Camo doesn't belong in CTF.
Even then though, the selection wasn't that great. It had more poor maps then good ones.For people that primarily play smaller scale Halo (4v4/5v5), I think you could make a case for the Reach maps simply because there were more appropriately 4v4 sized maps on the disc than there are in Halo 4.
Even then though, the selection wasn't that great. It had more poor maps then good ones.
Halo 1 = Halo 2 maps > Halo 3 maps > Halo 4 maps > Reach maps.
Only counting the base shipped maps.
Camo doesn't belong in the game as an AA.
Seriously bullshit.
It was a bit of a hyperbole, yes. Didn’t mean to really offend anyone with it, but in hindsight I should have worded it better.
I barely played CE multiplayer, so I rather not comment on it.
It was a bit of a hyperbole, yes. Didn’t mean to really offend anyone with it, but in hindsight I should have worded it better.Selection isn't great in Halo 4 either.
I'm not saying that I think Reach has a hands down better map selection, but it's a bit absurd to say it's delusional to have that view, it's pretty valid to feel that way, especially for players that primarily play 4v4/5v5.
I barely played CE multiplayer, so I rather not comment on it.How the heck do you not include Halo 1? Fixed* and I agree.
I put the = because Halo 1/2 maps were both great. Hard to choose a clear winner IMO..
So which game type gives the most exp?
the maps in this game are basically the least creative things you could possibly design. embarrassingly bad
So which game type gives the most exp?
OT: Check out this kickstarter for "Radio the Universe", a sci-fi induced Zelda. Posted about it a while in the main Kickstarter thread on the gaming side, it was then at $2,000. Surprisingly nobody heard of the game untill I brought it up.
He put up some great stretch goals. Nice that he put up a huge one @ 20,000, an expanded upper city area.This looks great, I'll probably donate even though it's already hit it's goal.
Trying to navigate WP..where is kills/killed by weapons.
Pretty much. Its the only AA that truly bugs me as it just encourages camping.I think Camo should be completely absent in all forms. And yes, I don't like it in power-up form either.
OT: Check out this kickstarter for "Radio the Universe", a sci-fi induced Zelda. Posted about it a while in the main Kickstarter thread on the gaming side, it was then at $2,000. Surprisingly nobody heard of the game untill I brought it up.
For bigger studios who kickstart, I agree. However for these really small projects, I rather they be realistic about what they can do with the money. I utterly hate when they overpromise and the eventual product becomes this waterdown version. Radio the Universe kickstarter is just being realistic, heck their base funding goal wasnt that high to begin with.I don't know how to explain it without sounding naive... but I don't like kickstarters. Those "stretch goals" kinda irritate me. Now I know pretty much every game in existence has had features cut, it's just something about the whole "if we don't get x amount of money, you don't get x feature" that bothers me.
Saying that, I might pledge 10 bucks.
Camping is a strategy in nearly all FPS.
Halo 2 maps > Halo CE maps > Halo 3 maps > Halo 4 maps > Reach maps.
Only counting the base shipped maps.
For bigger studios who kickstart, I agree. However for these really small projects, I rather they be realistic about what they can do with the money. I utterly hate when they overpromise and the eventual product becomes this waterdown version. Radio the Universe kickstarter is just being realistic, heck their base funding goal wasn’t that high to begin with.
All I can say is hire juices.I see it like: OK these games are funded by people. They don't have some big company breathing down them for a release date. Games tend to be in development forever if they don't because people are always adding and fixing the game forever.
So by these stretch goals they are just dedicating themselves to features if they see this much money well guarantee this is in it and wont get cut. Which is what gamers want, it encourages them to give more money so we can get features. This creates hope.
Whereas a larger game with a deadline promises everything and then slowly cuts and removes features til it can get released on time. This only creates disappointment.
I know Shadowrun Returns hit its goal offered stretch goals hit a few of those. They now will have two campaigns in different cities. More classes. And some other stuff I forgot. Although their original estimated date was unrealistic so they pushed it back. The features took the priority over release date. Ultimately this is best for the gamer. Even if it takes more time. Larger studios dont have this luxury.
Which is often why you'll see these little indie games deliver these features and gameplay and are like "How the hell did they do this with these resources?!" Mostly because they had time (and passion) to do it all.
Thats wordy: Basically I like Kickstarter extended goals cause you are locking in features. I think like this, if I could lock in 60 fps for Halo 4 or Dedi's I would pay a shitload and I wouldn't care if it came out in three years. I would wait knowing something great was coming that fit my needs.
I don't know how to explain it without sounding naive... but I don't like kickstarters. Those "stretch goals" kinda irritate me. Now I know pretty much every game in existence has had features cut, it's just something about the whole "if we don't get x amount of money, you don't get x feature" that bothers me.
Saying that, I might pledge 10 bucks.
J4H doing Halo 3 1v1's against renzo.
Also this guy is freaking me out he doesn't BLINK!
I've been trying to use the thruster-boost lately for a few reasons:
1) I'm trying to keep the game interesting by giving myself new challenges
2) I felt like I was starting to lean a little too heavily on PV as a crutch
But I'm finding that I go through entire matches without even using it, like I'm forgetting it's even there.
So far the best tactic I've found with it are to thrust at a forward diagonal in the middle of a mid-range gun-fight, basically combining a lateral strafe with the boost forward to simultaneously break their bead on me and quickly move to their side faster than they can turn (assuming they're not using a high stick sensitivity... which few people seem to). I use the second stick to adjust the camera mid-boost, obviously, so that I have a bead on them coming out of the animation.
This only works when I'm in tighter than mid-range though (basically unscoped DMR or BR range), any farther out and it's pretty simple for them to keep tracking me through the animation.
I also find that jumping and strafing side-ways or backwards in mid-air is a good way to break a bead, and typically works for a quick evasion.
Any other effective/creative uses of thruster? And at what point in the fight (ie, how much shield damage have you taken) do you choose to use it?
I've been trying to use the thruster-boost lately for a few reasons:
1) I'm trying to keep the game interesting by giving myself new challenges
2) I felt like I was starting to lean a little too heavily on PV as a crutch
But I'm finding that I go through entire matches without even using it, like I'm forgetting it's even there.
So far the best tactic I've found with it are to thrust at a forward diagonal in the middle of a mid-range gun-fight, basically combining a lateral strafe with the boost forward to simultaneously break their bead on me and quickly move to their side faster than they can turn (assuming they're not using a high stick sensitivity... which few people seem to). I use the second stick to adjust the camera mid-boost, obviously, so that I have a bead on them coming out of the animation.
This only works when I'm in tighter than mid-range though (basically unscoped DMR or BR range), any farther out and it's pretty simple for them to keep tracking me through the animation.
I also find that jumping and strafing side-ways or backwards in mid-air is a good way to break a bead, and typically works for a quick evasion.
Any other effective/creative uses of thruster? And at what point in the fight (ie, how much shield damage have you taken) do you choose to use it?
This is the CRAZIEST glitch I have ever seen in a Halo game.. I'm playing Spartan Ops and there are weapons shooting us from 2 inches off the floor.
The weapons themselves are floating around Complex 2 inches off the ground, throwing grenades and killing us LMFAO! They're Elites making sounds and shit.
This is the CRAZIEST glitch I have ever seen in a Halo game.. I'm playing Spartan Ops and there are weapons shooting us from 2 inches off the floor.
The weapons themselves are floating around Complex 2 inches off the ground, throwing grenades and killing us LMFAO! They're Elites making sounds and shit.
You guys should like this. Much much more detail on my upcoming sandbox revision. I'd post images of the charts but imgur and minus are being weird for me right now.
Click to view the actual document(s).
You guys should like this. Much much more detail on my upcoming sandbox revision. I'd post images of the charts but imgur and minus are being weird for me right now.
Click to view the actual document(s).
I'm sorry. Please I really don't mean to offend. What exactly is the point of a document like this.
It just seems like you put a good amount of time and work into it, and I don't think I understand why. I understand what the document is, but what's it's purpose?
You guys should like this. Much much more detail on my upcoming sandbox revision. I'd post images of the charts but imgur and minus are being weird for me right now.
Click to view the actual document(s).
Heh - except that Mullins image was created long before he ever did any work for Bungie - it's fan art, pure and simple. Not sure that's how copyright works...Nope, the helmet is blatantly the Marathon helmet.
Falls under copyright.
Now, they could do an "inspired by" kind of helmet.. but it'd be kind of pointless as the point of the helmet was a callback to Bungie's previous work. 343 doing it would be kind of hollow.
here you goneeds frame data on melees