ded game
ded ot
captains mode at low mmr must be a fucking treat i'd imagine, kinda wanna see it tbh
ded haircut
2k mmr captains mode is where I saw the "strength heroes can't be supports" comment
My last captains mode experience ended with a Legion Commander with 712 hero damage. I will never go back.
Edit: The LC gifted me The Division though so everything turned out okay.
sorrow keeps giving me sets too, i think he has a gambling addiction
* Fixed mouse 3, 4, and 5 doubleclicks causing the keybinding system to incorrectly generate extra commands.
* Fixed Courier not refilling Bottles when sent to retrieve items from the stash.
* Fixed various Primal Split unit animations.
* Fixed ability click sounds happening twice when using Quickcast on Key Up.
we seriously reached 20k again
how much percent was game talk compared to shitposting
Monster Hunter is the only good series from Japan.
Trashing pokemon huh
Monster Hunter is the only good series from Japan.
anime + full CG movie WTF
lol that nintendo thread
people jumping at conclusions
know the real deal know
don't even backpedal
no pc announcement feelsbadman
Eh, i don't think the ff stuff was at all political
just gimme a witty ot title and i'll copypasta hylian's op
listen to me you little twerp
Dota 2 |OT14| Hello, HaloGAF
just gimme a witty ot title and i'll copypasta hylian's op
Dota2 ot14 never trust milkman