Who will be the last among us to like Halo 4?
Place some bets.
Alright, this is coming from someone who has really enjoyed the game. Up until now.
This shit is already coming to fruition. People don't want to play the "game," they are playing the tools. These games are turning into nothing but exercises in how to abuse game mechanics and not an enjoyable experience. People corner camping with camo, boltshot, using camo with power weapons. Using promethian vision (don't worry it's GREAT!!!!) to stall gameplay. Regen chaining etc. This game is becoming completely "un fun" and I'm really seeing what people are complaining about now.
I already see myself abandoning this game and I even stuck with Reach's bullshit longer than this. I just spent the last two hours getting completely wrecked in infinity slayer by people doing the bullshit I refuse to do and I know I could learn how to "combat" this shit, but that's not the point. I shouldn't have to, the game shouldn't be a "troll's toolbox" but it is.
A dominion-flood hybrid could be interesting. Humans fortify bases to defend themselves from the flood. Obviously strip the 'resupply', etc, but it could prove interesting.And the ability to have Safe Havens removed. Although that's probably due to Bungie removing it completely from matchmaking a few months after Reach came out. Safe Havens was something awesome if it would have had some more time put into it, and better settings to actually encourage being in the haven.
Who will be the last among us to like Halo 4?
Place some bets.
Make a game full of shit for assholes to abuse and it becomes a game for assholes.
Guys remember when the halogaf thread when Halo 3 was king.. remember how awesome it was.... I would read one or two pages and instantly want to play 3 all day... customs were a fucking BLAST...Ghal's pic stories was the best...
I wish it was still like that...
I wish halo 4 wasn't a bad game..
I wish...343 knew what they were doing..
I wish.....
Oh my God, I completely forgot about that. Wow.
He's the guy who worked on Turok, right?
Alright, this is coming from someone who has really enjoyed the game. Up until now.
This shit is already coming to fruition. People don't want to play the "game," they are playing the tools. These games are turning into nothing but exercises in how to abuse game mechanics and not an enjoyable experience. People corner camping with camo, boltshot, using camo with power weapons. Using promethian vision (don't worry it's GREAT!!!!) to stall gameplay. Regen chaining etc. This game is becoming completely "un fun" and I'm really seeing what people are complaining about now.
I already see myself abandoning this game and I even stuck with Reach's bullshit longer than this. I just spent the last two hours getting completely wrecked in infinity slayer by people doing the bullshit I refuse to do and I know I could learn how to "combat" this shit, but that's not the point. I shouldn't have to, the game shouldn't be a "troll's toolbox" but it is.
I bet 5 nickels and some belly button lint.
One word: Grifball.
I really wonder what everyone is playing. I can't specifically think of a single time I died because of an AA, camo or otherwise. I get boltshotted maybe once a game or two. I don't see the camping. Certainly not close to as much as Reach.
Join in progress flaws, that's problem. Hit feedback, that's a step backwards.
But this other stuff, I just don't see it.
Alright, this is coming from someone who has really enjoyed the game. Up until now.
This shit is already coming to fruition. People don't want to play the "game," they are playing the tools. These games are turning into nothing but exercises in how to abuse game mechanics and not an enjoyable experience. People corner camping with camo, boltshot, using camo with power weapons. Using promethian vision (don't worry it's GREAT!!!!) to stall gameplay. Regen chaining etc. This game is becoming completely "un fun" and I'm really seeing what people are complaining about now.
I already see myself abandoning this game and I even stuck with Reach's bullshit longer than this. I just spent the last two hours getting completely wrecked in infinity slayer by people doing the bullshit I refuse to do and I know I could learn how to "combat" this shit, but that's not the point. I shouldn't have to, the game shouldn't be a "troll's toolbox" but it is.
Maybe tonight was stick AlienShogun in games full of assholes day or something. I've not written the game off yet, but if this shit keeps happening, it won't take long.
I bet 5 nickels and some belly button lint.
You should come watch me play a better version of SpOps then...
You should feel lucky you got 3 weeks..I was sooo excited for like a week, then it stopped and I realized how bad it feels(the game) and it just has no longevity...
343 needs to realize this is WHY you have a beta so everyone the wants the game can play it...before they throw money at it... and not let it be for not... and fix this shit before its released....Glad I have Reach...its so much fun compared to halo 4
Maybe tonight was stick AlienShogun in games full of assholes day or something. I've not written the game off yet, but if this shit keeps happening, it won't take long.
complaining that people aren't constructive is always the worst. people here have been posting large constructive posts consistently for years - way before most people reading this thread joined GAF. makes no difference. hell large posts are mostly ignored, we had like 2 or 3 just today.
didn't josh holmes post a picture of a crying baby on his twitter when the first news of halo 4 launched? I'd rather see people vent about the product they paid for than sit here twiddling thumbs and dreaming of an imaginary dialogue between the fragile endangered sensitive game makers and the people who spent money on their game.
Please elaborate.False
Alright, this is coming from someone who has really enjoyed the game. Up until now.
This shit is already coming to fruition. People don't want to play the "game," they are playing the tools. These games are turning into nothing but exercises in how to abuse game mechanics and not an enjoyable experience. People corner camping with camo, boltshot, using camo with power weapons. Using promethian vision (don't worry it's GREAT!!!!) to stall gameplay. Regen chaining etc. This game is becoming completely "un fun" and I'm really seeing what people are complaining about now.
I already see myself abandoning this game and I even stuck with Reach's bullshit longer than this. I just spent the last two hours getting completely wrecked in infinity slayer by people doing the bullshit I refuse to do and I know I could learn how to "combat" this shit, but that's not the point. I shouldn't have to, the game shouldn't be a "troll's toolbox" but it is.
Seeing longtime members of the community one by one hate this game really makes me sad.![]()
So many things in Halo 4 encourages camping. Camo, promethean vision, even hologram to some degree. Personal ordnance means you don't have to venture out for power weapons. Boltshot as a loadout means you've got a mini shotgun in your pocket. DMR spam forces people to turtle down on big, open maps. Height indicators on the radar mean you know exactly where the enemies are, so you can camp and wait for them to come to you.Alright, this is coming from someone who has really enjoyed the game. Up until now.
This shit is already coming to fruition. People don't want to play the "game," they are playing the tools. These games are turning into nothing but exercises in how to abuse game mechanics and not an enjoyable experience. People corner camping with camo, boltshot, using camo with power weapons. Using promethian vision (don't worry it's GREAT!!!!) to stall gameplay. Regen chaining etc. This game is becoming completely "un fun" and I'm really seeing what people are complaining about now.
I already see myself abandoning this game and I even stuck with Reach's bullshit longer than this. I just spent the last two hours getting completely wrecked in infinity slayer by people doing the bullshit I refuse to do and I know I could learn how to "combat" this shit, but that's not the point. I shouldn't have to, the game shouldn't be a "troll's toolbox" but it is.
It's about them manning up and dealing with us.
Please elaborate.
You certainly aren't the first person I've seen mention it. I just find it incredibly surprising because I more often then not notice the incredible lack of camping in my games.
lol I quit playing 5 days ago
Usually my mindset is strongly subjective to the Convention over Configuration paradigm, but I feel this takes a lot of fun out of Halo. For example, Halo: Reach was heaps of fun at LAN parties where we only played super social gametypes. The latest Halo 4 LAN was boring until we discovered that the Thruster pack scales with movement speed, and instakill SAWs with bottomless clips (do try!). Configuration, or more accurately customisation is and always should be an integral and growing part of Halo.
Alright, this is coming from someone who has really enjoyed the game. Up until now.
This shit is already coming to fruition. People don't want to play the "game," they are playing the tools. These games are turning into nothing but exercises in how to abuse game mechanics and not an enjoyable experience. People corner camping with camo, boltshot, using camo with power weapons. Using promethian vision (don't worry it's GREAT!!!!) to stall gameplay. Regen chaining etc. This game is becoming completely "un fun" and I'm really seeing what people are complaining about now.
I already see myself abandoning this game and I even stuck with Reach's bullshit longer than this. I just spent the last two hours getting completely wrecked in infinity slayer by people doing the bullshit I refuse to do and I know I could learn how to "combat" this shit, but that's not the point. I shouldn't have to, the game shouldn't be a "troll's toolbox" but it is.
This is PERFECTION. Like they somehow dug deep down my brain and made this for my eyes only.
Destiny looks to be everything I could have dreamed of. It's as if Bungie dug around in my brain for the game that I would love the most.
Destiny looks to be everything I could have dreamed of. It's as if Bungie dug around in my brain for the game that I would love the most.
The art style, the tone, the setup, the talk of a co-operative centric experience.
I'd argue Grifball and SSBM are competitive games at their core.
To those who've been playing H3 recently, how does the sniper compare to 4? My memory wants to say they've got somewhat similar hitboxes and aim-assist?
To those who've been playing H3 recently, how does the sniper compare to 4?
Halo 4's sniper is easily the most user friendly IMO. Halo 3's is a lot harder to use. Hitboxes seem smaller as well.
Most of the people I've seen upset about the game are complaining like most people did about Halo 3 and Reach. People complained that they got killed a lot because of certain specific things in the game and that hurt their experience. The fact is, if everyone went positive when they played, they wouldn't complain nearly as much.
4 is easier than Reach's sniper... 3 you really needed to be good with it I was not, never was a fan of having to lead with a sniper... Reach's sniper is the king though in design and everything.. but I'm biased..4's is ok to use but I really dislike the design... only got like 250 some games in and haven't really got a change to use the beam rifle much...
I think Reach's sniper is easier than 4, by quite a bit. Movement speed may have something to do with that though.
Then what makes a game casual? There is a strategy to most games, and an execution element, which is all you need to deem a game competitive.
Most of the people I've seen upset about the game are complaining like most people did about Halo 3 and Reach. People complained that they got killed a lot because of certain specific things in the game and that hurt their experience. The fact is, if everyone went positive when they played, they wouldn't complain nearly as much.
Seems most people are just having a few bad games and then jumping on here and justifying why they shouldn't have died. I do the same thing, everyone does and this game has a lot of extra ways for you to die in irritating ways, but it also has a lot of ways to keep players playing.
I'm still enjoying Halo 4, it's a far better game than Reach ever was and it has brought back some competitivity for me that I enjoyed so much in Halo 3.
Hopefully this period of anger resolves itself when people learn to combat the weapons/abilities they get annoyed about dying from, because this thread is devolving into Waypoint levels of petty aggression and post ragequit anger.
Most of the people I've seen upset about the game are complaining like most people did about Halo 3 and Reach. People complained that they got killed a lot because of certain specific things in the game and that hurt their experience. The fact is, if everyone went positive when they played, they wouldn't complain nearly as much.
Seems most people are just having a few bad games and then jumping on here and justifying why they shouldn't have died. I do the same thing, everyone does and this game has a lot of extra ways for you to die in irritating ways, but it also has a lot of ways to keep players playing.
I'm still enjoying Halo 4, it's a far better game than Reach ever was and it has brought back some competitivity for me that I enjoyed so much in Halo 3.
Hopefully this period of anger resolves itself when people learn to combat the weapons/abilities they get annoyed about dying from, because this thread is devolving into Waypoint levels of petty aggression and post ragequit anger.
Can we get squad slayer back?
Aesthetically, Yeah, Reach Sniper's look was the pinnacle. 4's walking animations bugs the hell out of me, and it's colors are quite gross. /nitpick
Beam Rifle is a snapshot machine, the word to describe it would be "buttery."