Which is nice, but not nearly on the same level of communication that was standard with Bungie. We should be hearing about how they recognize x, y, z exploits and relevant information (like specifics behind playlist update, such as why x playlist got put in ahead of y, etc.,) not about caption contests and Halo Forza designs.
And you can choose to feel that way, but that doesn't negate that the vast majority feel wronged by not just what happened with the map pack, but by Microsoft handing out specialization codes that were suppose to be exclusive to LE holders.
This is a good example of lack of communication from 343i. Taking away the exclusivity of something that was a bullet point for the Limited Edition, even if temporary, deserves an explanation behind why that decision was made.
It's not broken but something as standard as hearing the announcer in film clips shouldn't be broken in the first place, and is yet another thing that points to Halo 4 having been in development hell.
The initial support response on this is what should have sticked imo. It's bad business practice to screw over map pass and LE holders alike and admit that it was a mistake, it's another to turn around and say it was intentional and lie to your userbase about a promotion in an attempt to save face. You could argue that they didn't care so much about righting the wrong as they did about assuring they seem under control and getting money they potentially lost back, which isn't surprising considering it's Microsoft.
This is oppinion base and I have to say I heavily disagree. With how terrible Waypoint's interface, I'd argue that the stats API is more important now then it ever was for any previous Halo game, since it's through the API that we're going to get useful stats and data presented in a non-clusterfuck manner.
AFAIK Europeans didn't get access to DXP promotions, or the Nov. 30th specialization codes, and I'm assuming the map pack glitch. I'm pretty sure they got shafted on some pre-order bonuses, though I could very well be wrong about that.
Sorry for the wall of text.