Your post consisted of "game stinks" and a link to watch someone doing a speed run of a completely different game. With your obvious enthusiasm for the game, what was your reasoning for creating the next OT other than to troll? Like I said, I get and understand yours and everyone else's dislike of the game, but in my opinion that kind of angst doesn't belong in the OT thread starter and certainly isn't needed as an OT for Halo 4 when it's already such a sensitive topic, not to mention it's completely disrespectful to 343 who has developers involved in the gaf community.
No, it's really not. Yeah I get everyone thinks all the snarky joke posts making fun of the game are hilarious because lots of people are pissed off about Halo 4. I enjoy a lot of those posts, myself. A lot of those posts in my opinion are pretty funny, but not as the OP of an OT community thread. Regardless of what anyone thinks about the game itself, the OP just makes halogaf as a community look like a bunch of immature tools. That's is so hilarious right? I suppose I'm alone in my thinking about this, so I'll let it go.
It seems everyone is okay with everything, so it's not a big deal.