shots. I just want to know what I'm fucking getting when I get that gun. Buff it, nerf it whatever. Just make it consistent.
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I play mostly in a party, but I wasn't today. I will be still playing, but not that often and only in a party, I think.
I actually joined you, but you were just sitting in the lobby so I decided to kill time in Forge and Campaign. Afterwards you went off and I went to play BF3.
I definitely agree with this. Compared to the human shotgun I have no incentive to rush this at match start or to select from personal ordnance.Scattershot needs a buff for sure. Or at least a tweak. It's about as consistent as the Halo 2 shotgun online.
I've never had that problem. If they're at a distance where it takes multiple shots, isn't that why (I think) it has a faster rate of fire than the shotgun? Just mash that right trigger![]()
Oh sorryI was probably going for dinner or just watching tv. Next time we should play for sure !
But I get want you mean, most games simply lack fun and the feeling I got playing the older games.
Great post. The only thing I strongly disagree with you on is jetpacks.
I've lobbied Bungie to include jetpacks in Halo games since the Halo 2 days. I feel like they just belong in that universe, gameplay-wise and story-wise. I would be devastated if they were removed for future installments.
If it always took multiple shots from that distance I would be fine with it. That makes sense. And that was just an example. I can make a whole montage displaying the inconsistencies.
No offense man, but your habitually hanging from the sack slurpin' that D. Either you're trying way too hard to get a job with 343 or your opinion is a HARD outlier. I love Halo 4, you but you take this shit to ridiculous levels.
Back the fuck off their crotch man and get some perspective! You don't have to love everything about it (nor should you). The fact you haven't found a single legitimate fault with the game and feel the need to white knight every complaint is really, really telling.
I can't believe, what I'm reading here. Jetpack is awful and you should feel bad for thinking it belongs in Halo.
I'm sure, some people here, feel the same way. We saw, what the Jetpack did in Halo Reach and this should never repeat. Should have been a double jump since the beginning.
This so much. The nostalgia argument is dumb and I hate it when people pull it out for lack of anything better to say. Good games dont stop being fun simply because they're old.Nah. I had a lot of fun with other games as a kid that I cannot go back to now. I can still go back to Halo 1-3 and have fun.
- Cella: Slayer, Oddball, KOTH
- Lotus: Lotus Flag
- Simplex: Slayer, 5 Flag
- Haven: Slayer, Oddball, KOTH
- Abandon: Salyer, Oddball KOTH
- Adrift: 5 Flag, KOTH
- Station9: Extraction, KOTH
- Solace: 3 Flag
- Lockout: Slayer, Oddball
Download the settings at: DLESEL
I need a cigarette after reading this
I think the same thing about people who say Spartan Ops is just "Firefight with story attached." With infinite lives and a solid end-point to each mission, it's missing two very important elements of the Firefight experience. And the complete lack of customization options makes the comparison flimsy, too. It plays more like bite sized campaign missions. How anyone can not see it as such baffles me.I can't help but think you're intentionally being absurd/block headed about this.
I'll add you again, hah.Ill play Halo 3 with you anytime!
Yeah, I was going to sell my Xbox to my housemate, so I deleted everyone. He's not sure if he really wants it, though, and so I'm taking more time to consider the decision, and playing a little Halo in the mean time. I just wish I had another game to get into, aside from Halo... Nothing else scratches that competitive itch. I like Halo 3 when the netcode isn't shit, at least.I would, but you removed me and stuff :'(
Prior to release didn't you endlessly defend like half those issues when "Team Downer" pointed them out? Lol
Less auto aim maybe too?
Very well good sir. Long post here, sorry. This is just off the top of my head.
Deadly Cyclone's Exceptional List of Things Wrong with Halo 4
(Read in Morgan Freeman's voice)
* Story issues - Within the story 343 missed a huge opportunity to explain the Didact at all, and hid a lot of useful information in terminals. People that aren't huge Halo lore fans have no idea who him or other big characters are in this game, and will be very confused at the difference between Prometheans and Forerunners, and how humans were around when the Forerunners existed at all. Not to mention the whole "humans were space-faring but got knocked back into the stone age after the Human-Forerunner war" thing or the "humans beat the flood once a long time ago" thing.
* Gameplay issues - While I like the concept of the Prometheans, and how they look, they just aren't that fun to fight (with the exception of the crawlers. The watchers do the exact same thing every time you shoot them (start flying in one random direction) and the Knights basically just hop back and forth until you headshot them for the 30th time. Overall (as Dax had mentioned) the encounters just weren't quite as good as say, Halo 3. By the end I had each enemy down to a science. Headshot Grunt and Crawler. Shoot Watcher first. Headshot Knight until shield pop, then finish off. PP or Needler on the Elites. etc. I'd go deeper in depth here but it would include spoilers, so I'll hold off. Let's just say I wanted a few more huge set pieces ala boarding the Scarab in Halo 3.
*Oddities - Where do drop pods come from? Where do these "outlier" Covenant ships keep coming from en mass? What do the other Covenant think, and how have they not found Requiem? We should see Covenant fighting Covenant fighting Prometheans fighting Humans.
* Guns - The DMR is overpowered. I want to use the Light Rifle, or Carbine, or the BR, but can't because I generally get donged on by a DMR across the map. Hell, the BR was my favorite weapon in Halo 3, and I almost never pick it up in Halo 4 because I'll die on any larger map. Make the DMR more shots to kill, or decrease its range.
Secondly, the Promethean weapons are too close to the human ones. I love the way they look, and am fine with having a base set of similar weapons to balance off of, but with the Covenant Bungie was able to give us a few similar weapons, and then some crazy stuff we'd never seen before (Needler, etc.) In Halo 5 I hope to see a full Forerunner slate of weapons, with some highly original offerings. Also nerf the Promethean Pistol.
Finally, WHERE IS THE AMMO ON THE MAP. I HATE running out of ammo on Ragnarock. An ammo box here and there won't change the gameplay that much.
*Unlock System - I am for an unlock system, but the more I play the less I want guns or perks to be part of it. Keep the unlock system for aesthetic purposes only. Add more armor, more gun skins, etc. but keep gameplay affecting items out of unlocks.
Secondly, make more levels and bring back the fun Halo-themed levels. I like the idea behind Specializations, but I loved the Bungie levels with special symbols, and overall how long it took to get there.
*Maps - I love BTB, let's just get that out there, but we need more small maps. The other day I was playing and realized that Halo 4 feels like Halo 4: BTB edition. Haven is one of my favorite maps, and that's because I think it feels closest to that Lockout or Ivory Tower feel of close chaos. We can keep sprinting in, just make some smaller maps. All of the maps 343 made feel great (except Complex, fuck that map) but they all feel like I'm playing BTB despite the mode I'm in.
*Visual Rank - Bring it back. 1-50. On the screen. Enough said.
*Drops - I like the idea of ordinance drops in Infinity gametypes. I no longer like the global ordinance. Bring back static on-map weapons with timed spawns. I want to know the sniper will be in this specific place on Exile, etc.
*Join in Progress - It's fine for the most part, but there needs to be an option to get a brand new game and not get put into in progress games. If a game is more than 3/4 over it just shouldn't put you in it.
*AAs/Perks - Get rid of Jetpack and Promethean Vision completely. Invis is fine with me still. As for perks, they don't rub me wrong yet because they don't seem to do much. I would say if flinch bothers people that much just get rid of it, don't lock it behind a perk. I tend to feel better with perks like "more grenades" or "more ammo" and less ok with perks like "fast reload" and "bigger explosions" though.
*UI - Get rid of it all. The only UI I like is the start menu box that you can get to everything from (spartan, challenges, game settings, etc.). The lobbies look bad and I hate that once I vote it pops up all the player cards. You should be able to see the map/gametype and votes all the time. The UI needs revamped for Halo 5 outside of the start menu thing.
*Lag - What the hell? Why does it lag so much?
*Vehicles - Why so few? Where are the Forerunner vehicles? Promethean warriors can teleport, can all Forerunners? If not, where's the Forerunner tank, or chopper?
*Bring back FFA and add objectives to BTB.
* Theater - Really needs to be taken to the next level. Needs campaign theater back, and add features like output to Youtube. Montage maker. Save screenshot to dashboard for personal themes. Ability to watch live matches (watch an MLG tourney on Halo 4 live, etc). There is SO MUCH you can do with theater that did not get done.
*Spartan Ops - Went over this already. I like it, but I don't love it. I want it to be the means by which 343 can let us experience things we'd never get full games on. ODST missions. Spartan 2 training missions. John's first insurrectionist mission. Onyx missions. Etc, etc. Also for the love of Jesus figure out how to make Spartan Ops without input lag. It's better than Reach, but I still get it.
*Firefight - Bring it back. Limit it to Spartan Ops maps if you have to.
*Forge - Needs the same "next level" as Theater. It won't ever be a map editor like some games have, but we should be able to have more colors, more control, and more land formations. I'm not a huge forger so I'll miss a lot here.
So, this is all I have right now. I have more, but I can't think of it off the top of my head.