Oh? I find that interesting considering almost every other backdrop in the game is a horribly compressed static .jpg. Composer is such a good level though... Probably the best in the game.
Yeah same. Think it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better
The thing that throws water on it for me is A) the features sound cool in theory, but it's Sony, so I don't trust they really have thought out how they're going to implement these well, rather than just checking off boxes; and B) I've been spoiled by Apple announcements. Straight, to the point, with articulate people on stage, and they
show the damn product, give a release date, and drop a price. Boom. I can't get hyped by an awkward marriage of a 360 controller, a Dualshock and a touchscreen.
That said, I'm hopeful that Microsoft approaches some of the same desires for better sharing and social features in a less obtrusive way. The only real complaint I have with the current gen is that it's clear things got added piecemeal over time to XBL and they never really adapted it fully. The dashboard is clean, but it doesn't allow me to quickly navigate to what I want, or find certain screens (like my downloads list.) A better Kinect integration (which we know is coming) could help with voice commands, but that shouldn't be used as a crutch in the face of making the console more usable.
Exactly. I and many other big forgers out there are excited for this. Why complain about free?
This is 343i first full game. They are trying to fix what they can now. I would rather have them have everything right for Halo 5. Then people complain about Halo 4 and 343i trying to please everyone.
Well, they're not going to have everything right in Halo 5, just like Bungie never made the perfect Halo that could satisfy everyone. But all their post-release updates have been ameliorating a lot of complaints people had about the game--Doubles, Throwdown, smaller maps, good Forge maps, X's, and now a Forge canvas and individual weapon tweaks, custom options even Bungie never produced.