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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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And with this, the little optimism I had for Halo 5 has vanished.

I still have optimism for Halo's future (probably misguided) but a lot of it depends on the way they consider Halo 4 in retrospective. Hopefully they steer back towards the sane, logical things that made the game successful in the first place. They've done a fair bit right too. I think JIP is largely necessary and they've improved upon it since launch. Maps load instantly when choosing clips to view in the theatre. The Railgun is a very good addition to the Halo sandbox which I'd like to see return. The Thruster Pack is amazing, its tuning is absolutely perfect and adds interesting, dynamic spikes to encounters. The speed boost power-up is very fun and adds a new strategic element and I think it sits well alongside the overshiled and camo as an on map power up. I'm not sure if it's 343 or the cartographers but the forge maps have been light years ahead of the swill that clogged up Reach playlists. So there's things to be optimistic about too! I don't want to seem too hateful towards Halo 4 because I still have fun with the game but certain decisions have really harmed an otherwise solid entry.

Found out that sprint is disabled in lightning flag. Is this known?... I haven't seen any fanfare here, big implications for a more classic Halo gametype.
I still have optimism for Halo's future (probably misguided) but a lot of it depends on the way they consider Halo 4 in retrospective. Hopefully they steer back towards the sane, logical things that made the game successful in the first place. They've done a fair bit right too. I think JIP is largely necessary and they've improved upon it since launch. Maps load instantly when choosing clips to view in the theatre. The Railgun is a very good addition to the Halo sandbox which I'd like to see return. The Thruster Pack is amazing, its tuning is absolutely perfect and adds interesting, dynamic spikes to encounters. The speed boost power-up is very fun and adds a new strategic element and I think it sits well alongside the overshiled and camo as an on map power up. I'm not sure if it's 343 or the cartographers but the forge maps have been light years ahead of the swill that clogged up Reach playlists. So there's things to be optimistic about too! I don't want to seem too hateful towards Halo 4 because I still have fun with the game but certain decisions have really harmed an otherwise solid entry.

Found out that sprint is disabled in lightning flag! Is this known?... I haven't seen any fanfare here, big implications for a more classic Halo gametype.

Halo 4 can be enjoyable, but I fear for the direction they're taking the series. A few new things that have been introduced are nice (the mantis not being one of them), and I can see Damage Boost, Speed Boost and Promethean Vision working well in the on-map powerup pool. However, the way they're approaching the rest of game in general just bothers me. They're chasing a crowd that doesn't exist and shoehorning veterans into corners of the game. I don't want to be force-fed Infinity Slayer or face people with Camo and Plasma grenades everywhere, but classic 4v4 gameplay is nowhere to be found. There's one playlist out of 15 or 16 without this stuff, but the only map anyone ever plays is Haven because you can't even find the DLC anywhere once its playlist is gone. They just went out of their way to put "343" on the game, and in doing so almost entirely abandoned what made Halo good in the first place.

The worst part is, Halo 4 really isn't getting any "better". Changes like disabling sprint, a 4 shot BR, CSR, and adding certain features are great and all, but they're also things Halo already had when Bungie left the series. Adding back things that were taken out is just bringing it up to par with past Halo games, and that's not even enough to reignite the spark the other games held for over 2 years. We're barely over 6 months and most have already moved on. They said they'll do better in Halo 5, but unless it's a sequel to Halo 3, these players are not going to be coming back.

Everything was already in place to make Halo 4 a hit, so I don't understand how that went wrong. Now I sit on the main menu, either out of denial or brand loyalty, trying to find a reason to keep playing. One Spartan Ops mission, one Campaign mission, and one playlist in Multiplayer really aren't enough.

They really need to add more maps to Big Team Infinity. Right now, it's always the same few maps that are chosen. :(

Half of the maps are BTB maps...


People either don't have the DLC or don't want to play anything other than Exile and Ragnarok.
Could I join in? I sent you a FR.

EDIT: They really need to add more maps to Big Team Infinity. Right now, it's always the same few maps that are chosen. :(




Halo 4 actually got me interested in Black Ops 2 is what I find ironic. I didn't have it anywhere on my radar because I was so hyped for 4, then 4 flopped and I was like why the hell not and I got BO2 and the season pass and I'm actually having fun with it. Just yesterday I got done with a 4 hour game of zombies on the new map with my friends and playing MP with my friends gives me that vague memory of parties of H2 & 3.

Honestly I can't see Halo 5 being any better, sure they've changed things but they had to if they wanted keep people like HaloGAF semi-happy. They can't do anything now and they've fucked up at this point. Remove Infinity stuff and the last 30k people around for IS and reviewers get pissed and start bashing 343, but the people who played 2 & 3 stay (if they make it good) and the competitive base is appeased. So they have the choice of continuing their
sellout (to CoD) or making a true or innovating Halo because I promise you all the people who got 4 and left it aren't going to buy a new Xbox just to try 5, it doesn't matter how much marketing or Trust Us they do anymore because most of the community has lost their faith in 343 and all they have now is word of mouth if 5 turns out to be good. If they find a way to appease to both the CoD and Halo crowds then more power to them, but for now Halo 4 will go down as one of, if not the, worst entries to the series and has permanently tainted the name Halo.
Halo 4 can be enjoyable, but I fear for the direction they're taking the series. A few new things that have been introduced are nice (the mantis not being one of them), and I can see Damage Boost, Speed Boost and Promethean Vision working well in the on-map powerup pool. However, the way they're approaching the rest of game in general just bothers me. They're chasing a crowd that doesn't exist and shoehorning veterans into corners of the game. I don't want to be force-fed Infinity Slayer or face people with Camo and Plasma grenades everywhere, but classic 4v4 gameplay is nowhere to be found. There's one playlist out of 15 or 16 without this stuff, but the only map anyone ever plays is Haven because you can't even find the DLC anywhere once its playlist is gone. They just went out of their way to put "343" on the game, and in doing so almost entirely abandoned what made Halo good in the first place.

The worst part is, Halo 4 really isn't getting any "better". Changes like disabling sprint, a 4 shot BR, CSR, and adding certain features are great and all, but they're also things Halo already had when Bungie left the series. Adding back things that were taken out is just bringing it up to par with past Halo games, and that's not even enough to reignite the spark the other games held for over 2 years. We're barely over 6 months and most have already moved on. They said they'll do better in Halo 5, but unless it's a sequel to Halo 3, these players are not going to be coming back.

Everything was already in place to make Halo 4 a hit, so I don't understand how that went wrong. Now I sit on the main menu, either out of denial or brand loyalty, trying to find a reason to keep playing. One Spartan Ops mission, one Campaign mission, and one playlist in Multiplayer really aren't enough.

I agree, particularly with the shoehorning, the terrible DLC implementation and the things that should have been there in the first place.

I was thinking back to Reach's firefight and how that was handled too. I remember Ghaleon writing up a huge essay on its issues and how to approach fixing them, and also what he enjoyed about the mode. My recollection is hazy but I think 343 started cutting back real Firefight modes that offered challenge and required at least basic cerebral activity in favour of Arcade modes with rocket launchers and fuel rods with unlimited ammunition and unlimited lives (sounds something like spartan ops). It's all part of that mania I described in my previous post where somehow for 343 a mode isn't 'fun' or is 'too stressful' if it isn't absolutely drenched in missile explosions and endless sniper rounds.

It's another really damaging side effect of implementing both a commendation milestone system and an EXP based bar filling system. A lot of players are strongly motivated by that urge simply to fill the bar without consideration for the attendant gameplay. One could argue that the MM Firefight survival mode in Reach deserved to be retired when one saw the huge population numbers Arcade-fight had. Really though, what do you expect? The most rudimentary motivation for a player of a PvE videogame is to 'complete' the game, reach its end. In today's terms, for many gamers reared on online play, completing the game means completing the progression system. Rocket fight et al offer the path of least resistance whilst giving the bar filler-seeker the most profitable time to EXP ratio around. It's easy to set up from a playlist management perspective; it doesn't take valuable resources, time and bandwidth devising new enemy progression waves, carefully considering weapon placement and playtesting multiple times to determine just how many lives should be in the pool for a fine tuned survivor experience. They simply turn god-mode on, set the jetpack to infinite and the rocket clip to bottomless and get the easy population tick from the Inheritor chasers. Rip and run, street rips, clean and simple, in and out.

But what's the point in that? What does a player learn about himself from holding the jetpack button down and launching rocket after rocket after rocket at nothing enemies on Corvette for the sixth time in a row? I've made much of the great benefit a visible signifier of a players skill can have on player behaviour; a higher skill level is desirable and so games take on more significance, players try harder, many players will be less liable to quit for fear of losing rank, players are energised to plug in their microphones to communicate enemy positions more and the lust to learn new ways to gain an edge in the pursuit of a better rank drives players to keep playing, learning, learning. In a stroke of genius, Bungie took inarguably the most coveted in-game status symbol in Halo 3, the Recon armour set, and made it available to all. The really clever part was the unique challenges they set the player in order to claim the prized set. The Annual Vidmaster, with the Iron skull enabled and the epic four way Ghost run finale and the ODST Endure achievement, taking hours to reach the forth set with three buddies over Live, narrowly avoiding Brute Chieftans, scraping your way through on a limited pool of lives, ... unforgettable co-operative experiences that haven't been close to being rivaled since in Halo. Reach didn't have a Recon set to dangle in front of the community to drive them to experiment with interesting and awesome ways to tackle Campaign or FF missions co-operatively but it did have the EXP credit system. Sadly, it wasn't utilised to its true potential. They should have been offering fifty thousand credits for all four players lasting in FF survival mode for a long period of time or something to that effect. For a solo mode maybe have had credit multipliers in game so the longer you survived, the more you had in the 'bank' and you could either choose to 'cash' the credits or go another round against the Brutes and Elites to see if you could double your kitty, your decision predicated on how many lives you had remaining, the weapons you had left over from the last round and how well you were playing.
I agree, particularly with the shoehorning, the terrible DLC implementation and the things that should have been there in the first place.

I was thinking back to Reach's firefight and how that was handled too. I remember Ghaleon writing up a huge essay on its issues and how to approach fixing them, and also what he enjoyed about the mode. My recollection is hazy but I think 343 started cutting back real Firefight modes that offered challenge and required at least basic cerebral activity in favour of Arcade modes with rocket launchers and fuel rods with unlimited ammunition and unlimited lives (sounds something like spartan ops). It's all part of that mania I described in my previous post where somehow for 343 a mode isn't 'fun' or is 'too stressful' if it isn't absolutely drenched in missile explosions and endless sniper rounds.

Part of that was because people voted for modes that compensated for lag. It's easier to FRG a group of covies than it is to snipe them. But I do agree that the focus on "wracking up massive amounts of points for cR" instead of survival ultimately soured the Firefight experience. Reach's firefight options were amazing, but we never saw them utilized online because of that mentality. Players were only interested in their own reward, and it's disappointing to see 343 carry that over and offer it as the 'Premier Halo experience". Instead of working with a team, you are now handed your advantages at spawn.

It's another really damaging side effect of implementing both a commendation milestone system and an EXP based bar filling system. A lot of players are strongly motivated by that urge simply to fill the bar without consideration for the attendant gameplay. One could argue that the MM Firefight survival mode in Reach deserved to be retired when one saw the huge population numbers Arcade-fight had. Really though, what do you expect? The most rudimentary motivation for a player of a PvE videogame is to 'complete' the game, reach its end. In today's terms, for many gamers reared on online play, completing the game means completing the progression system. Rocket fight et al offer the path of least resistance whilst giving the bar filler-seeker the most profitable time to EXP ratio around. It's easy to set up from a playlist management perspective; it doesn't take valuable resources, time and bandwidth devising new enemy progression waves, carefully considering weapon placement and playtesting multiple times to determine just how many lives should be in the pool for a fine tuned survivor experience. They simply turn god-mode on, set the jetpack to infinite and the rocket clip to bottomless and get the easy population tick from the Inheritor chasers. Rip and run, street rips, clean and simple, in and out.

Exactly. It becomes mindless grinding for EXP to max out commendations and rank. One of Reach's biggest failures was crafting the entire multiplayer experience around credits. People have no reason to work together and have no reason to play the objective when stat padding helps them rank up faster. Can you really blame them?

But what's the point in that? What does a player learn about himself from holding the jetpack button down and launching rocket after rocket after rocket at nothing enemies on Corvette for the sixth time in a row? I've made much of the great benefit a visible signifier of a players skill can have on player behaviour; a higher skill level is desirable and so games take on more significance, players try harder, many players will be less liable to quit for fear of losing rank, players are energised to plug in their microphones to communicate enemy positions more and the lust to learn new ways to gain an edge in the pursuit of a better rank drives players to keep playing, learning, learning. In a stroke of genius, Bungie took inarguably the most coveted in-game status symbol in Halo 3, the Recon armour set, and made it available to all. The really clever part was the unique challenges they set the player in order to claim the prized set. The Annual Vidmaster, with the Iron skull enabled and the epic four way Ghost run finale and the ODST Endure achievement, taking hours to reach the forth set with three buddies over Live, narrowly avoiding Brute Chieftans, scraping your way through on a limited pool of lives, ... unforgettable co-operative experiences that haven't been close to being rivaled since in Halo. Reach didn't have a Recon set to dangle in front of the community to drive them to experiment with interesting and awesome ways to tackle Campaign or FF missions co-operatively but it did have the EXP credit system. Sadly, it wasn't utilised to its true potential. They should have been offering fifty thousand credits for all four players lasting in FF survival mode for a long period of time or something to that effect. For a solo mode maybe have had credit multipliers in game so the longer you survived, the more you had in the 'bank' and you could either choose to 'cash' the credits or go another round against the Brutes and Elites to see if you could double your kitty, your decision predicated on how many lives you had remaining, the weapons you had left over from the last round and how well you were playing.

There's a balance that can be struck, and you brought it up with the Vidmasters. Something that is challenging, but also accessible and offers a desirable reward to its players. It sparked activity in the community and brought people together to figure out ways to defeat it. I feel that games should always encourage players to get better instead of just play more. They should be challenged and forced to use different strategies and tactics to succeed. But perhaps that's just the "older gen" part of me.

I remember when Gamers were called nerds because we had to think and study the game. You shouldn't be turning off your brain, but instead using it more by thinking creatively and work cooperatively in order to solve puzzles. Removing this level of strategy in favor of superficial carrots and instant gratification just defeats the purpose. Why spend so much time on making a game if people aren't going to be focused or invested enough to appreciate it? Why study a game if your knowledge isn't going to enhance your experience? I just can't follow that path anymore.

This current generation likes everything quick and now and right away, and first person shooters especially are being held back by this mentality that Call of Duty has popularized. Developers are reluctant to actually increase the depth of a game or encourage the players to use basic brain function when playing, and it ends up hurting it. Halo is now saturated with shallow gimmicks meant to appease shorter attention spans and has just about foregone all strategy and thought it previously required. I mean, the weapon system is inherently random by design; what more needs to be said?
also: peace


Late Saturday night and it's Dylan Ryder, porn parodies, master chief helmets and Halo politics. Peaceful or quarter-life crisis inducing depending on how you view it lol.

And you'd have to get Mandingo in costume to play the Arbiter.

Genuinely guffawed at this. Put Alexis Texas in as some random marine-ess and I'll throw some cash on the kcikstarter pile.

@threeleggedgoat great point about encouraging players to get better instead of simply playing more, I agree.


any porn kickstarter with me involved must have bobbi starr in it so someone figure out a role for her. shake appeal is in charge of the script
Master Chief played by Johnny Sins?

Palmer by Faye Reagan?

FuD-era Lasky played by Jake Bass?

Forgot about Palmer. I had to look up Faye Reagan. She any good?

I guess we could have Foehammer, the Pelican pilot from Halo 1. That could add something for the fans who want to see some interracial stuff.

Speaking of, we'll have to bring in someone for Sergeant Johnson.

I feel like this could be an award winning film.

any porn kickstarter with me involved must have bobbi starr in it so someone figure out a role for her. shake appeal is in charge of the script

We could bring in Linda or Kelly for another Spartan. Have Bobbi play either of them.

So for now our entire cast is:

Dylan Ryder - Cortana
Johnny Sins - Master Chief
Evan Stone - Jacob Keyes
Tori Black - Miranda Keyes
Faye Reagan - Sara Palmer
Mandingo - Arbiter
Nikki Benz - Catherine Halsey
Bobbi Starr - Kelly or Linda


Clothed, sober, cooperative
So I just watched a new-school My Little Pony with my four year old daughter. I had assumed, because of BRONIES, that there was some subversive layer of satire or humor in it for adults, like Spongebob, for instance. But there isn't. So BRONIES are just straight up weirdoes, huh? I had assumed they were winking, even as they attended a Bronie-Con. But they are not winking. They are deadly serious.

Forgot about Palmer. I had to look up Faye Reagan. She any good?

I guess we could have Foehammer, the Pelican pilot from Halo 1. That could add something for the fans who want to see some interracial stuff.

Speaking of, we'll have to bring in someone for Sergeant Johnson.

I feel like this could be an award winning film.

There is a good chance that an African American actor who could play Sergeant Johnson, is actually, by dint of adult movie star naming convention, actually called Sergeant Johnson.


faye reagan got genital warts and quit the biz. juices says he would still bang her even with the warts. that is a man that likes redheads


So I just watched a new-school My Little Pony with my four year old daughter. I had assumed, because of BRONIES, that there was some subversive layer of satire or humor in it for adults, like Spongebob, for instance. But there isn't. So BRONIES are just straight up weirdoes, huh? I had assumed they were winking, even as they attended a Bronie-Con. But they are not winking. They are deadly serious.

There is a good chance that an African American actor who could play Sergeant Johnson, is actually, by dint of adult movie star naming convention, actually called Sergeant Johnson.

get. kotaku.

any porn kickstarter with me involved must have bobbi starr in it so someone figure out a role for her. shake appeal is in charge of the script

She can be Cortana. After the Gravemind (who is now a dude in a rubber suit covered in dildos) whores her out she turns into Dylan Rider.
So I just watched a new-school My Little Pony with my four year old daughter. I had assumed, because of BRONIES, that there was some subversive layer of satire or humor in it for adults, like Spongebob, for instance. But there isn't. So BRONIES are just straight up weirdoes, huh? I had assumed they were winking, even as they attended a Bronie-Con. But they are not winking. They are deadly serious.

There is a good chance that an African American actor who could play Sergeant Johnson, is actually, by dint of adult movie star naming convention, actually called Sergeant Johnson.

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