It is just... Why even have 4 different primary precision rifles if they aren't balanced...
I thought Doubles Pro was a great sign. It had all 4 primary precision rifles.
I figured, "Hey! The DMR is a bit overpowered right now, but this might be a sign that they are going to rebalance the weapons in the upcoming title update!"
But, nope.
I love Halo 4's concept art. It makes me think of all the awesome things 343 could have accomplished if they had 6 months more of dev time.
I'm hoping we can see all four precision primaries as spawn guns in different variants. That would be a fun (but still reasonably 'classic') way to experience the sandbox. I just hope they fix death waypoints and get rid of that derpy radar. I've played with it. It's annoying. Virtually useless - just wasting my HUD space. Give me no radar or give me normal radar. Those I can handle. Friendly radar? C'mon guys.Dont forget BR starts
If Carbine or LR starts were options would that appeal to you? I think the range on the DMR is excessive, and I think that more rounded gameplay comes from having your primary rifle out-ranged by snipers instead of just being less powerful. I think that's part of the 'classic' feel people want - challenging gunplay and having limits to push. CEA Magnum is one of my favorite primaries - cross-mapping with that thing vs. a sniper is rewarding as fuck.I cannot use an inconsistent weapon. i'll wait until the DMR gametype to even touch this playlist
I'm hoping we can see all four precision primaries as spawn guns in different variants. That would be a fun (but still reasonably 'classic') way to experience the sandbox. I just hope they fix death waypoints and get rid of that derpy radar. I've played with it. It's annoying. Virtually useless - just wasting my HUD space. Give me no radar or give me normal radar. Those I can handle. Friendly radar? C'mon guys.(To be fair, I abused the shit out of the MLG radar in customs. Shank after shank after shank. It gives players a false sense of security, if they ever play normal MM. Commendations will be maxed out. The rage will be induced. Bring popcorn.)
And yeah, anybody else kinda want Binary Rifle/Scattershot as a voting option in Team Snipers? I mean, no complaints about Shotty Snipers, but flamey Shotty Snipers?
And yeah, anybody else kinda want Binary Rifle/Scattershot as a voting option in Team Snipers? I mean, no complaints about Shotty Snipers, but flamey Shotty Snipers?
Ha ha, Scott does not kid around.Eye stalk cock monster...
fuck no. are you serious?And yeah, anybody else kinda want Binary Rifle/Scattershot as a voting option in Team Snipers? I mean, no complaints about Shotty Snipers, but flamey Shotty Snipers?
No idea, man.So the Harvester is supposed to be a converted space whale?
No idea, man.
Hey man, there's no Action Sack okay?fuck no. are you serious?
Ouch.Your opinion is almost as dumb as your avatar.
Well, Shotty Snipers is kinda Action Sack-ey. I mean, as long as Snipers Pro or whatever shows up in the first slot all the time, you'll only be seeing it by a majority vote.I'd be down for it in Action Sack. But Snipers should be a hard playlist, no tomfoolery allowed
I'd be down for it in Action Sack. But Snipers should be a hard playlist, no tomfoolery allowedHey man, there's no Action Sack okay?
Sure there is, it's everything that starts with the word Infinity.Hey man, there's no Action Sack okay?
Hey man, there's no Action Sack okay?
Well, Shotty Snipers is kinda Action Sack-ey. I mean, as long as Snipers Pro or whatever shows up in the first slot all the time, you'll only be seeing it by a majority vote.
Sure there is, it's everything that starts with the word Infinity.
Who in the world plays Spartan Ops with an Assault Rifle?
It boggles my mind how out of touch 343 is with the community. These are competent devs.
I think there's more than a chance.Holy shit. In addition to possible footage Sunday we might get to hear new Marty music.
The reason Doubles Pro was all rifles was to just give players the choice. Throwdown is a more competitive playlist and those settings have seen a lot of testing so they're fine tuned for BR Starts only. I had a problem with it before but I think until the weapons are balanced by 343, it's all good.
Just wait until you play it, it's good.
I think there's more than a chance.
So the playlist specifically tailored towards competition only uses the most spready and inconsistent of the four starting rifles?
Try it before you knock it bro. I get more consistent kills with the BR than the Carbine and Light Rifle too. I get 5 shots regularly with the BR.
Man, I miss that gametype. Physics have just never been the samebahah I like you, even if you have dumb opinions sometimes :]
Team Sumo was the greatest thing to come out of Halo 3.
Yeah, I think we're all ready for the end of the beta, and were kind of expecting/hoping that this TU would deliver that, at least to a degree. I suppose it is, but - well, we'll see.Truly.
The fact that everyone here never gets along on decisions but ultimately bitch about this game shows that its like a microcosm of different people its like the world in a minimized version and you can see all of us argue and some of us smoke weed, and some of us work but most of you sit in your parents basement, and some of us bang, and some of us write lyrics about Halo to famous modern day songs, and some of us play Dota and they are called nerds, and some of us are banned and some of us lurk, and Tashi posts alot.
but all in all. We all think the game is a turdburgler.
So fix your stuff cause HaloGAF is life.
Better? lol...your avatar...
The fact that everyone here never gets along on decisions but ultimately bitch about this game shows that its like a microcosm of different people its like the world in a minimized version and you can see all of us argue and some of us smoke weed, and some of us work but most of you sit in your parents basement, and some of us bang, and some of us write lyrics about Halo to famous modern day songs, and some of us play Dota and they are called nerds, and some of us are banned and some of us lurk, and Tashi posts alot.
but all in all. We all think the game is a turdburgler.
So fix your stuff cause HaloGAF is life.
HaloGAF, do you ever get the feeling that you've simply put too much time into the games and that's why the magic is wearing off? It seems to me as a regular lurker that it's all the most hardcore players that really dislike Halo 4. I play it every now and then and have fun with it but I've never been a crazy MP player, I usually play about 50 hours and then I've had my fill and that's been the same for all the games. But you guys seem to put hundreds of hours into it.
So is it any wonder you're getting fatigued with the game? You know it too well, all the changes stand out to you because this is what you do. But to more casual players it's just Halo still but with some welcome changes (I like global sprint and instant respawn for instance, the game is quicker for it and I enjoy that).
When I play it still gives me that 'fuck yeah Halo' feel.
I mean, is there really anything that 343 could do to fix the game, or has it just been ~10 years of playing essentially the same game and you're no longer the same person who fell in love with it and are tiring of the repitition?
I need to catch up with this thread, however I thought I would share that it is now my birthday. This is relevant because I was born at 3:43 am (seriously).
Carry on.
Weird, we have the same birthday.
Happy Birthday To Ryaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan and Demoncarnotaur.
My birthday's one day before these guys. I am superior.
Happy birthday, inferior Feburary 14-lings.
Why kind of wolfpack plays grifball to begin with?WOLVES:
Barrow just went negative in Grifball. Boot him from the pack?
Happy birthday yo
Welp, my brothers Halo 2 disc refuses to work so I ordered another copy cheap off of Amazon. Wonder if I should play ODST or Reach in the meantime.
Happy birthday to everyone!
Happy birthday yo
Welp, my brothers Halo 2 disc refuses to work so I ordered another copy cheap off of Amazon. Wonder if I should play ODST or Reach in the meantime.
Is only inconsistent if you try to use it cross maping, BR is the most balanced precision weapon for competitive play. But, yes, the problem is bungie and 343 gave the players the loadout option, so if the players dont get their favorite weapon as a starting loadout they are going to complain about it, whe should also ask for an AR loadout while we are at it, as is only fair to AR users.I think there's more than a chance.
So the playlist specifically tailored towards competition only uses the most spready and inconsistent of the four starting rifles?
But there is a difference between them and the in-game prometheans. Those are the Forerunner prometheans and we fight the Human prometheans.These designs (which I believe were used in the terminals):
are so much better than what we ended up with in-game for the prometheans.
I have no clue what you're talking about
Also, no red X's on the map really shows the flaws in map design and landmark creation.
Kevin Franklin at work
But there is a difference between them and the in-game prometheans. Those are the Forerunner prometheans and we fight the Human prometheans.
But I agree. The design is much more interesting. Maybe Halo 5?
I've used the BR plenty, the only gun I have more kills with is the DMR. Doesn't change the fact that it's the most inconsistent starting rifle even though it's probably "better" than the Light Rifle and Carbine in most situations.
Who knows what the majority feels, or if I am in line with them, but I was hoping for TeamHardcoreThrowdown to be a stripped down version of the game (including the original changes listed in the Waypoint forum post) that ideally had four loadouts for each of the four primary rifles. I didn't want Ghost's significant different than default/stripped down settings as the settings for the playlist.
Serious question. Fixed issues with friendly fire against vehicles. If FF is disabled, damage / EMPs from friendly sources will no longer damage vehicles that are fully controlled by your team.
You married? Sounds like you're married.I mean, is there really anything that 343 could do to fix the game, or has it just been ~10 years of playing essentially the same game and you're no longer the same person who fell in love with it and are tiring of the repitition?
And to add, why are so many people acting like Halo 2 was Bungie's last game? I would place good money that Destiny won't have a competitive based multiplayer.
This was with the leaked concept art,
C'mon people, it's not going to happen. Those words are the anti-christ to competitive multiplayer nowadays. I'm sure Destiny is going to have a stellar campaign and fun multiplayer, but there's no need to hype ourselves for something that is very unlikely. We're not asking for a competitive multipalyer experience, we're asking for an out dated one. We're becoming the new Quake III fans.
Serious question.
Now what do we do about the troll on our team who spends the entire game plowing us down with the Ghost? We couldn't retaliate but we could at least take his toys away with a PP/Plasma.
Does negating the damage go both ways? Will FF off now disable vehicle on player damage?
You married? Sounds like you're married.Try some Infinity settings in the bedroom. Call in some ordnance drops. I recommend Thruster Pack or Speed Boost. Avoid Damage Boost, it's Valentine's Day after all.
These designs (which I believe were used in the terminals):
are so much better than what we ended up with in-game for the prometheans.
Holy shit. In addition to possible footage Sunday we might get to hear new Marty music.