The two bolded portions are not compatible.Everything else, common sense for Halo game. 1 Melee shields, 2 kill.
The two bolded portions do not align with each other.
*Nods with approval*
You can use 50 trees? Not bad.
Trees son. Trees.
I'm liking your avatar.
Trees son. Trees.
Ha! I did the same thing but on the small island lol
I have no idea how it plays but I hope it's a total clusterfuck. The shotguns rain down every ten seconds, meaning that you have a constant hail of shit coming down and killing players in addition to the shotguns themselves.
Now I really want to make a decent medium-sized map that uses all of the trees but also has bases and stuff. A competent forested map.
I still can't believe they used that picture.
Watch the Ordnance drops kill more people than the players do.
My favorite part about ordnance is that it doesn't let me switch my grenades.
Trees son. Trees.
I still can't believe they used that picture.
how come?
Bigger, not Elzar puny size:
My favorite part about ordnance is that it doesn't let me switch my grenades.
I remember making a thread last year suggesting Grenades to be placed on the "Up" part of the d-pad so you could still switch while using Ordnance.
I fully expect Elzar to pay a high price for someone to shop the name Andy on to that hand.
Oh Man, my bad. Went back 3 pages and saw it. Has anyone went up in forge space yet??Jesus christ old news. I thought this was a real glitch
Yeah, sorry. That button is reserved for premium Ordnance re-roll members only.
Trees son. Trees.
To the other conversation going on, how do you get the causals, the BKs, the babbies, the randoms (and I'll include myself in this group) to want to play in a more competitive fashion?
By now you should've already been playing competitively from previous titles, if not just shows you care too little to improve your own skill. So it would be useless or you started playing halo with 4. You should have started years ago. Competitive halo seems dead.
To the other conversation going on, how do you get the causals, the BKs, the babbies, the randoms (and I'll include myself in this group) to want to play in a more competitive fashion?
It definitely looks pretty. I hate how buildings in the background are all blurry, though. Far Cry 3 does the same thing with islands in the background and it looks absolutely awful.Bioshock Infinite is the most beautiful game I've ever played.
Some people don't have the time to spend obsessing over getting better; they just want to be matched up with people reasonably close to their skill leave and have "competitive" games in the sense they don't get stomped on all the time. The idea of "if you're not trying to be pro, why are you playing" misses the point of mass-market games entirely.
Damn, this thread's priority really is to make shops spitting venom at 343 huh. This is the reason why Frankie doesn't want to provide any insight here or even be involved anymore, which is unfortunate.
Yeah. Will download it once I get home. Looks pretty interesting to just screw around in150MB ish.
Seriously, even if you don't like how Halo 4 plays.. Forge Island is some good fun to play around in
Haha, nice.Trees son. Trees.
The maps in Community FFA are so badly designed for that playlist.
Some people don't have the time to spend obsessing over getting better; they just want to be matched up with people reasonably close to their skill leave and have "competitive" games in the sense they don't get stomped on all the time. The idea of "if you're not trying to be pro, why are you playing" misses the point of mass-market games entirely.
Whatchu talking boutThe maps in Community FFA are so badly designed for that playlist.