Whee! I missed all the fun last night.
Ever buy a plane ticket?
I think it's pretty clear that the maps will be left on your drive - but locked. You can avoid having this happen, sure - but only if you're not connected to LIVE. (There'll be a mandatory update next week, and if you download it, you will not be able to use those maps if you got them free. And if you DON'T download it, you will not be allowed on LIVE to play Halo 4.)
Supermarkets must work differently in Ireland than they do here.
My supermarket distributes circulars by mail every week. If you don't get mail, or if you toss the mail, these circulars are available in large piles at the end of every checkout line. It contains coupons (store coupons) for lots of stuff.
If you choose to buy that stuff without the coupons, nobody bats an eyelash. Nobody tells you to go look in the circular - which is literally 2 feet from where you're standing, waiting to pay. It's up to YOU to do that.
::shrug:: that's just the way it is.
It's actually pretty trivial on Shatter (especially if you've got someone on the other team helping you). Jump in one of the grav lifts, and just hover there (well, bounce). Melee someone who walks by. Boom, you got it.
a month now. (That was his first post.)