Core gameplay is all I ever hear only problem is you NEVER GET TO PLAY IT.
You play the entire game folks...not just what you think can be good. Were stuck with all this crazy ordnance, overabundance of one shot weapons, not knowing what AA trick the enemy has...
Oh and yea while I'm at it the core gameplay isn't that great. Can I get what you guys think is the CORE GAMEPLAY?
Cause to me... Gunplay and feedback is weak as hell, I never know how many shots down I am...AA's need a click sound when they are back up...kills need a dinger. Shield/hit feedback is all but gone compared to Reach's system, which is extremely sad considering we were supposed to get great hitmarkers but I only seem to notice them on far nade tosses which makes no sense how your spartan would know if you hit the opponent with a nade toss unless it could be visually seen...
Shield health is almost no seperation..An AR or SAW up close drains someone shields and health, with no distinguishable features, headshot's feel less important.
Instant Respawn and low respawn timers completely change how the gameplay is. I've literally finished off BR battles I've lost on Haven...before the enemy got their shield back... Its friggen ridiculous especially in objective gametypes. Literally wipes out map control especially on maps with tunnels and objectives. (complex)
Some gametypes have team damage on some dont.
Whats with no weapons on map? Thats pretty core to be able to RELOAD your guns. Why am I trying to find dead bodies when I am out of ammo only to find their ammo has already despawned? These are spartans in a VR world going into battle why would they only take a certain amount of ammo with them? Maybe power weapons should despawn quicker there are already a shitload of them but do you have to despawn basic weapons, I want my killing frenzy to keep going but I get screwed over running out of ammo!
Without sprint the game would play slow because movement speed/strafe isn't all that great.