The Real Napsta
MLG v2 is out?as long as there are real settings like Goldpro and Not Ghost's Nostalgia filled v1 or v2. ill be fine
MLG v2 is out?as long as there are real settings like Goldpro and Not Ghost's Nostalgia filled v1 or v2. ill be fine
Halo iOS theme continues. These damn apps with their hard-to-guess preference names/icons are annoying the hell out of me. I don't wan to have to brute-force replace the icons in the app, but I might have to. Going with a more Halo 2 style for the wallpaper, front icons prolly still need more pizazz.
He's been talking on twitter about settings.MLG v2 is out?
Halo iOS theme continues. These damn apps with their hard-to-guess preference names/icons are annoying the hell out of me. I don't wan to have to brute-force replace the icons in the app, but I might have to. Going with a more Halo 2 style for the wallpaper, front icons prolly still need more pizazz.
I hope Team Throwdown is good, and I look forward to it, but I don't see it bringing back much of an audience.
do people really think that this is going to bring in more players? do people really still believe that? People need to realize that the shrinking community isn't due to the quality of the game as much as it is the rising popularity of other shooters (like COD, not to throw that name around or anything). I know people on this forum care about the super competitive side of Halo, but you do realize that you're only one small part of a huge community of gamers, right? I'm not trying to say that anyone here is right or wrong, I'm just trying to be realistic. I know people around here think differently, but Halo 4's a well made game and it's definitely not "bad enough" to make hundreds of thousands of people never want to play again. They've just found something new that they like better, and I think that even if the game played like Halo 2 we'd still be in this "population crisis."
What tweak Are you using for the Rings in the Wifi?
He's been talking on twitter about settings.
That looks sick but I hate when some of the apps are changed but some look the same. Would it be possible to have that little indent on the bottom of all the apps?
The design philosophy of Halo 4 was to Ignore the last 3 games and continue the genericification of the game that started at people really think that this is going to bring in more players? do people really still believe that? People need to realize that the shrinking community isn't due to the quality of the game as much as it is the rising popularity of other shooters (like COD, not to throw that name around or anything). I know people on this forum care about the super competitive side of Halo, but you do realize that you're only one small part of a huge community of gamers, right? I'm not trying to say that anyone here is right or wrong, I'm just trying to be realistic. I know people around here think differently, but Halo 4's a well made game and it's definitely not "bad enough" to make hundreds of thousands of people never want to play again. They've just found something new that they like better, and I think that even if the game played like Halo 2 we'd still be in this "population crisis."
Oh well, time to pack it up guys! Nothing we can do now. Might as well just lay down and wait for the lights on the servers to dim and cry because Halo finally died.
do people really think that this is going to bring in more players? do people really still believe that? People need to realize that the shrinking community isn't due to the quality of the game as much as it is the rising popularity of other shooters (like COD, not to throw that name around or anything). I know people on this forum care about the super competitive side of Halo, but you do realize that you're only one small part of a huge community of gamers, right? I'm not trying to say that anyone here is right or wrong, I'm just trying to be realistic. I know people around here think differently, but Halo 4's a well made game and it's definitely not "bad enough" to make hundreds of thousands of people never want to play again. They've just found something new that they like better, and I think that even if the game played like Halo 2 we'd still be in this "population crisis."
I've never understood the "Halo's just not popular anymore" idea. How many millions did Halo 4 sell? How many people played the first few days? I don't think it's a matter of Halo's fall from popularity at all. Sales numbers are as strong as they've ever been. There were what, 300-400k players during launch week?do people really think that this is going to bring in more players? do people really still believe that? People need to realize that the shrinking community isn't due to the quality of the game as much as it is the rising popularity of other shooters (like COD, not to throw that name around or anything). I know people on this forum care about the super competitive side of Halo, but you do realize that you're only one small part of a huge community of gamers, right? I'm not trying to say that anyone here is right or wrong, I'm just trying to be realistic. I know people around here think differently, but Halo 4's a well made game and it's definitely not "bad enough" to make hundreds of thousands of people never want to play again. They've just found something new that they like better, and I think that even if the game played like Halo 2 we'd still be in this "population crisis."
do people really think that this is going to bring in more players? do people really still believe that? People need to realize that the shrinking community isn't due to the quality of the game as much as it is the rising popularity of other shooters (like COD, not to throw that name around or anything). I know people on this forum care about the super competitive side of Halo, but you do realize that you're only one small part of a huge community of gamers, right? I'm not trying to say that anyone here is right or wrong, I'm just trying to be realistic. I know people around here think differently, but Halo 4's a well made game and it's definitely not "bad enough" to make hundreds of thousands of people never want to play again. They've just found something new that they like better, and I think that even if the game played like Halo 2 we'd still be in this "population crisis."
From Kevin Franklin: Team Throwdown settings are almost complete and ready, keep an eye out for the bulletin today
It has shitty weapons, shitty weaponplay
I hope youzzz kidding yourselves if you think Halo 4 doesn't have the best weapon sandbox since Halo 1..
I hope youzzz kidding yourselves if you think Halo 4 doesn't have the best weapon sandbox since Halo 1..
I hope youzzz kidding yourselves if you think Halo 4 doesn't have the best weapon sandbox since Halo 1..
Boltshot, Binary Rifle and Incinceration Cannon would like a word with you.
Do vehicles count in this best sandbox?
Or redundant weapons?
I hope youzzz kidding yourselves if you think Halo 4 doesn't have the best weapon sandbox since Halo 1..
I hope youzzz kidding yourselves if you think Halo 4 doesn't have the best weapon sandbox since Halo 1..
I hate how inconsistent some of the weapons are in Halo 4.
Except the railgun only works half the time.
Binary Rifle?
Incineration Cannon?
Assault Rifle?
And perks but I guess that could fall under load outs. FlinchSo basically, the root of this game's problems are ordnance and loadouts.
Oh wait, those are the things keeping this game from being at least worthy of being called 'Halo'.
They sure are unique.They look and feel unique, what's the problem? That they're GOOD? You guys disappoint me.. Do you really want a watered down weapon sandbox like Halo 2, 3 and Reach?
What is wrong with the Incineration Cannon and AR? The AR is actually useful. The Incineration Cannon isn't much different than rockets.
Yeah dude, when someone hits me in the toe with a Binary Rifle and I die even though I had full shields, I just smile and think "Boy, what a GOOD weapon. I'm glad it's so unique."They look and feel unique, what's the problem? That they're GOOD? You guys disappoint me.. Do you really want a watered down weapon sandbox like Halo 2, 3 and Reach?
I hate how inconsistent some of the weapons are in Halo 4.
Halo 4's sandbox includes a bunch of weird nonsense that doesn't feel like it belongs, and the sandbox in general doesn't mesh at all with things like the movement characteristics. For instance, we have BTB map games with aim assist cranked up to 12 and almost no mitigation of rifle effectiveness over a distance, and we get to deal with this while using a movement system that's if anything more sluggish than Reach's thanks to the sprint slowdown when shot.I hope youzzz kidding yourselves if you think Halo 4 doesn't have the best weapon sandbox since Halo 1..
Pocket shotgun and 2/3 of the primary weapons are redundant.
And perks but I guess that could fall under load outs. Flinch
Sandbox balance is whacked.
DMR range vs strafing speed and the rest of the weapons is off
Halo 1, 2, and 3 all had better sandboxes than Halo 4.
Complaint one: Too many one hit weapons trying to make the game CoD. Means battles are shorter and less interesting.
Complaint two: It has a sniper rifle that lets you get a one shot kill anywhere.
Complaint three: It has a handheld shotgun you spawn with.
Complaint four: The DMR/BR/Carbine are not even closed to being balanced.
Complaint five: Incineration cannon is a joke you can be blind and still get triple kills with that thing, plus its reload is way too fast
Complaint six: Sniper rifle is like impossibly easy especially after you remove flinch since you dont get unscoped...
Every other weapon is a joke, supressor? really? Needler is super fast kill to balance, but it lost what makes it awesome, getting a load into someone and exploding.
If you think its the best weapon sandbox since Halo 2 thats fine, thats your opinion, but your opinion is wrong.
Not Halo 3.
I hope they learned that having dual-firing modes - while interesting - is pointless.
Like the dual-firing for the light rifle? Pointless?
They sure are unique.
The Boltshot's so unique it's a shotgun you can spawn with with a longer range than the actual shotgun.
The BiRi's so unique I can get a 1HK by shooting someone in the pinkie.
The Incineration Cannon is the Rocket Launcher with Frag-dispensing rounds.
The DMR is a mini-sniper that you can spawn with.
You fail to see the distinction between "good" and "so insanely OP whoever designed the weapon needs to be shot with it a billion times in Matchmaking on spawn".
When the AR outduels the SAW, you have a problem.
Not Halo 3.
To me a good sandbox would imply that I use other weapons. I only drop DMR/Boltshit for sniper/incineration/rockets/rail. Everything else is dead to me
I hope they learned that having dual-firing modes - while interesting - is pointless.
All three of these share one flaw: If the weapon you're designing isn't fit for the multiplayer environment in which 99.9% of the players will be seeing it (matchmaking!), then why are you designing it that way in the first place? It is not unfair to place blame on an element that does not fit that environment instead of saying "well, if this huge, key structural element were changed it'd be fine!" That's not how it works.First time in Halo's sandbox. It's a fun weapon, you're problem with it is it being in MM.
That's the problem, not the weapon.
Game-wide mechanic, not exclusive to the Sniper. The problem isn't with the actual weapon, it's with the design of the game IMO. This can be an argument of semantics so w.e