i still cant believe that this game gets so much hate, especially after reach.
same. reach in the end was a letdown.
i still cant believe that this game gets so much hate, especially after reach.
The pistol didn't dominate in Halo: CE as much as the BR or DMR did in the sequels because of how quick the movement speed was in Halo 1. You could get in close with a shotgun, AR, or PP in CE and have a fighting chance against a pistol user.
And how much of that shit you listed at the top really effects the enjoyment of the actual game for the majority of players?
The majority of players have left though.
Ok? It's not like this wasn't already happening with Reach.
The playlists are the best they've ever been in a Halo game, I don't even see how that's debatable. There's things missing, but overall, you never have to put up with anything you don't want to in 4, which is great.
Ok? It's not like this wasn't already happening with Reach.
So close to being good.
Sort of a fool me once thing. Reach was the first fooling. We could have sworn it was gunna get better! If they just did this and that and that other thing! Brought us Squad Slayer back! So close to being good.
Sort of a fool me once thing. Reach was the first fooling. We could have sworn it was gunna get better! If they just did this and that and that other thing! Brought us Squad Slayer back! So close to being good.
It's never good when the new game continues losing players. I guarantee you they would have liked that to go the other way and have the player population going up for Halo 4. Just saying.
It did get better for me, I'd rather chop my dick off than ever play Reach again.
Well duh, Halo just doesn't have the staying power it used to. No one knows the exact reasons, but I would bet that if you stripped the game of everything and made it like Halo 2 it still wouldn't have a large population. Hopefully Halo 2 Anny supports online and we can really find out if the people really did just want an updated stripped down version of Halo.
It did get better for me, I'd rather chop my dick off than ever play Reach again.
Damn fucking right.
Had some great objective games tonight on H4.
Infinity Slayer is trash though.
I think all of us want Halo 2 Anniversary MP, I just hope they don't fear "losing" their playbase because people will play MP on there a lot more. Hell they could cut out all the glitches and I'll still play $60 for the Mp on XBL.
It should be a crime what was allowed to happen to the PC ports.Same here. While I had some big issues with Halo 2's online I still played the hell out of it. Hell if the player base was there for the mediocre Vista port I'd be playing it a ton.
I think all of us want Halo 2 Anniversary MP, I just hope they don't fear "losing" their playbase because people will play MP on there a lot more. Hell they could cut out all the glitches and I'll still play $60 for the Mp on XBL.
Aww you played slayer without me? Drop me a text or something next time!
It should be a crime what was allowed to happen to the PC ports.
It should be a crime what was allowed to happen to the PC ports.
It should be a crime what was allowed to happen to the PC ports.
It can't be a felony though. We don't want to kill people who made custom server browsers.
Applying the same logic to Halo,
There should have never been a dominating precision weapon in the game, the pistol was a mistake.
one for halo 4.Just curious, why do we have two OTs in community now?
WHAT WAS 343 DOING FOR 5 YEARSHalf the multiplayer and the entire Forge mode was created by Certain Affinity and 343 still has trouble getting baseline features into the game. I don't get it. What were those 300 people doing during those 3 to 4 years?
lol, damn you guys are relentless with shitting on this game.
Exaggerate much? Some of you guys can really be ridiculous at times. No the game is not perfect but broken? Lol might be the best halo for me. They just need to work on some things.I don't think anyone really did, the game is just broken.
one for halo 4.
one for halo general.
Exaggerate much? Some of you guys can really be ridiculous at times. No the game is not perfect but broken? Lol might be the best halo for me. They just need to work on some things.
On Nov 7th there were 410,534 players at peak time, four days later it fell sharply, six days later it fell sharply to 205,704 dropping by half. It has not recovered from there. Today the peak sits currently at 111,741.
Why does 343 continue to cater to the people that played the first five days, when you have no control over them?
Answer that.
Reworking the graphics, the sound, and the engine. With that in place, im sure halo 5 will be smoother. Not to mention taking over reach and making halo cea
Reworking the graphics, the sound, and the engine. With that in place, im sure halo 5 will be smoother. Not to mention taking over reach and making halo cea
I don't agree with the bolded - it depends on what you want out of a set of playlists, I think. Even then, what an incredibly low quality bar to set.The playlists are the best they've ever been in a Halo game, I don't even see how that's debatable. There's things missing, but overall, you never have to put up with anything you don't want to in 4, which is great.
I don't agree with the bolded - it depends on what you want out of a set of playlists, I think. Even then, what an incredibly low quality bar to set.
A month out and one of the three core objective gametypes that the game has is already being cut out of matchmaking entirely. One of the remaining two is going to follow soon if population is any indication. The last real objective gametype is totally unsuitable for big team in its current form, so BTB remains a Slayer-only playlist and is missing the thing that made BTB such a great experience in its golden years. That's leaving out my distaste for some of the key changes they made to gametypes (because yeah, I know, it's subjective).
CTF is occasionally Neutral Bomb Ghost Town levels of stupid with Complex and Abandon CTF. There's no good FFA experience when it would not be difficult to create one using the gametypes we have available currently. A much-needed objective gametype that is on the disc was held back until DLC released when it is supported on a large number of disc maps.
Being able to pick what you want has come at the price of everything having a home somewhere, and I can't see it working long-term. I can see why people like it, but I really don't believe it has any sort of staying power when Halo's population is trending like it is.
How many times would you ever have to start with an AR in this game were they to go away from the single-gametype playlist model? Never.How many times have I had to suffer AR/SMG starts while playing Stockpile? Never. Best ever.
That's not saying much. Also, the gametypes are horrible, so yeah, everyone gets their own pile of shit when they want it.The playlists are the best they've ever been in a Halo game, I don't even see how that's debatable. There's things missing, but overall, you never have to put up with anything you don't want to in 4, which is great.
How many times would you ever have to start with an AR in this game were they to go away from the single-gametype playlists? Never.
How many times would you ever have to play a shitty gametype if the developers took the time and managed the weighting, map/gametype combinations, and voting slot assignment properly and you were easily able to force the vote to a widely-loved gametype in the first slot with your full team, which you regularly play with? Rarely, if ever.
Take the best of both worlds rather than throwing everything out and starting from the ground up.
I know people are probably getting tired of blackops talk, but shit needs to be discussed that we want in Halo.
In Blackops 2 theater mode has surpassed Halo now. Not only can you select clips from a video and splice them together, but there is now a "auto montage" mode that selects clips instantly from gameplay, rates them and runs you through them were you can do final "editing."
Also, you can view from first person of anyone playing. Also, auto youtube upload in HD for free and all that.
How in the world COD actually surpassed Halo in something that Halo did first is astounding to me.
I'll admit I enjoy the game - but in the month that it's been out I've played it very little. I enjoy it when I do play it (for the short intervals that I do play) but I don't really feel drawn back to it necessarily. I think part of it is that it's just so vastly different from what it used to be. It's fun (at times) but it's just not really Halo.
And they said you were HaloGAF's reckoning.