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Halo |OT12| Last One Out, Get the Lights


They should be paying attention though. They need to sit down and reevaluate every aspect of their company before they begin another Halo project.

I agree. Between here, the Waypoint forums, and a dozen other mediums, 343i would have to blatantly try to not pay attention.

The only concern I have is that 343i is indeed paying attention, and you can bet your ass Frankie and David are monitoring this thread, however they're not doing anything with their feedback. I fear it's a case of "Here's all the feedback we have, and there's quite a lot of criticism from the community. However, we are standing by what we implemented in the game initially, instead of making these changes the community hopes for."

For instance, Team SWAT? That's cool, but what about everything else? The weekly matchmaking updates are great, however they're too small of steps. At this rate we'll see everything corrected by Halo 5. Halo 4 needs a title update, and it would be perfect to coincide the map pack in December.
Spartan Ops rant

Don't worry. He's said he's not a level designer.

That said, unless he's a CG artist, it's still a mediocre effort/execution at the best. 1 good-ish mission in the first few weeks does not a purposeful mode make. Encounters, enemy dynamics (gameplay), variety, purpose, THE WRITING AND DIALOGUE (WTF), everything - lacking big time on quality.

"Yo dawg, give 'em a chance! By 2nd season SpOps is gunna be sick!" - fuck that. Either do it well or don't do it at all. That's the standard that most good employees go by. As it stands, CG aside, it's crap.

No offense man, but your habitually hanging from the sack slurpin' that D. Either you're trying way too hard to get a job with 343 or your opinion is a HARD outlier. I love Halo 4, you but you take this shit to ridiculous levels.

Back the fuck off their crotch man and get some perspective! You don't have to love everything about it (nor should you). The fact you haven't found a single legitimate fault with the game and feel the need to white knight every complaint is really, really telling.

Thank you for your service?

Great post. The only thing I strongly disagree with you on is jetpacks.

I've lobbied Bungie to include jetpacks in Halo games since the Halo 2 days. I feel like they just belong in that universe, gameplay-wise and story-wise. I would be devastated if they were removed for future installments.

Hey. Stop. What are you doing? Stop.

Seriously, don't let mastrbiggy see this post. His actions might be unpredictably violent and we can't be held responsible for your safety. And you'd deserve what you got.


Do you know what we do at specific intervals, as well as after, *every* project/mission/test at the place where I work? We sit the hell down, talk about what is going right on our end (in this analogy, equate to development, art production, audio production), what is going wrong (scheduling issues, bugs, restraints) and how to increase the former and get rid of the latter. At the same time, we communicate with the damn customer! We make a big deal to figure out what they think is bad and do our best to accomidate. We also give them regular progress updates and let them know (honestly) whether or not we can deliver on something. We don't hype up shit and claim that it will be revolutionary and then pull something out of our asses.

This is a shitty analogy and I don't feel like going on, but so much crap either wasn't communicated pre-launch, removed for no descernable reason, made shittier (theater for example), not properly implemented or just plain broken (waypoint, SmartGlass stats app, matchmaking, JiP, etc), or was promised to be the next big thing. Ugh. Calling out specific people isn't right, because big projects take large groups. But so many of these groups dropped so many balls with 4, it's just depressing. People like to say "they're updating regularly and fixing stuff". But so many of the issues were consistent problems that should never have left the studio. "But they did everything from scratch with a new team." No, they had tons of prior art, a large codebase, many carry-over employees, not to mention oodles of cash.


Anywho, if I wanted to be swarmed by tons of enemies for no forseeable reason until respawn and then do it again and again, I might as well have fun doing it. I'm thinking I should stream some Geometry Wars No-bomb runs tonight. Sound good? Who wants to join in? We could have bets on final scores in the chat. Good times.

Warning: I am pretty good at GeoWars so place bets accordingly.

EDIT: Apparently others have hit on these points while my shitty work internet was loading the page again...


Funny thing is, the chief
looks to be the same height as Palmer and the other spartan IVs in-game, but he towers over her in the ending cinematic.

Yeah I was wondering what the discrepancy was. I assume it's artistic license in the ending cinematic, as opposed to the game, since Palmer's stats give her the freakishly tall standing of 8'6", which would make her as tall as Combat Evolved's Elites and taller than the chief by a good foot at least.
Yeah I was wondering what the discrepancy was. I assume it's artistic license in the ending cinematic, as opposed to the game, since Palmer's stats give her the freakishly tall standing of 8'6", which would make her as tall as Combat Evolved's Elites and taller than the chief by a good foot at least.

She's what? Please tell me you're joking.
I agree. Between here, the Waypoint forums, and a dozen other mediums, 343i would have to blatantly try to not pay attention.

The only concern I have is that 343i is indeed paying attention, and you can bet your ass Frankie and David are monitoring this thread, however they're not doing anything with their feedback. I fear it's a case of "Here's all the feedback we have, and there's quite a lot of criticism from the community. However, we are standing by what we implemented in the game initially, instead of making these changes the community hopes for."

For instance, Team SWAT? That's cool, but what about everything else? The weekly matchmaking updates are great, however they're too small of steps. At this rate we'll see everything corrected by Halo 5. Halo 4 needs a title update, and it would be perfect to coincide the map pack in December.

Honestly I think people like Frankie are looking at the feedback but not the people who actually work on the game.
Every 343 employee except for Deadly Cyclone have quit posting here.

I laughed.


This is not directed at anyone in particular cause many people have commented on this, but I posted those tweets from Jaime simply because they gave me a chuckle (and he has a point), and I'd thought I'd share them. Dude can have comments and opinions on the game guys.
Back this up. Please.
Most creative people who work hard on something that I know and know of care a lot what people think.
Even if they disagree, they care.

My evidence is the fact that none of the things people complained about during the dev cycled were ever changed.

I think Reach may be a better example. Everyone was upset about the removal of Squad Slayer. Furthermore people were asking 343 to remove AL completely not slightly nerf it.


Honestly I think people like Frankie are looking at the feedback but not the people who actually work on the game.

Frankie: *reads GAF* "Hey, Mr. Developer guy, this needs to be changed."
Developer Guy: "Alright, I'll see what I can do after I'm done building my Grunt-Restaurant-Warthog mini-game."
Frankie: "Alright, me lassie."

Super Grunt Warthog Fun Nom Nom Game slated for a 2014 XBLA release.
The overshield should be stronger. It is totally useless. It drains too quickly and a person can get taken out real quick by two people, or if they have the incinerator cannon.


Nostalgia glasses bro.

H2 Campaign was garb. SMG starts were garb. BRs only, Spartans only, Precision weapons only, Lockout only is boring.

SMG starts were not garb. BR in Halo 2 is for want to be MLG players who want to five shot their way to victory.
My evidence is the fact that none of the things people complained about during the dev cycled were ever changed.

I think Reach may be a better example. Everyone was upset about the removal of Squad Slayer. Furthermore people were asking 343 to remove AL completely not slightly nerf it.

Ain't that the truth?
I think Reach may be a better example. Everyone was upset about the removal of Squad Slayer. Furthermore people were asking 343 to remove AL completely not slightly nerf it.
And if 343 have reams of data to the contrary? That most people were happy with AL being nerfed. Or in playlists other than SS.
I've seen a good few posts from some people here who didn't mind armour lock.

I'm not saying I don't think they weren't bad decisions. SS is baffling to me. But these are people who have worked most of their lives making video games. Even if they made the wrong call I feel safe thinking it was hotly debated internally.
I'm sure they have a metric fuckton of data at their disposal right now. The trick is knowing how to parse it and make use out of it all.

It'd also be good to know to what extent randomness and chance plays into 343s philosophy of Halo.

Would love to see a solid post mortem on this game. But 343 is probably going to be pretty damn busy for a while yet.


And if 343 have reams of data to the contrary? That most people were happy with AL being nerfed. Or in playlists other than SS.
I've seen a good few posts from some people here who didn't mind armour lock.

I'm not saying I don't think they weren't bad decisions. SS is baffling to me. But these are people who have worked most of their lives making video games. Even if they made the wrong call I feel safe thinking it was hotly debated internally.

Oh so now 343 is taking from the DICE school of community management, where you rebuff every problem by saying that telemetry says otherwise.

Actually nevermind, 343 doesn't have any community management to speak of. Their outreach is a joke, both pre and post launch.

Gray Man

I'm talking about Infinity Slayer as its presented in matchmaking. It is NOT competitive in mind. At least you realize this also.

I've been wondering about making ordnance drops standard (if its even possible) meaning your first drop you get these 3 options, second drop these 3, etc. And they are ALWAYS the same. It would make it fun to watch, and people like Tashi and others brought up a good point in that for MLG games, you could focus on someone who is close to getting a drop and such.

However, even with standardized drops, it won't be as competitive as classic Halo. The big problem with personal ordnance is it stagnates map movement. As soon as a team takes some power area in a map, say top ramp of Haven, there is no incentive to leave. Just pick off people coming to you and get your own weapons at your feet. There's no setting up for different weapon/power up spawns anymore.

And if they allow 3 options, even when standardized, its clouding the battlefield as you never know what the enemy picks as their weapon or WHEN they get it. I can't see players liking it from a competitive standpoint.

I think standardized drops COULD work, but, eh...

I could live with personal ordinance, just fix the global system.

Congrats Deadly heard you work at 343 now.

Save Halo for us!

That isn't legit right?
That Slayer Pro game was pretty fun too actually. Let me know when you want to play Slayer, I havent touched it much but it can be fun.

For the last few days, I was playing against people who'd constantly out DMR me. Though I was using the light rifle at that time. Now that I'm using the DMR again, it seems I kill people much easier. Dunno if it has to do with switching to the DMR again or that I'm just in a lower skill pool now.
Sure. But I'd rather read about how they came to their decisions and justified them. Besides LOL!COD! that is. Even if that's what it is ;P

It really doesnt matter how they come to their decisions, whether its from extracted data or not. At this point they need to do it differently, its not working, the population is regularly under 150k...Thats not good. The choices they are making are bad by default. You can see this by seeing how people are leaving Halo, and even a ton of people who are playing get pissed off literally all the time and come here and post legitimate complaints.
It really doesnt matter how they come to their decisions...
It does though, since thats what they're being asked to change, and its not a one time thing. Managing playlists over time and laying the foundation steps of their next game require that they have some central tenets that inform them. Tenets they can test against the data they've collected.

This scene right?
Exactly. Makes her "thought you'd be taller" remark even more nonsensical. I mean, LOOK AT THAT.
Funny thing is, the chief
looks to be the same height as Palmer and the other spartan IVs in-game, but he towers over her in the ending cinematic.

This scene right?


in other Halos you didnt feel he is taller of something.


More maps like Haven plz also I still mantain that decreasing Valhala weights in BTB was questionable.

Now all its just Exile all the time.
Oh so now 343 is taking from the DICE school of community management, where you rebuff every problem by saying that telemetry says otherwise.

Actually nevermind, 343 doesn't have any community management to speak of. Their outreach is a joke, both pre and post launch.
I SAID IF. I'm not some holy saint super spy with sources on the inside. Pontificating.
I'm also not a fucking community manger for anyone but Zeouterlimits Incorporated, where we try to not be an asshole but we don't always get it right.™

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Fun fact: Chief appears smaller through the entire game. He's about the same size as every other human you meet. Except in the fancy cutscenes.

Remember how you towered over the marines in past Halo's? Try doing that in Halo 4. It's a glaring oversight, 343.
Fun fact: Chief appears smaller through the entire game. He's about the same size as every other human you meet. Except in the fancy cutscenes.

Remember how you towered over the marines in past Halo's? Try doing that in Halo 4. It's a glaring oversight, 343.
It's a weird one alright, especially for so much drum beating about making you feel like the Chief, like this big heavy but athletic Spartan.


My evidence is the fact that none of the things people complained about during the dev cycled were ever changed.
I complained about Player Trait Zones not starting with 'Unchanged' as the default setting for all items. I posted here and at a private Waypoint forum. A week later they were changed.

They still do not save properly (revert to game default settings unless otherwise specified), but still, they did respond with a fix.
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