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Halo |OT15| Beta-tested, GAF approved


Better location
Wrapped up Altair and Ezio really well

I enjoyed revelations much much more

I deleted the points that I didn't agree with but overall, I enjoyed Revelations much more than Brotherhood. I never thought Rome could be such a boring place to be in, but Ubisoft somehow found a way. Constantinople feels more alive than any other city, so many things going on in the streets. It was a more immersive experience and I put it behind AC2 in terms of quality (still doesn't come close to AC2).

I still need to play AC3.

It's not as bad as everyone saying it is, it just isn't on the level of the previous games. The story gets real good near the end, just takes forever to pick up (like 5 hours of playtime). As for the gameplay, it's easier and the mission design is the worst I've seen in a AAA game. It's not as near as epic as they advertised it, especially the battles. It's disappointing, but if your'e into the story, I'll recommend to still play it.


I rarely play anymore and the one time I do the servers go down.

rip Halo 4 time to go back to LoL

its a sign to stay away..:p should have read mine... my Reach console ate my halo 4 disc the day after launch day.. first time ever...went and got it replaced instead of just getting meh money back... its sad though that I wanta get live again to play the new maps.. something is wrong with me...

Also LMAO, I spit my drink out because of this post. <3

awesome. <3 lol
Even gears 3 had a price drop on its season pass in a month or two if I recall.

I don't know, with the fact new sales have stagnated and the dropping player population, the fact that so many got Crimson for free, you'd think they'd drop the price. At this point just release crimson for free so people can play them in addition to the rest of the maps.

I think MS is the greedy ones, not publishers. I remember in Gears 1 they were choked Epic gave maps for free and basically forbid them from doing it again.

I think H2 worked perfectly. It also helped that the game was so good and so fun, you actually couldn't wait to pay more to get maps.

Everyone leaved the game in less than a month, even Epic were giving season pass and preorder dlc codes for free in their forums.


tagged by Blackace
Assassin's Creed is almost exactly like Halo in how the games relate to one another.
AC:B= H3
ACR= Reach

Exact same progression of quality.
Well that's the first time I've seen anyone refer to Halo 4 as being the best in the series, that's for sure.


Neo Member
Finished Halo 4 campaign again.
Definetly one of my favorite Halo campaigns, though gameplay could use some tweaking. At least it isn't horrible like Reach (no inhumanly (no pun intended) accurate AI, except when in a vehicle).
But... It doesn't "WoW!" me anymore. No Halo does. I feel like i've seen everything Haloverse has to offer. Megaconstructs, AIs, aliens, alien worlds, alien cultures...
I'm BORED of Halo. Not Halo 4, of Halo in general.
At least in FPS form, i think... gimme a whole fucking Halo or Shield World to explore, open world-style. Maybe that would rekindle my interest in Halo.

I feel the same... I don't know, maybe like you, Halo cannot offer me something new, even with a reboot like Halo 4 in term of design and universe.

I still read books from Bear and Traviss, but in term of game, I don't feel the love I used to have for past halo games. I need something new and fresh, even Destiny does not seem attracting for me, 'cause I feel like it's a reskin Halo game with an open world.

I'm sad to write something like that.

Assassin's Creed is almost exactly like Halo in how the games relate to one another.
AC:B= H3
ACR= Reach

Exact same progression of quality.


Kylej gets it.


AC was one of the best game I ever played.
Even gears 3 had a price drop on its season pass in a month or two if I recall.

I don't know, with the fact new sales have stagnated and the dropping player population, the fact that so many got Crimson for free, you'd think they'd drop the price. At this point just release crimson for free so people can play them in addition to the rest of the maps.

I think MS is the greedy ones, not publishers. I remember in Gears 1 they were choked Epic gave maps for free and basically forbid them from doing it again.

I think H2 worked perfectly. It also helped that the game was so good and so fun, you actually couldn't wait to pay more to get maps.

People got to trial the maps because MS/343 screwed up. I hate the current setup as much as anyone, but the bolded is relevant at all.


Everyone leaved the game in less than a month, even Epic were giving season pass and preorder dlc codes for free in their forums.

Gears 3 multiplayer may have been shit at parts, especially the sawn off but I did play it a lot. Heck, I remember being in the beta before they opened it up and remember mostly only devs and their loved ones were playing. I played the hell out of the beta. And then I played the hell out of the game.

I think I played gears 3 for longer and had more fun than I've had with Halo 4. I was playing reach with some friends on my list right up till the launch for halo 4, now none of my friends list, mostly halo fans since halo 2, are playing it. I do remember the huge drop off for gears after the first month. Most people who also played in the beta got bored of it. I still had some fun.

I'm waiting for halogaf consensus on whether the new majestic map pack is worth it though.

People got to trial the maps because MS/343 screwed up. I hate the current setup as much as anyone, but the bolded is relevant at all.

I'm not sure I understand? Microsoft and 343 can lie and make up fake promotions all they want, and yes it could technically be called a trial since they released a title update to revoke permission, but for two weeks, everyone who played halo 4 played the crimson maps. They got the achievements etc. Why wouldn't they just be released now for free to the general population? I bet thousands still have them saved to their hard drive. Would season pass/limited edition owners even care? How relevant is your purchase if people are leaving the game, people have already played the maps? You'd think you'd want more people to have at least crimson so that the vanilla experience is improved with more maps.


I take wahermachine off my ignore list for one day. One freeeeeaking little day and this is the shit I have to read. See ya, kid.
I'll have you know I frequented HighImpactHalo, HighSpeedHalo, HaloBabies and HBO for years back during the Halo 2 days! We used to have to walk fifteen miles just to post threads, and carry the ASCII cupped in our hands! If you wanted to survive a fall you had to ride corners kilometers onto the surface of Threshold, while you kids nowadays can just Jetpack indefinitely!

I mean lets add this all up. What seems to be a joke account + Ugly ass elite avatar = ?????

This alt could just as well be riding around on a chopper.

Edit: Oddly timed avatar change.....


I'll have you know I frequented HighImpactHalo, HighSpeedHalo, HaloBabies and HBO for years back during the Halo 2 days! We used to have to walk fifteen miles just to post threads, and carry the ASCII cupped in our hands! If you wanted to survive a fall you had to ride corners kilometers onto the surface of Threshold, while you kids nowadays can just Jetpack indefinitely!


Oh God the nostalgia.


I'm not in the mood to do super detailed shit but here's a few notes I'll jot down about Majestic.

Landfall - reminds me a LOT of longshore but plays about twice as nice. Very clearly labeled areas of a shipping dog (?) which makes it easy for call outs. Cluttered indoor area with a more open outer area but there are a lot of boxes and corners to duck behind so it's not just constant spam. There's a blue lift in a back corner that seems prone to camping but the lift can be heard almost all the way across the map which is very helpful so far in customs. Not for any particular reason (it's still a very good map) this is my least favorite of the three. Definitely has some personality but don't see it being amazing for 2-flag. Map defaults to a rocket launcher and two (I think) sticky dets upon game start. A lot of the gameplay was focused more on the indoor areas first but slowly migrated to the outdoor areas, will be interesting to see where the majority of the action ends up as the life of the map goes on.

Monolith - pretty great symmetrical map with clearly labeled bases (red and blue with lighting). Even though it's a brand new map it just...feels familiar. A little Wizard, a little Derelict feeling but wide open. Someone asked me earlier if it was too open but like Landfall there is a lot of cover in a lot of places. They've also included some neat jumps and corridors along the edges to aid in movement and out of the scopes of people camping. I'm almost positive the middle area is raised to prevent shooting easily from red base to blue base and vice versa. If red/blue bases are the sides of the map, the top and bottom also have raised bases that have mancannons that traverse the length (i.e., one mancannon will take you to the base on the other side of the map with the mancannon). KOTH variant is interesting as every hill has two levels to deal with (the middle hill spans top mid AND bottom mid which adds a new dynamic to how to play it). Map defaults to two beam rifles and a rocket launcher. Majority of the action took place around the edges but top mid seemed popular as a jockeying point when making the way across the map.

Skyline - my favorite map by far. It's difficult to compare this to any other map so far in my memory but as you can see from the videos it's a two-level map with bases on each end between the floors. We played a lot last night with a lot of bolt-shotters and the nerf worked about half the time it seems so that was a little cause for concern. Jetpack works well on it (as in quick movement from 1st level to 2nd) and kind of destroys map flow as it seems designed for a lot of close encounters and gunplay but in that same regard thruster was pretty amazing to dodge people. Map defaults to two shotguns which got kind of annoying as it is focused on so much close quarter stuff. Regardless of my complaints it's still really fast paced and frantic and action hasn't really segmented itself off to one area.

edit: sorry in advance for typos or grammar mistakes, I literally just typed what I was thinking and don't give a -blam- about errors today.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I'll have you know I frequented HighImpactHalo, HighSpeedHalo, HaloBabies and HBO for years back during the Halo 2 days! We used to have to walk fifteen miles just to post threads, and carry the ASCII cupped in our hands! If you wanted to survive a fall you had to ride corners kilometers onto the surface of Threshold, while you kids nowadays can just Jetpack indefinitely!

Find a better Stoya pic.




AC3 MP is probably the best in the series. Wolf pack is the best thing they ever did. It's so fantastic!

Hold on there, Sai. Look, I understand Dax is claiming to identify mentally as a woman, but, as far as we know, his plumbing is still that of a man. Now, according to science Dax would therefore still actually be a man. I realize he's asked everyone to refer to himself as a woman, but that isn't scientifically accurate as far as we know (unless he's already gone through procedures/started taking estrogen/etc; I don't even know the specifics of that kind of thing).

Let me try to give you an example:

Let's say one day a person feels like they don't identify with humans at all. All they can relate to are those beautiful flying creatures in the sky. It's like they are one in the same inside their head. They've always loved bald eagles their whole life anyways so it makes sense to them. So they start claiming to be a bald eagle rather than a human. It's all good and dandy with everyone, and everyone is happy that this person has finally put their mind at ease as to who they are. The fact still remains that this bald eagle is still trapped in a human body though. And until that eagle starts growing feathers and wings on that body then they are still going to be a human (scientifically speaking that is).

I wish Dax all the best, and I really hope he gets through this struggle of his. But to sit here and try to refute simple science is a bit ridiculous. It is probably even more ridiculous that this subject matter is even being discussed in a thread about a video game. I hope Dax is searching out the proper help in proper areas rather than putting these things on the internet. Posting about this sort of stuff on an internet forum is never the best course of action when trying to get help.
HaloGAF, is Battlefield 3 any good? Anybody play it on 360? My friend and I trying to figure out what to move on to play.
Definitely good. There's Map Control, Beautiful Graphics and Sounds, Weapons work well, and a lot of other crazy strategic bat shit crazy ideas to pull off like jumping out of an Aircraft to free fall and Hijack another Aircraft (or pulling out an RPG to blow up the fucking aircraft). Stuff like that.


Gender isn't binary. You can have the 'plumbing' of a woman (ie, a vagina from birth, hips, and breasts) and still be an XY male.

Dax is a woman.


My best description of Monolith so far is it's a spirtual successor of Sandbox in layout. Imagine if they took Sandbox's default structures, compressed it down a bit to make it infantry only, then added side-structures, and you have Monolith.

It is however, barely Forgeable. Landfall is the most Forge-able of the maps (it has a few FW-descended pieces, and a certain category of them you can place 75 of). Skyline is in the middle.


Gender isn't binary. You can have the 'plumbing' of a woman (ie, a vagina from birth, hips, and breasts) and still be an XY male.

Dax is a woman.


But I guess what I'm trying to say is that his sex is still that of a man. Gender, you are right, can be dependent on other factors.
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