Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. No. Nah. Not doing it! Nope.
That's it. I'm done. I'm on "Midnight," and I know I'm so close to the end, but I can't handle fighting the Knights anymore. I think I was on the second pillar thing. After dying several times from the boring fighting – staying behind cover and taking potshots at them, because that's what you do – and dealing with all the randomness (teleporting berserk for one, that I don't know how to react to) and lack of clarity on behalf of the feedback system, I finally kill that King Knight (whatever you call 'em) that's trying to kill me with a scattershot. Then one more Knight teleports in on the other end of the platform, and me, not being able to recognize what he holds, approaches him. Then an Incineration cannon blasts at me from his direction, killing me.
And I have no motivation to fight beyond him. I know what happens, and my opinion of how the game ends is not a good one.
This is the huge problem I had on my solo Legendary run on Sunday, and I became hyper-aware how cheap and unfun the Prometheans are to fight. I knew I was already at the end or else I would have stopped playing. Here's what I did that was ultimately successful:
At the last checkpoint (which is the final light bridge you have to turn on), I had a Light Rifle and Scattershot. There is infinite ammo for both guns if you drop down from the light bridge platform. Anyway...
- Checkpoint starts with one Knight charging at you across the light bridge. Hide behind the switch and it's fairly easy to assassinate him (or Scattershot a few times). Pick up the auto-sentry AA and deploy it.
- Move across the bridge to make the other Knights aware of you (because somehow they forgot you were there; shitty AI design), move back to the switch platform and ping them from afar. I was able to kill 3 of them this way.
- move across the bridge and take out the other Knights by throwing the Promgrenades right at them. If you hit them directly before they deploy, it stuns them and are easy pickings for the Scattershot.
- Deploy the auto-sentry and charge the final Knight by staying to the sides. Closing the distance fast will prevent him from shooting the Incineration Cannon and killing itself along with you. If you hang back and try to ping it like the others, you WILL end up getting killed, no question. Scattershot to death.
This took me FOREVER to finally do, and I cursed this game so many times for being cheap and shitty that my wife actually came in the gameroom and told me that maybe I needed to take a break, lol.
Good luck.