Having played it now, I still think 5 caps to win on Adrift CTF is a mistake. Combined with Flag at Home to Score, you get these really boring stalemates where nobody is willing to overextend themselves. We ended up 5-0ing them, but only after they lost a teammate. We were screwed out of our first cap, too - we got it all the way back to our base, the carrier died, and the flag got stuck in the ceiling/walkways. TU needs to fix that shit pronto, it's infuriating.
Flag capture radius seems really small. I had to walk really precisely over the capture point (so that the geometry bumped me upwards) in order to get the cap, which isn't anything like vanilla settings, where you can walk anywhere on that plate and it'll capture.
Also, plasma grenades on spawn in Throwdown Deluxe. No thanks.
Certainly plays much better than vanilla H4, that's for sure, but some of the matchmaking wrappers need to be polished up.