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Halo |OT13|

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Their heart is in the right place, but they're pulling a Halo 4 with some of those changes.

And holy shit, that shield pre-emptive recharge noise is absolutely unbearable.


CMT has been around forever. I have no idea if the original team even has anything to do with the current project, but they've been trying to incorporate aspects of each new game since before even Halo 2 came out on PC.

And I know somebody who works on the animations for the guns. He would go nuts if you said anything bad about them.


CMT has been around forever. I have no idea if the original team even has anything to do with the current project, but they've been trying to incorporate aspects of each new game since before even Halo 2 came out on PC.

And I know somebody who works on the animations for the guns. He would go nuts if you said anything bad about them.

No, the original CMT is pretty much dead. They broke up during v2 development years ago. Masterz1337 is still around kind of though. I was a huge follower of that scene until I got Halo 3.
Half 10 is 10.30

How the fuck can people think half 10 means 5 o clock??


I thought that whole entire thing was a joke tbh, starting from Over's comment towards Stalker lol..
So I guess all of it was srsbiznis?

I'd like to inform you all that Nowise is making me cry on Skype.

He told me he liked Sage, and that Reach was the pinnacle of Halo.


Well I mean.. Sage was born a man


Honestly for me (and A LOT of people actually) customization is something that made Halo....Halo. Halo 4 so far is the only Halo game that has actually taken AWAY options rather than add some in so we now have to resort to modders to bring back old game types and add in new options which I think is sad. I love 343 but they really messed up by limiting people and not giving them options which was one of the strongest points about Halo.

Seriously custom games/Forge should be LBP Halo Edition and I would love it.

<343 pls.
I hope Spartan Ops is just a test and we get access to Spartan Ops Forge on the Xbox 420. I have a feeling making your own mini-campaigns and getting to share them would increase longevity a bit. Bonus points if you can somehow make them competitive or even fight marines/spartans.


Here is how big the Alpha Flood is with 200% setting in Fat Kid (mini-slayer needs to be a thing too)

Looks pretty cool.

Oh my god. :lol

They should make the fat kid's minions be 50% size.

Also, stances per weapon category would be neat. For example:

Stances > Loadout / Initial / Global / Personal / Legacy
Loadout: 5 stances, you can pick any of said weapons for each stance
Initial: 5 stances etc etc
Global: Heavy weapons, so likewise
Personal: 3 stances, certain weapons per stance ("Wetwork" could use Energy Sword or Hammer, etc)
Legacy: Bonus stances with either universal or fixed weapons based on poses in concept art, past games and whatnot

Anything to get more stances. And having the weapon skins on the stances too.
I havent even tried a game of it yet. Thats how uninterested I am in it. Compare that to how I played 1020 FF games in Reach that totaled 7 days and 10 hours.


I havent even tried a game of it yet. Thats how uninterested I am in it. Compare that to how I played 1020 FF games in Reach that totaled 7 days and 10 hours.

I played one game of Spartan Ops. It was on a big desert looking map. We had to shoot down 4 shield barriers then shoot a glowing canister or something. After the canisters were destroyed, a bunch of enemies appears with arrows over their heads that you have to kill. That was it. It was painfully boring.
This Waypoint thread reply is from Waypoint user "OGhostayame" who is MLG Ghostayame, responsible for testing and MLG V1 settings.

Time to answer some questions&#8230;

The reason the magnum was left out as a secondary is because we felt it promoted a random element to the game. Whenever someone uses the magnum (other than the &#8220;flagnum&#8221;), it is normally a spam-fest in some close-quarters-combat situation. So, we didn&#8217;t want to make the gameplay any less skillful by adding that option.

Another popular question seems to be why we didn&#8217;t use multiple loadouts, i.e. carbine/LR. Well, after looking at this option, we decided that it would better to start everyone on the same playing ground. Out-BR&#8217;ing a Light Rifle user or a Carbine user, doesn&#8217;t give you that same rewarding feeling that a BR vs. BR battle win gives you, in our opinion. Then, the carbine and LR just seem as inferior options to the masses when compared to the BR. Couple these two reasons with our ongoing goal of simplicity, and the outcome is one loadout - the Battle Rifle. Lastly, the idea of 8 players starting out with Light Rifles just plain scared me. We are not only aiming for competitive nature, but for spectator enjoyment as well. Thus, we felt it was hard to get on board with a futuristic game that doesn&#8217;t have an UNSC weapon as primary weapon. The carbine and LR just seemed too artificial for public entertainment to our team.

I saw someone ask about Walshy and other professionals chipping in. Regarding that, the Halo pros that wanted to share their input, got the chance to do so over the course of my test settings. I put out t1-t4 settings for roughly a month and a half before releasing v1. So, some players were busy or preoccupied through the months of November/December and couldn&#8217;t play Halo, let alone give input. Luckily for them, we have many more versions of settings to come in the future.

I saw some people mention that Halo 3 sucked, and that&#8217;s their opinion. However, by looking at its success versus other Halo titles, as well as the Halo 4 community playlist numbers that were released, we decided to go back to the unique feel of Halo 3/Halo 2.

Halo:CE to Halo:Reach Sales Numbers

Halo 4 Peak Population Chart

I already answered a question regarding the Thruster Pack option as a loadout in my interview, but to reiterate my reasoning &#8211; with the long kill time already presented by the BR, there was no need to make it even longer with a Thruster Pack equipped at all times. I agree that it adds a competitive element to the game, so hopefully we&#8217;ll see a 4-shot-kill implemented by 343 Industries in the future so we can add it back as a starting armor ability.

When talking about World Ordnances, if you&#8217;re talking about creating static spawn times, we have done so in multiple maps: Abandon (Railgun), Adrift (Rockets), Dispatch (Sticky Detonator), Haven (Railgun), and Solace (Rockets). If you aren&#8217;t referring to these instances, please clarify your question &#8211; thank you.

Regarding dynamic and static timers for weapons/power-ups, you can see which types that we've used if you check out the overhead images in my original post.

I&#8217;ve seen many people question the disappearance of Damage Boost and Speed Boost in these settings. Well for v1, we wanted to stick to the "Halo basics" on the maps before moving onto these two newly-introduced variables. However, after playing a decent amount of games on Solace and Abandon, I can honestly foresee these options making their way into the v2 game types.

When looking at putting way-points on every weapon/power-up, we felt that it got confusing. So, we wanted to use them for only the main power weapons to better highlight their locations, except for the sniper. When placing a sniper on the map, we wanted to limit its spare clip size to only 1. Yet, when using an Initial Drop, you cannot alter the weapon&#8217;s clip size. Thus, we chose to limit the sniper clip size rather than put a way-point above it.

I saw someone say that the damage is set to 110%. That information is incorrect. The damage is currently set to unchanged. Furthermore, changing the damage settings to create a 4-shot-kill with the BR isn&#8217;t the best competitive approach. Right now, it takes 13 bullets to kill, which allows for a 2-bullet margin of error for bullet spread. However, when turned to a 4-shot-kill, there is no cushion to accommodate for the bullet spread. Therefore, the results from mid-range and on turned into a figurative &#8220;coin-flip&#8221; &#8211; not the best idea for competition.

Hope these answers clear up some previous inquiries posted. Thanks for taking the time to read these lengthy posts!


You have all seen me reply to the population numbers and Halo Charts, reference my older posts about that. Other than that enjoy his comments/decisions on V1 settings.
Wow, good post, but trying to argue with waypoint needs some courage lol

Why would you argue with a demographic you want to attract to your settings/events/playlist etc?

To me they should be discussing why they make settings/decisions and take feedback from Waypoint posters. After all if you want to attract an audience you have to give something to them.

If you want the same old MLG audience then by all means keep the same old MLG settings. That's not for me to decide but it is what will influence me to try their settings or not. Same goes for watching their events/streams etc.


"we decided to go back to the unique feel of Halo 3/Halo 2."

I'm so surprised right now.

So basically, it's going to be MLG's bastardized version of Halo 3 MLG settings which were a bastardized version of an attempt to make Halo 3 play like Halo 2. Oh well, the possibility of them leaving their comfort zone was cool while it lasted.

Also, basing gametype settings off V-Charts sales numbers, lol
Looking at Halo 3's success like that is flawed in every sense of the word, but whatever. Things will play out how they will regardless of my input and opinion on these things, so I won't even bother frustrating myself by getting into that discussion...

Anyway, on the discussion of SpOps - Firefight should've been kept and used on MP spaces. At the very least, SpOps proves that FF-esque encounters can work on MP maps, so there's no need to distribute resources for FF-based maps IMO. Just allow Forge for FF and mission design like SpOps for Halo 5, on top of any new features to be added.


"we decided to go back to the unique feel of Halo 3/Halo 2."

I'm so surprised right now.

So basically, it's going to be MLG's bastardized version of Halo 3 MLG settings which were a bastardized version of an attempt to make Halo 3 play like Halo 2. Oh well, the possibility of them leaving their comfort zone was cool while it lasted.

Also, basing gametype settings off V-Charts sales numbers, lol

are you still mad that they're getting priority over "Community Cartographers"


are you still mad that they're getting priority over "Community Cartographers"

He's saying that MLG should stop trying to emulate Halo 2. You can do something different while keeping it balanced, competitive, and fun. Obviously vanilla Halo 4 does not satisfy these conditions.

edit: Haha wow


you don't always have to do something different. that mentality gave us reach and halo 4. they're going to try to emulate halo 2 because halo 2 was tremendously successful for MLG and it's what a large part of their community wants. I'm glad they're staying simple and stripped down instead of trying to integrate all the stupid new halo 4 nonsense into their gametypes
Probably because having a million and one variables like halo 4 currently has isnt fun/exciting/or competitive at all. I dont blame them for going back towards basics.


I thought v7 settings for Reach were pretty damn good. It's basically what vanilla Reach should've been.

edit: I wasn't into MLG in the Halo 2 days, so I'm hardly an expert here.


He's saying that MLG should stop trying to emulate Halo 2. You can do something different while keeping it balanced, competitive, and fun. Obviously vanilla Halo 4 does not satisfy these conditions.

edit: Haha wow

That's exactly what I'm saying. Halo 2 MLG was fun to watch. Halo 3 MLG was "hey let's try to make Halo 2", okay, but was still mostly Halo 3. MLG Reach just took a sharp turn off the road and barely resembled the game it's based on. Now the single person (again) that's in charge of the gametypes for MLG is trying to make the game like Halo 2. Again.

Justifying this with sales numbers from a banned site, and sales numbers from a Halo game currently in it's long tail (Halo 3 has now been on the market for 5 whole years, Reach 2, and Halo 4 has had an entire 2 months), does not qualify as a solid reason for justifying what you're doing. That entire sales paragraph just seems like a fanboyish tangent.

There was a reason MLG was better in the Halo 1 and 2 days, and that's because when you saw pro gamers playing them, they were good at Halo. Now they're just good at MLG. And we're more than likely getting Halo 2 with Durango this year, which means they will LITERALLY have Halo 2 to play with again. Why keep trying converting other games into it?


Raising a puppy... tired.

Haven't played in a month... need to jump back in. What you fine ladies and gents playing these days?

I know how you feel, mine woke me 6 times last night for bathroom breaks. I was having to constantly watch him just in case he chews on the wrong thing, but I've been letting him roam around alone for the last couple of days. It's tough but honestly, it's worth it.


I will see if I can get Anarchy Reigns tommorrow and then I will wait for DmC.
So I have some games to fill the time till Halo 4 gets a TU or a MLG playlist.

And to the MLG discussion, of course they strip the game down to a version without some stuff that randomizes the gameplay, I'm still surprised they use personal ordnance.

And yeah Reach MLG didn't resemble vanilla Reach, it was better a far more superior version of Halo.
Aslong as I get a more balanced version of Halo 4 I don't care if it plays differently.
Seems to me MLG could have literally made their own game by now, seems they have the resources, audience, sponsors, events, online tournaments, brand awareness etc. Take Halo 3 MLG era some 5 years ago and they could have fleshed out dedicated resources to develop an in house game over say 2-5 years. Simply use an existing engine like Unreal or Unity, bring in some key developers, artists, managers etc and MLG sure as hell have enough testers to go around. It could also go multi-platform.

With the latest V1 settings it seems the gameplay, maps, artwork guns, mechanics and literally everything MLG "wants" in terms of Halo/FPS is basically set in stone. Close enough to a standard since CE/2 that they could literally make their own game.

They don't have to care about story, high end graphics, insanely detailed models/textures or coop or campaign or even marketing to an extent as they have a fanbase already. They would just build a multiplayer game with great netcode and their mechanics exactly. This would then give MLG the intellectual property, distribution rights, bug fixes in house, fast turnaround times, multiple playlists of their own, support of a quality engine developer and more.

Why didn't they start down this road? They'd be at the end of the journey by now with full control over everything from marketing and game mechanics to even possibly a free game with paid advertisements, sponsors, tournament entry fees etc as their revenue stream etc.

Retrospect makes things oversimplified I suppose.


Seems to me MLG could have literally made their own game by now, seems they have the resources, audience, sponsors, events, online tournaments, brand awareness etc. Take Halo 3 MLG era some 5 years ago and they could have fleshed out dedicated resources to develop an in house game over say 2-5 years. Simply use an existing engine like Unreal or Unity, bring in some key developers, artists, managers etc and MLG sure as hell have enough testers to go around. It could also go multi-platform.

With the latest V1 settings it seems the gameplay, maps, artwork guns, mechanics and literally everything MLG "wants" in terms of Halo/FPS is basically set in stone. Close enough to a standard since CE/2 that they could literally make their own game.

They don't have to care about story, high end graphics, insanely detailed models/textures or coop or campaign or even marketing to an extent as they have a fanbase already. They would just build a multiplayer game with great netcode and their mechanics exactly. This would then give MLG the intellectual property, distribution rights, bug fixes in house, fast turnaround times, multiple playlists of their own, support of a quality engine developer and more.

Why didn't they start down this road? They'd be at the end of the journey by now with full control over everything from marketing and game mechanics to even possibly a free game with paid advertisements, sponsors, tournament entry fees etc as their revenue stream etc.

Retrospect makes things oversimplified I suppose.

Because games made for the sole purpose of being E-Sports don't do as well. See: Shootmania or whatever the fuck its called.

A popular game being made an E-Sport brings in mass appeal because you have casual players who still enjoy seeing the game played at that high level and can learn from it.

Unfortunately, the base Halo 4 game is atrocious for not only competitive play, but from fairness in general.


I can't tell if this kid is having a sexual identify crisis..

"I'm straight, I am straight, yep yep I'm straight, I'm straight, I'm straiaaaaght!"
"You straight, cuz I'm straight, you straight because I'm straiaaahahaaght!"

What the hell.
Because games made for the sole purpose of being E-Sports don't do as well. See: Shootmania or whatever the fuck its called.

A popular game being made an E-Sport brings in mass appeal because you have casual players who still enjoy seeing the game played at that high level and can learn from it.

Unfortunately, the base Halo 4 game is atrocious for not only competitive play, but from fairness in general.

I see this point raised often, my reply is always why change so much to the point you alienate those mass casuals anyhow? I've honestly always wanted to play MLG but just never liked their settings more than the default game. I suppose I like the idea of getting the random newbies out of my potential team mate matches and ensuring players who want to play "properly and competitively" get matched instead. Has assault ever been part of MLG, I don't recall it being an official gametype? Why no 1 sided games, why no vehicles etc etc.

I know this is a lesser example of what my post was about but look at say Murder Miners. Why can't that make it to a fully developed MLG game for example? We'd all like to see spectator mode, film rendering/sharing so why not just do that in house. If MLG or we are so confident that these features, mechanics and settings are the pinnacle when that is released as a full game it would negate your comment about its sole purpose. Perhaps the competitive audience really is too small, which again leads back to why make things so removed from the default game...
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