Proof, if it were needed, that opinions can be wrong.
New playlists and SpOps up.
Also, no stability added in Snipers...this needs a fix soon. So awful to play with flinch when stability could be universal.
(this is all assuming they have the ability to add it, that is)
Did you not see her breasts during that one cutscene?
Mmmmmmm flinch.
Mmmmmmm flinch.
Did you not see her breasts during that one cutscene?
Pics or it didn't happen.
We're gonna have a whale of a good time on GAF now.
ew btbWe're gonna have a whale of a good time on GAF now.
How was the NHL thing with Alex?
fun thing to do: brainstorm "Infinity" versions of other video games
If I had to sum up the experience with one picture...
Really though, the entire event was a blast. The gamespot, Twitch, and Virgin Gaming employees were all great, and except for a few minor changes on the production side, it was a pretty flawless event.
Knock three players off the road = get a blue shell? lolMario Kart: Infinity
They won't allow anything that you could erotically asphyxiate yourself with.I hope you're not wearing that skinny tie when you go to jail. It's way too pretty.
I hope you're not wearing that skinny tie when you go to jail. It's way too pretty.
They won't allow anything that you could erotically asphyxiate yourself with.
Mario Kart: Infinity
I've only played up to chapter 1 of episode 8, might catch up on SpOps a bit later today.
I gotta catch up as well... maybe tomorrow.
Halo needs more head explosions.
What the fuck
This doesn't sound too terrible I guess but it's still weird.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Hey all. I haven't been in this thread for a while, since I've been busy...but if anyone would be kind enough to, ya know, catch me up on a couple of things, that would be greatly appreciated.
1. Has Ghost or anyone said anything about when v2 is supposed to be released? I can't take insta-spawns on Gamebattles for much longer.
2. There's still no date for the title update, is there?
3. What's the latest on a Destiny reveal? GDC? Before GDC? (I know they at least have a presentation at GDC)
BONUS QUESTION: What is this even from?
Haha, anyways, thanks in advance guys.
1. Still in playtesting, I assume it will come out after the TU, depending on if they announce gametype fixes.
2. Late february is all we know, likely alongside the Majestic Map Pack release.
3. Unknown, all we know is the GDC presentation.
Heres where it goes weird. The top line, the games with just a trailer, sold the best out of this group by a large margin.
Wait, you mean we spent all this money making a demo and getting it out there and it cut our sales in half? Schell asked. Yes, thats exactly what happened to you because when you put the demo out, people had seen the trailer and theyre like thats cool, and they made a plan. They had to try that game. And then they played the demo. Alright, I tried the game, that was okay, alright Im done. But the games with no demo, you have to buy it if you want to try it. These plans make a big difference.
So the TU is actually still locked in for February? I assumed that it got bumped to March since we still don't have a date.
lol at the Bravo video. I guess this means they're still working on vidocs?
Button press animations are dumb and repetitive.
As far as we know, they've been saying late february for a while now, bs angel even said she'd try to get some TU info this week for us.
BR's gonna get nerfed.
You cannot be serious.
I rarely see it in action.
What in the hell is a carbine?
BR's gonna get nerfed.
You cannot be serious.I think the Carbine should. I'm getting killed way too much by that thing.
I think the Carbine should. I'm getting killed way too much by that thing.
I think the Carbine should. I'm getting killed way too much by that thing.
Not seeing his face was sort of the whole thematic point. The skull was his face.I agree. But Emile has made a place in my heart. I wish we could have seen his face.
Not seeing his face was sort of the whole thematic point. The skull was his face.
Yes, but it would have been great to get a little bit more character growth from him, He seemed like the only one that didn't have a bit of growth (not saying there was much growth from the squad. well maybe Jorge.)
Yes, but it would have been great to get a little bit more character growth from him, He seemed like the only one that didn't have a bit of growth (not saying there was much growth from the squad. well maybe Jorge.)
Agreed. This squad is going through the downfall of Reach and they don't change at all during it.
His face
Concept art doesn't hold the same feelings that an In-game model would provide.
Great article. It's my only worry about Destiny, and one of the things I'm looking for as it's announced and gets ready to launch. I don't think Bungie would parcel out content like we've been seeing if they had the choice. But Activision.Interesting editorial on Penny Arcade (relevant to recent discussion):
Why demos could cut your sales in half, and how Diablo 3 broke adventuring
Discusses the effects of purchasing rewards for games instead of earning them or working towards them and how this can affect longevity of the playerbase. Also, something of a sad commentary on the quality of "AAA" games.
The main problem with the Reach campaign is that you never notice the downfall until the 'Lone Wolf' mission. I never got the impression that we were losing the planet. Yes, Noble Team was alone all the time, but that was also the case during the first mission, so I thought it was normal.
There wan no human life on the planet or signs of a populated civilization. In order for a player to feel like they're losing, there has to be something to lose in the first place.
Ain't nobody got time for that.