Blue Ninja
Silverlight absolutely sucks when using a school connection.
Yo 343, you know YouTube? Use it.
Yo 343, you know YouTube? Use it.
She comes off as an arrogant, single-minded grunt. Her attitude toward the Covenant is annoying after the peaceful gestures of Admiral Hood at the end of Halo 3, and her attitude towards scientists is just stupid since she relies so heavily on the technology they provide for her. Some say she is written to be disliked. If that is the case, mission accomplished.Why does everyone hate Palmer again?
Wha willow said:Why does everyone hate Palmer again?
Crimson. Button. Egghead.
Silverlight absolutely sucks when using a school connection.
Yo 343, you know YouTube? Use it.
The way she was visibly looking forward to killing Halsey..
That seems to be the case with a lot of characters in the game.Some say she is written to be disliked. If that is the case, mission accomplished.
I'm gonna give that bitch a rodeo. Bitches love rodeos.
Yeah, I didn't get that either? What's she saying? She's killed unarmed civilians before? :
I'm guessing it means that she's been given the hitman order before. She did kill that Elite really stealthily. It just stuck out to me as an odd choice of words.Yeah, I didn't get that either? What's she saying? She's killed unarmed civilians before? :
Palmer from the first time she started speaking in war games on launch night I disliked her. When she told chief she thought he'd be taller, I wanted him to just punch her in the throat.
Then you have spartan ops and the rest is history. How 343 decided Palmer would be commander of all Spartans ill never know.
I literally want her to die every week which is sad. She doesn't come off as a good spartan, she doesn't come off as a good commissioned officer and she sure as hell doesn't come off as commander of all Spartans. She'll never be a Sgt. Johnson, she'll never be a Miranda Keyes, she won't even be a Kat or Carter.
Someone posted a pic of starship troopers a few days ago as inspiration for Crimson and Spartan-IV's, and I have to wholeheartedly agree. So poorly written and because it was Jennifer Hale, it literally sounds like renegade femshep every time I play.
How cool would it have been for a Spartan-II to be commander instead of Palmer. And no, it's not because she is a woman. She's just poorly written.
Or you know.. Fred .. or Naomi.. a Spartan 2 who was aviable all the time.Mendez could have been leader of the Spartans.
It's been theorized that Spartan II/IIIs are being phased out as they are signs of atrocities committed during the war/old guard.
The SIVs are basically turning into the "Next generation soldier", which does take a bit away from the uniqueness of being a spartan.
It's been theorized that Spartan II/IIIs are being phased out as they are signs of atrocities committed during the war/old guard.
The SIVs are basically turning into the "Next generation soldier", which does take a bit away from the uniqueness of being a spartan.
I suggest you forget halo and play destiny instead. 343 is not a good halo company.
Nah, just make sure you only play the good playlists. Play doubles now, vote for CTF/Doubles Pro. And when Team Throwdown comes out then get on that.
You know, it would be an interesting expirement if 343 removed ALL infinity playlists and gametypes from Halo 4 for a week.
See if theres a huge blow in population numbers, or if those same people just migrate to another playlist.
Majestic plays on normal confirmed.
Wha willow said:
Of course that is just a gross simplification.
I don't like her attitutde, she seems unprofessional and bitchy. And i hate how 343i tried to force her to be "cool", no helmet (it is a fucking war and she doesn't wear helmet?) and her dual wielding magnums (sidearms? When you have a rifle or shotguns?).
And of course, she has zero impact on the story, she's there just to be "cool" and have someone shove Halsey around and to hate her.
It sucks even with good home connection. And no HD.
First week I had a person on my friends list unknowingly join up while I was playing Slayer Pro. Before he left he said "My bad, but I gotta cut out, I didn't know you guys were playing Slayer Pro. That playlist doesn't have ANYTHING!"
The only playlist even remotely resembling Halo didn't have "anything." LOL
I'd pay a dollar for a Duncan concert.
We all know what happened to the last female spartan in a Combat situation that didn't wear her helmet...
can a Jackal do it again?
We all know what happened to the last female spartan in a Combat situation that didn't wear her helmet...
can a Jackal do it again?
Nah, that would leave behind evidence.
A crawler should just blain-beam her.
Was she? I really need to play through Reach again, because i remember her getting blained pretty hard.Um, Kat was wearing her helmet.
Yes, she was wearing a helmet. I think showing a helmetless female getting her brains blown out the front of her skull might have been a little too much for Bungie, which I would agree with.Was she? I really need to play through Reach again, because i remember her getting blained pretty hard.
Was she? I really need to play through Reach again, because i remember her getting blained pretty hard.
Seems like 343 wants to continue the shitty writing that Karen Traviss started... Fuck Palmer, she deserves a death in fire.
Was she? I really need to play through Reach again, because i remember her getting blained pretty hard.
It's kinda terrifying when you realize that they probably had to take her helmet off at some point for a burial.
If exit wounds on human weapons are anything to go by, Kat's head probably fucking exploded all over the inside of her visor.
It's kinda terrifying when you realize that they probably had to take her helmet off at some point for a burial.
If exit wounds on human weapons are anything to go by, Kat's head probably fucking exploded all over the inside of her visor.
It's kinda terrifying when you realize that they probably had to take her helmet off at some point for a burial.
If exit wounds on human weapons are anything to go by, Kat's head probably fucking exploded all over the inside of her visor.
I agree. But Emile has made a place in my heart. I wish we could have seen his face.Best characters in Reach were Jorge and Kat.
This might be considered dumb, but I definitely think there's potential here for a charity album.Sure, but after TicketMaster fees it'll be $15.
Better plan:
1. Start Kickstarter for a Halo Musical.
2. Sell each investor a percentage of the musical's earnings, sell more than 100% and make sure the musical is a complete failure.
3. ???
4. Profit!
"Springtime for Halo
and Three-four-three...."
The best characters in Reach were Jorge and the second time you saw Jorge.
I think that Jorge was the best character in Reach. Too bad the other characters didn't really get a chance to develop as much.
Just watched SpOps Cinematic. Awesome to see Palmer finally put on that damn helmet.
Now if she had just died.
Thank you Based Moa.Coming to a Spartan Ops Episode 10 near you.