Overall is a better weapon but you are not going to win a battle at close range against a good BR user.
Uh there are very few small maps in the game. If you mention haven, the DMR more than holds its own, especially if you have great position.
And yes you are. Like I said, in theory in a 1v1 duel within 15 meters or whatever, sure a BR has an advantage. But that's not the way the game plays. I have a DMR to make sure you don't have get close. With stability, your shots don't make me flinch. If you somehow evade my shots, I still have grenades, I have teammates, etc. If I still can't kill you, I have a boltshot and sprint. I'll run away, I'll go around a corner, I'll be charge at you with boltshot etc.
Very rarely will you be in a situation where it's a 1v1 shot battle, and the distance is mid range where BR is most effective. Even then, I still have a chance to kill you.
Also, deadly Cyclone, I see where you're coming from, but you have to realize, this is not what people wanted. Personal ordnance is the first thing that should have been gone in a competitive playlist. Otherwise what's the point? Is juices going to pick the game up again because it's now 85% less shit but still has enough shit that he'll put it down again.
The only reason allies only is enabled for motion tracker, is because I'm assuming that they weren't able to put red X on death back in the game, which then makes me wonder who decided to remove it in the first place. But I agree 343 is making good moves, doubles pro, inviting mlg pros for feedback, I'd have to give the most improved player award to Ellis though. I actually enjoyed playing the second half of spartan ops and can't wait to see how they finish it off.