Sooo.. what decides which weapons you get in your personal weapon drop?
I swear I have almost everytime the needler or the SAW, while my friend had in one game two times in a row the binary rifle.
I never had the binary rifle as weapon drops or a human sniper.
Is it really only luck?
-The spawns on some maps are just dumb as fuck
-CTF on Adrift is no fun, the weapon recovery time is ridicilous, why not take the MLG timers ?
-Weapon spawns on maps are also weird, sometimes I have the feelign they never respawn or they aren't shown, even here I would prefer the MLG timers.
-Vortex and Complex are the worst maps I think, at least Complex 4vs4 is bad and CTF on Complex is also not optimal, the one flag is out in the open and the other one is behind some great cover.
-Theater is a joke without announcer
-Active camo is still as annoying as in Reach, if not worse. Jetpack is quite ok.
And I can't believe I'm gonna say that but we need forge maps at least for small slayer gametypes, Haven is great, but I don't want to play it non stop. Add Relay and search for small Arena style maps, especially if you want Team Doubles to work.
Also Dominion is shit, don't like it at all.