So it seems Halsey becomes a Promethean AI and is reuinted with chief. This stirs him out of retirement (or wherever he is) and to save he world from the didacts new doomsday device/undead army.
Chief becomes jaded because he loves Cortana. Kills the Didact. The paradigm repeats itself: chief is the new unpacifiable warlord, Halsey is the new cortana/librarian torn between being at his side or stopping him. Somehow they destroy/save the galaxy/fall in love
Yeah, she's just really stupid.
Chief becomes jaded because he loves Cortana. Kills the Didact. The paradigm repeats itself: chief is the new unpacifiable warlord, Halsey is the new cortana/librarian torn between being at his side or stopping him. Somehow they destroy/save the galaxy/fall in love
I dont understand that pic, she is already wearing her suit so she re utilized the armor machine just to pick up her helmet? wtf
Yeah, she's just really stupid.