The Real Napsta
Have you seen breaking bad?Here's hoping for a next gen console release.
OT: Finally completed The Wire, probably the best show I've seen.
Have you seen breaking bad?Here's hoping for a next gen console release.
OT: Finally completed The Wire, probably the best show I've seen.
Have you seen breaking bad?
OT: It took an hour or so, but I've fallen in love with Windows 8. I will admit for a while there I was regretting it, but after playing around I don't think I could go back to W7 without feeling gimped.
Honestly don't see what the hate is for.
What's it's purpose? And don't say "To harvest, of course."
Its purpose is to dig out things.What's it's purpose? And don't say "To harvest, of course."
Disappointed, but if it means Destiny is a new gen title, I'm ok with it.Doesn't look like Destiny is releasing this year.
Cool, I'll definitely check out the wire.Yeah I have, Wire was definitely better imo. Breaking Bad is an awesome show, don't get me wrong.
I still can't believe people complain about Join in Progress as a design (it's current implementation does leave a bit to be desired though). Has everyone already forgotten Reach games where every BTB game would be lopsided? Or even team slayer where one player gets dropped before the match even starts and it is like the rest of the match?
I do agree there should still be quitting penalties though (although, I can't think of what a logical penalty would be w/o a rankings or something).
Yeah I have, Wire was definitely better imo. Breaking Bad is an awesome show, don't get me wrong.
Cool, I'll definitely check out the wire.
Reach failed to keep people interested in a game because there wasn't anything that really "hurt" a player for quitting. If there were Ranks in the game, and you lost rank due to quitting, you would have a lot less quitting...
I personally don't like JIP as it messes with the flow of the game and/or can add a lot of black screen moments.
Yeah I have, Wire was definitely better imo. Breaking Bad is an awesome show, don't get me wrong.
Wouldn't it be the act of quitting that causes the black screens and not joining? Black screens are for host changes and the like, right?
With a new player joining I can imagine there being situations where a different host would be better than the current one. Has Bungie ever explained anything about host picking or host switches? Would be very interesting.Wouldn't it be the act of quitting that causes the black screens and not joining? Black screens are for host changes and the like, right?
Breaking Bad is phenomenal, but The Wire is in a category all on its own. I've yet to see any show come close. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiit.
Yes. Every time I get blackscreen/scoreboard, it's because the host is quitting. I've never seen any issues with people joining in on a game I'm currently in, but the issue I have with JiP is that it's very inconsistent. I played a game of Infinity Slayer on Harvest not too long ago where 2 people on the other team quit fairly early on in the match, and no one ever joined (also worth noting that the game started 4v3, another huge gripe about matchmaking). Match lasted for over 10mins because most everyone was just fucking around, but it was ridiculous that NO ONE ever joined the match.Wouldn't it be the act of quitting that causes the black screens and not joining? Black screens are for host changes and the like, right?
Usually I think GAF overall is so pro Sony but damn that thread is amazing. I'm really pumped for this unveil on the 20th.
Thanks!If anyone wants to watch the DICE awards, Nerdist has what I assume to be the whole thing (nearly 3 hours).
What's it's purpose? And don't say "To harvest, of course."
We don't really do a full questionnare anymore, just this: AR or BR?Hello HaloGAF!
I am long-time lurker and I want to (finally) introduce myself.
I don't know where that one questionnaire is that everyone was responding to in the past so I'll just randomly spout facts about myself and my play style:
MLG or Big Team:
MLG if there is a choice (usually), but Big Team has a special place in my heart, and it's quite honestly fun now. It might be because I always play with a guest (who is pretty good) and we get matched up against lower tier players. I digress.
Lately I've been using the BR a lot, but it still gets completely outclassed on anything bigger than Solace.
That's all I remember...ask me whatever (hehe).
OT: It took an hour or so, but I've fallen in love with Windows 8. I will admit for a while there I was regretting it, but after playing around I don't think I could go back to W7 without feeling gimped.
Honestly don't see what the hate is for.
LolOh crap. So I went to play some Halo 4 and couldn't connect to Xbox Live. Upon some investigating, I found out that apparently network bridging isn't supported in Windows 8. I have an old white Xbox so I can't connect to my wireless modem directly.
Anyone know what else I can do to connect to Xbox Live through my PC?
I just went through this week's Spartan Ops last night. I have no idea how they're going to manage to satisfy us at the end of this season unless they pull an ODST and introduce Engineers in the final location or something.
Anyone else get major Combat Evolved vibes from the Apex mission? If they had made the portals/generators/whatever all active at once and let you target them in any order you wanted it would have been perfect.
I just went through this week's Spartan Ops last night. I have no idea how they're going to manage to satisfy us at the end of this season unless they pull an ODST and introduce Engineers in the final location or something.
Anyone else get major Combat Evolved vibes from the Apex mission? If they had made the portals/generators/whatever all active at once and let you target them in any order you wanted it would have been perfect.
While I would agree that radar is definitely detrimental to tourney-style competitive play, Halo for a large portion of the population isn't really THAT competitive. Many people just want to play Team Slayer, or BTB, or what have you. I would wager a significant amount of people depend on the feature and I think it would upset more people than it would please making radar worse (aside from making it work like it did in Halo CE, 2, and 3) or removing it completely.
We don't really do a full questionnare anymore, just this: AR or BR?
We don't really do a full questionnare anymore, just this: AR or BR?
Makes me think of one of the latest episodes of Family Guy.
I said "any" sort of competitiveness is gone, doesn't have to be pro players or what have you. The problem is found in exactly what you said: players depend too much on it and would complain to see it go. There is competitiveness in casual games.
Radar is a crutch and helps no one.
That may look like a hyperbole, but it's the truth. Players get too dependent on the radar and basic awareness skills are gimped because of it. Without radar, players have a better chance at improving their play overall, thus allowing for a better experience for everyone. In fact, 343 deciding to IMPROVE the radar ended up making the game worse in other areas, such as no death marks being replaced by an X on the radar.
This is a bush that's been beaten since Halo 2 MM, so I doubt it will ever change anyway.. I wouldn't even be surprised if Halo 5's radar was a minimap instead.
Radar is a crutch and helps no one.
I said "any" sort of competitiveness is gone, doesn't have to be pro players or what have you. The problem is found in exactly what you said: players depend too much on it and would complain to see it go. There is competitiveness in casual games.
Radar is a crutch and helps no one.
That may look like a hyperbole, but it's the truth. Players get too dependent on the radar and basic awareness skills are gimped because of it. Without radar, players have a better chance at improving their play overall, thus allowing for a better experience for everyone. In fact, 343 deciding to IMPROVE the radar ended up making the game worse in other areas, such as no death marks being replaced by an X on the radar.
This is a bush that's been beaten since Halo 2 MM, so I doubt it will ever change anyway.. I wouldn't even be surprised if Halo 5's radar was a minimap instead.
Radar requires crouch walking, overpowered Armor Abilities, goading players towards your Boltshot, and stacking Ordnance Drops to get crazy kill streaks. I've had some great matches in Infinity where both teams are aware of these bullshit tactics and keep trying to outdo one another.
It helps the players that are familiar enough with Halo to crouch walk. There are two different playstyles for Halo - radar, and no radar. No radar requires better team work and communication, and being able to check your back and keep yourself out of sightlines. Radar requires crouch walking, overpowered Armor Abilities, goading players towards your Boltshot, and stacking Ordnance Drops to get crazy kill streaks. They're different types of play, and one is definitely more exploitative - but they're both still competitive (in the emotional sense). I've had some great matches in Infinity where both teams are aware of these bullshit tactics and keep trying to outdo one another.
No way that is true then, didn't they say none of the levels from s1.0 wouldn't return?