The Living Tribunal
Hey HaloGaf, if anyone's up for some games i'll be on for a while.
GT: rogue ag3nt 1
GT: rogue ag3nt 1
Yeah man you're right, especially when you get a team together coordinating attacks.
Kantus + Mauler + Screaming Wretch = YISS
RAM, CPU, GPU, MOBO are most definitely the biggest concerns. Would even put power supply on that list depending on GPU/CPU.
For a barebones usage PC, yes. For one that wants to do a sort of decent job at gaming, capture/rendering, etc, no. More RAM, and just as importantly, faster RAM is a big concern. Your good CPU/mobo/etc won't mean much if you can't store/transfer stuff between them. Also, RAM is one of the cheapest upgrades you can implement.
It's not all about size, but nowadays I would recommend to most people to go for 8GiB. Kingston HyperX if you can afford it. Speed and cooling is almost as important as physical memory.
Speed and latency for RAM (e.g. 1333 9-9-9-24 vs 1666 8-8-8-24) is not a big deal. In many cases it is just 1-4% difference. 1333Mhz DDR3 is perfectly fine for most. Save your money unless a sale is on, our you want to buy neat looking RAM. Just make sure the tall RAM heatsinks don't block your CPU heatsink!
4GB is enough for gaming. 8GB if you do a lot of multitasking or video work.
I have 4GB and the only time I've ever ran out of RAM was when I had like 50 tabs open on Chrome. Other than that, I've rendered videos, ran Crysis on fairly high settings, etc. with zero issues. And are you guys certain that RAM speed is a big deal?
This is what Hazaro said in his thread regarding RAM in general:
Did you watch the 1:20 long game where everything got mined out? Was soooo epic.
Halo 4 bracelet
lol yea. Fucking Bomber nuking himself was hilarious.
While that context is important and makes sense, it doesn't reinforce my RIP Halo agenda, so I'm choosing to ignore it.I'll say it again, this is almost all from the tournament. From twitchtv's stats:
And they were on twitchtv front page for a while.
I have 4GB and the only time I've ever ran out of RAM was when I had like 50 tabs open on Chrome. Other than that, I've rendered videos, ran Crysis on fairly high settings, etc. with zero issues. And are you guys certain that RAM speed is a big deal?
This is what Hazaro said in his thread regarding RAM in general:
4GB might be good right now but its affordable and easy enough to future proof a system in terms of ram at this point that its better to do it than not. You can get yourself 4x 4GB at 1600mhz sticks for less than £100 its well worth the investment and its something you wont have to upgrade for sometime.
FYI you can't max out Battlefield 3 with less than 6GB without having issues. I went from 4 to 12 without spending much money at all.
MLG halo 4 had around 40, numbers:
CoD Blops II: 25,000
Halo 4: 500
Says it all really.
Was partying all day, will need to catch up on that Starcraft.
I have 4GB and the only time I've ever ran out of RAM was when I had like 50 tabs open on Chrome. Other than that, I've rendered videos, ran Crysis on fairly high settings, etc. with zero issues. And are you guys certain that RAM speed is a big deal?
This is what Hazaro said in his thread regarding RAM in general:
This is the PC I just got:
How French of you
You can't compare them. MLG Halo 4 was a pre-release tournament. People were excited to see the game. No, they were hyped. Excited. If Black Ops 2 had had a MLG pre-release tournament, it would have clearly gained higher numbers than 40,000.MLG halo 4 had around 40,000
But who expected otherwise was a fool, still sad though
Not directly, but indirectly. Logical cores have their advantages, but I'd still have to agree with you.looks fine apart from the gpu being painfully low end. You also could have saved some money by going with an i5 if all you will be doing is gaming. Hyperthreading doesn't have any benefits within gaming yet.
Looking at the past game updates we have got, I'm keeping my expectations lower than low.via aPK on twitter, the next Halo 4 TU information will be revealed in next week's bulletin!
Think about the red X...Looking at the past game updates we have got, I'm keeping my expectations lower than low.
Downgraded from lower than low to abysmal. I wish I wasn't this way.Think about the red X...![]()
cheer up big guyDowngraded from lower than low to abysmal. I wish I wasn't this way.
Downgraded from lower than low to abysmal. I wish I wasn't this way.
French guy keeping his expectation low. BAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA.Pretty sure we'll be getting spectator mode.
Theater mode for campaign along with scoring.
100% classic playlist with no sprint or AA's or ordnance drops.
Keeping my expectations low though.
French guy keeping his expectation low. BAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA.
How very French of you, motherlover.Expectations really low so yo momma's still bangable
If we don't get our hopes up for lots of fixes and stuff, we can't be hurt by 343 again.
TU speculation time?
No more nerfs. Calling it now.
They better decrease the amount of damage stickies do to vehicles. That shit's annoying.
I'd love for things like stickies to do more proportional damage to the players insides the vehicles, rather than the vehicles themselves--I'd like to try and kill the enemy occupants of a vehicle and try and get the tank or whatever myself rather than just spamming it until it's dead.
You can't compare them. MLG Halo 4 was a pre-release tournament. People were excited to see the game. No, they were hyped. Excited. If Black Ops 2 had had a MLG pre-release tournament, it would have clearly gained higher numbers than 40,000.
edit: Oh yeah is anything green today in matchmaking? Or what was it about?
In certain playlists you turn green. Like if you're the king in regicide you turn green or if you have the ball in Grifball you turn green. Team Objective, Majestic FFA, CTF, Flood, Regicide, and Grifball all have this feature today.
Looking at the past game updates we have got, I'm keeping my expectations lower than low.
This is so much better than campaign theater. I'm so happy they took the time to implement features such as these.
What do you mean? They switched the settings so they turn green. They didn't completely add a new feature into the game.
So I've decided that I'm going to give back to Halogaf since in the past people were good to me and hooked me up with stuff. There is one small limitation though. It's limited to US Halogaf sadly. The cost to ship this overseas would cost me more then the item.
Now all that said here is what is up for grabs. I am giving away 1 Hardback copy of Halo Silentium. I've ordered this from Amazon and it's shipped so I will have it in a few days here. Now here is all you have to do to be entered is PM me. Everyone has until March 19th at 11:59PM PST. That's Tuesday. Any PM's sent after that time will not be eligible.
On Wednesday the 20th I'll announce the winner as soon as I can. I do work so it will probably be sometime in the evening after I've had a chance to get home and pick the winner. So there you go. Again sorry for those not in the US but I'm sure you can understand.
Also as a note to foreign Halogaffers. Later probably this next weekend I'll be running one for something I can hook you guys up with so don't feel left out on this one. You'll have your own.
This weapon simply needs to get out of Loadouts. I wouldn't mind them as Ordnance drops and as a replacement for the "thousands" of power weapons which you can get.
For St Ps Days they Should have just mAde a ffa oddball game type where the oddball is reskinned to a mini keg and everyone is halo 3 armor chief green. Pretty simple goal, first one to drink x Amount of the keg wins. The downside, the further your lead, the more fucked up your vision gets. Shit would be hilarious by the end. Make it GTA IV levels of drunkeness.
For St Ps Days they Should have just mAde a ffa oddball game type where the oddball is reskinned to a mini keg and everyone is halo 3 armor chief green. Pretty simple goal, first one to drink x Amount of the keg wins. The downside, the further your lead, the more fucked up your vision gets. Shit would be hilarious by the end. Make it GTA IV levels of drunkeness.