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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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Infinity is dead, so you're right on the return to classic, mostly. Notable changes across the board:

-Dual Wielding available in Campaign/Customs, but not MM
-No Sprint in Ranked. May exist in social simply because of how big the maps are.
-All Armor Abilities and Armor Mods are removed.
-Replacing them, equipment, personal ordnance, etc. are Global Powerups, albeit the infographic's a little outdated. Instead of functioning like equipment mixed with Personal Ordnance, they just show up individually on maps as powerups that grant an instant effect that orbits your player for the given time.
-Ranked uses Global Powerups, but to a lesser extent than Social does. Think Halo 3's implementation of Equipment in Matchmaking.
-"HUD Mods" exist in Social which can be cycled through somehow. Examples include Sonar 25M (the default option which displays teammates and enemies that are firing) which never runs out of battery, Motion Tracker 25M, VISR Mode, Thermal Vision (can be used to see Camo and when other players' weapons are close to overheating), Night Vision, etc.
-HUD Mods all run on a universal battery of 15 seconds, except for Sonar which doesn't eat up any battery. Once it's depleted it takes 15 seconds to recharge.
-Everyone spawns with the same HUD mods; think Crysis.

Ranked is mostly-classic Halo (with feel and flow similar to Halo CE + 2 + 3 rather than Halo 4 pulling a Reach + 2) with the exception of introducing some new powerups and uses a total of 14 weapons. Social has 30 (if you include the 6 potential loadout weapons and the 6 turrets), and Campaign / Customs have 52 available for use. All Ranked/Social maps and gametypes must adhere to the stated weapon sets for elligibility.


Best-case scenario there'd be something along the lines of a server browser for customs, with "Official Servers" hosting some of the more important things like, say, Grifball.

I think Infinity base mechanics like delivery of weapons via ordnance is cool, it just needs to be delivered like the old classic fixed spawn location without random personal choices. I think there is proof that 1-2 social Infinity playlists and 1 ranked Infinity playlist has it's place. After all yes it's not as successful as classic Halo but it has proven a certain percentage of the population dedicated themselves to Infinity. I do agree a return to dominance of the Halo even starts is overdue through.

Again another base mechanic of spawns being randomised between say 2-5 locations on map needs to be broadcast for say 10 seconds before dropping. This alleviates weapon farming, shares the experience of power weapons but still creates teamwork, dynamic map control and more. Again it's not about just going back to a 10 year old game, it's about melding the old and new in a meaningful way while keeping the core even playing field of Halo.

I think your ideas could mostly become the ranked system and things like Crysis "everyone has the same HUD options" which for me translates into set loadouts for all in ranked where the progression systems could be social. Things like that make sense to me, they just have to find the niches that the community accepts and where. More tweaks are better.

I also like the visual indicator you aim for in your designs, akin to green glow for overshield or red for damage boost. They need more of that but I don't like your orbit idea as I prefer a simple colour glow. It's better for stealth or taking cover where orbiting particles or objects are harder to judge exposure of etc. They can also obscure view or projectiles, so if a shot goes through them it creates this magical object that things pass through etc. They glow system just expanded with more colours would suffice for your goal.

I don't think the full removal of AA's or mods is the answer. I think that has its place and should be removed from certain playlists for example, especially ranked. I enjoyed Reach and 3 and everything in between, why shouldn't players be able to choose what they personally prefer?

Some other ideas about AA/mods:
1. What if ranked = on map pickups (Halo 3 style) and social was loadouts (Infinity style)?
2. What if AA's were only usable twice and had no recharge, you have to wait until you die to get more usage?
Just got on 4 for the first time in months. Why are there still so many playlists? Way to fragment the hell out of your already shrinking playerbase.
I also like the visual indicator you aim for in your designs, akin to green glow for overshield or red for damage boost. They need more of that but I don't like your orbit idea as I prefer a simple colour glow. It's better for stealth or taking cover where orbiting particles or objects are harder to judge exposure of etc. They can also obscure view or projectiles, so if a shot goes through them it creates this magical object that things pass through etc. They glow system just expanded with more colours would suffice for your goal.

I don't think the full removal of AA's or mods is the answer. I think that has its place and should be removed from certain playlists for example, especially ranked. I enjoyed Reach and 3 and everything in between, why shouldn't players be able to choose what they personally prefer?

"Orbiting" the player literally means said effect would just appear and be centered at your Spartan's biped, not that something would be rotating around them in an ellipse. For example, Bubble Shield would have a shield that actually moves where your Spartan does and be gold, while Rumble Bubble could be red. Not everything has a completely overpronounced effect, either; something like Holoflurry would just have your Spartan shed off a hologram accordingly.

AA and some Armor Mods would show up in Campaign in a Metroidvania fashion, but having so many different variables in a multiplayer environment would give us another Halo 4.

Armor Mods exist, to some extent, in custom game settings - Player Traits would have a new Modifier option set. This includes:
DEXTERITY (frame boost for all actions) 0% (default) to 100% (about double speed what the 4 Armor Mod gives you)
STABILITY (flinch) from 0% to 100% (default; no flinching at all)
EXPLOSIVES (additional power given to explosive-based weapons such as the Brute Shot or grenades). 0 to 100%
and so on and so forth.

These "Modifiers" wouldn't be toggleable Loadout options, but they'd more than likely have some influence in the 5 premade "classes" that exist in Social.

Ranked (no JiP, teams matched with teams, solo matched with solo, no x to respawn):
  1. Lone Wolves
  2. Infinity Slayer
  3. Team Objective (Extraction, King of the Hill, CTF, Oddball, etc)*
  4. Team Doubles
  5. Team Throwdown
  6. Team Snipers

  1. Spartan Training**
  2. Social Slayer
  3. Rumble Pit
  4. BTB (Slayer + CTF + Dominion)
  5. SWAT
  6. Infection
  7. Grifball
  8. Action Sack

*Objective is currently the lowest populated playlist. Put CTF in objective in population will rise (or people will quit until they can just play CTF)

**Spartan Training will be a playlist that new players are prompted to play as soon as they enter the multiplayer section of the game. The playlist will disappear after 3 total hours of playtime. If players enter and just do really well (go positive 20) the playlist will disappear.

I got rid of regicide because it sucks. Dominion is struggling as a focused playlist, so I merged it with BTB. Multi-team can come back as a weekend only playlist.

I personally don't like Infection and Grifball getting their own playlists, BUT people like them, so what can ya do


Anyone want to get on and do some Action Sack?

Tunavi and I will be on Halo 2 xboxconnect in about an hour if anyone wants to join.
it was a joke. call off those hounds!

haha I figured. I didn't mean to call you hardcore in a pejorative tone. It's from this viral video I saw a long time ago and I just always thought it was fun to use it like that. My b.

Because people bitch when you take them away?

Yeah, but screw those people. Personally, I prefer quicker and more balanced matchups (balanced matchups in H4... I know I'm stretching here) games than only having to play Capture the Flag or what have you.

edit: but to be fair, I don't know how well Infinity matches players based on skill since the CSR update. Haven't played enough to see for myself.


Haha forgot to save some shots of that flying empty Banshee but I needed to get to bed anyhow. Got six hours of travel tomorrow to get to a LAN. Pleasure playing with you all as usual.

(See? Halo 4 can be fun!)
Regarding Halo 4 and fun, for me its only under 2 conditions.

1. When I'm not giving a shit ololololololol

2. Dubs/Throwdown

My 2 conditions are

1. Disc is in its box
2. I'm making fun of something the game does wrong on these forums

Lets just say Halo 4 has paid out in crazy dividends in these regards.
"Orbiting" the player literally means said effect would just appear and be centered at your Spartan's biped, not that something would be rotating around them in an ellipse. For example, Bubble Shield would have a shield that actually moves where your Spartan does and be gold, while Rumble Bubble could be red. Not everything has a completely overpronounced effect, either; something like Holoflurry would just have your Spartan shed off a hologram accordingly.

AA and some Armor Mods would show up in Campaign in a Metroidvania fashion, but having so many different variables in a multiplayer environment would give us another Halo 4.

Armor Mods exist, to some extent, in custom game settings - Player Traits would have a new Modifier option set. This includes:
DEXTERITY (frame boost for all actions) 0% (default) to 100% (about double speed what the 4 Armor Mod gives you)
STABILITY (flinch) from 0% to 100% (default; no flinching at all)
EXPLOSIVES (additional power given to explosive-based weapons such as the Brute Shot or grenades). 0 to 100%
and so on and so forth.

These "Modifiers" wouldn't be toggleable Loadout options, but they'd more than likely have some influence in the 5 premade "classes" that exist in Social.

For the visual effect I just don't want to see say blue flames where you're crouching behind a rock and forget how tall your head flame effect is leaving you to be spotted easily. Totally agree with the need for a visual indicator so you can react in that split second of recognition or spot them from afar etc.

I am happy with more variables such as AA's or loadouts in social but NOT ranked. Random ordnance (weapons or locations without long pre-broadcasting) or JiP shouldn't be in ranked. However JiP can stay for matching even teams during menu, voting or if a dashboarder quits before the game starts etc. Things like plasma pistols are OK but they should limit to one charged shot only and have a few burst shots left over (say 5-ish), the stun time on vehicles should be far lower for ground vehicles (Hog) but left the same for aerial vehicles (Banshee) and then simply provide only 1 plasma grenade per player. If you buff up the hog damage to take more grenade hits then you're in a sweet spot and the individual DMR becomes less effective but team DMR/BR fire will still counter a vehicle eventually.

As for mods I'd prefer they just went away really, AA's and loadouts with weapon unlocks are enough IMO. They can stay in social only if they really have to though. Also why not just bring in some buff's across the whole game and make Halo 4/5 a real adrenaline run and gun game as it's intended to be? Shields and 4/5SK give us enough mechanics to remain Halo, how about these across all settings:

1. Dexterity as standard, all players have it all the time.

2. Stability all the time and bring back descope on snipers. Screw flinch, it's annoying and feels random to counter, especially with any sort of latency. At least descoping is predictable and can be accounted for or even become part of your cadence like in Reach hemorrhage you can choose to re-scope as part of your mid-long range counter DMR. That is lost with flinch and it does not behave the same all the time, for me at least.

3. Increase movement speed by 5% to 7.5%.

4. Increase strafe acceleration, this counters the magnetism argument that for me is totally required for international players or an online game, not as noticeable on LAN anyhow. Period. It's why it's always and issue in FPS games, strafe acceleration is a better buff to this issue IMO.

5. Grenades shouldn't behave differently, just make explosives standard across the board for everyone. Bring back the spiker grenade and then it's about choice and grenade mechanics rather than mods.

Ranked (no JiP, teams matched with teams, solo matched with solo, no x to respawn):
  1. Lone Wolves
  2. Infinity Slayer
  3. Team Objective (Extraction, King of the Hill, CTF, Oddball, etc)*
  4. Team Doubles
  5. Team Throwdown
  6. Team Snipers

  1. Spartan Training**
  2. Social Slayer
  3. Rumble Pit
  4. BTB (Slayer + CTF + Dominion)
  5. SWAT
  6. Infection
  7. Grifball
  8. Action Sack

*Objective is currently the lowest populated playlist. Put CTF in objective in population will rise (or people will quit until they can just play CTF)

**Spartan Training will be a playlist that new players are prompted to play as soon as they enter the multiplayer section of the game. The playlist will disappear after 3 total hours of playtime. If players enter and just do really well (go positive 20) the playlist will disappear.

I got rid of regicide because it sucks. Dominion is struggling as a focused playlist, so I merged it with BTB. Multi-team can come back as a weekend only playlist.

I personally don't like Infection and Grifball getting their own playlists, BUT people like them, so what can ya do

Spartan training is a great idea, it worked for Halo 3, so we should keep it. I also like your addition of say 20+ and you lose that playlist too. 3 hours of play seems good too, tweakable of course rather than requiring a TU just to change that time or 20+ variables.

I'm liking how in these lists no one puts SWAT as ranked, suck it Frankie ;)
and I just feel like SWAT is COD or QUAKE etc and not Halo ranked IMO.

Team regicide can stay as a voting option in social slayer, that's a great gametype but FFA regicide sucks, agreed.

I too dislike Grifball or Flood but I understand they are stable Halo playlists now, no changing that.

Two things I personally dislike about your playlists; no BTB clan style returning and CTF is not its own playlist. I'm hardcore CTF/assault and really get pissed off at having to play KOTH or oddball or 4v4/5v5/6v6 dominion/extraction too. None of those gametypes are anything like CTF or assault and I don't want to play them. Further KOTH/oddball exist in Throwdown as well and suit full teams for those playlists better. I understand how many do want to play those but when it's a voting system I need to know I'm going to play what I choose to play. It's a tough one but that's just my preference. Historically slayer playlists that have OBJ voting options drop in population too, so I'd like some OBJ separation to playlists as well please.
Is anyone in HaloGAF a 50 in Big Team yet? With all the domination we/you guys do, someone should be a 50 by now. I'm a 41 I think.

Also: Sorry if anyone invited me and I didn't accept, was taking care of my dog for a few minutes. Ready to play now though, whenever you guys have room.
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