Fits right in with a bloom DMR and spread BR.
The Anny settings were so wonky with vehicles. The Rocket Hog ran heavy in Ridgeline, although Ghosts were almost a non issue most of the time. Getting the Grenade Launcher to EMP then stick one is one way to take it down - here we are now 343 puts that type of solution as a starting choice for all vehicle maps.
And yeah, I do miss some facets of Reach. For all the garbage put into Team Objective and the awful Heavies 343 suddenly decided to include, regular Flag, Assault, and oldies like Oddball, King, and Plots is still far above anything available in Halo 4. I mean, I don't think these new maps in Majestic are bad, but the loadouts/perks/AA's/gametypes downright stink for them. Throwdown has to save them, but even then there's flinch, double melee, and crappy timers for ordnance drops.