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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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This pretty much. "More real, more gritty world." It's everywhere in this game.

Look at the Spartan models. They're dirty, colors are faded; the art style feels bland and boring:

After Halo 3, the Halo I was expecting/hoping for was not the Reach we received. I would've preferred environments like this:

Over environments like this:

Okay, I see it now. Those parts of the game were really bland I agree, though both Winter Contingency and ONI Sword Base had really nice looking parts to me. I linked this a while back:


I really like the palette and contrast here.

I'm a fan of Reach's armor. Halo 4's is too bright and "plastic" looking IMO. Even Halo 3's felt a bit too cartoony.

CEA would be the best looking Halo game to me btw :)
You like the bloom, armor abilities, slow movement speed, low jump height, etc etc?

No, but that didn't take away from the fact that the game was really, really, well made. Compared to Halo CE/Halo 2/Halo 3/Halo 4, Halo:Reach was just developed perfectly. Everything about it was smooth and flawless objectively speaking. Most problems with it are based on design choices, not issues (Bloom shouldn't have been in the game, neither should have armor abilities, player movement are too slow compared to Halo 3, etc)

I'm claiming Reach is the highest quality game, not the best Halo game, because I know damn well it isn't.

Halo 3:ODST>
Halo 3>Halo 2>Halo CE>Halo:Reach>Halo 4

I know many of you say Halo 3 was bad... but in it's Prime it was god-damn amazing. It was also the first Halo game I played by myself on my own Xbox, and invested hours into, so that probably explains my love for it. Game has not aged very well though, I'll give it that.


More things I notice about Reach:


-Better sound design

-Normal looking medals

-Scoreboard while moving

-Shit ton of motion blur (too much)
I have both, but Halo 2 isn't as enjoyable as Halo 4.

Yes, I just said that.

Which Halo game did you start investing serious amounts of time into the multiplayer? Not dabble, not LAN with friends.. I'm talking putting effort into getting better, investing a lot of time to play with many other people, etc. etc.
Lol no. I don't see what all the crying is about with Halo 4's multiplayer. I find it perfectly fine, aside from the issues with the Boltshot and the double melee I have literally no problem with it. Its just as fun as all the other Halo games for me.

I keep hearing about balance issues, but heres the thing, if your loadout is unbalanced compared to an enemies, just change it. Bam, you've made your own balance and have no need to cry about it anymore.

I think I'm in love with you now,
totally platonic
. All joking aside I feel much the same way for the new multiplayer stuff but I miss the older 4v4 style maps, settings and in game ranks.

There is plenty of room in playlists/settings management for both and more e.g. Flood, Grifball, Action Sack + Classic & Infinity etc. A distinctive segregation between weighted ranked for more classic appeal and social for more Infinity appeal is required in the next title.

IMO 343i just went too far into their own vision and they've realised that for the most part, just look at the support since the new year. I feel the next title will provide the maps/settings more exacting for classic in a number of playlists. They'll also have ranked/social split too. They know and we all know it.

stop supporting halo 4 please. game is awful.

This is where I take issue with HaloGAF, not targeting you specifically mate but you can't tell me the following aren't all AAA-grade:
1. Graphics.
2. Character model/animation quality.
3. Mocap/animation.
4. Facial capture/animation.
5. Forward Onto Dawn (biggest web series budget to date and I found it fantastic, incredible really on only 10Million budget).
6. Updated Bungie's weird scaling output to native 720p finally and removed a ton of jaggies too.
7. Remix soundtrack contest, admit it that was really cool.
8. CGI quality in campaign & SPOPS.
9. The idea of SPOPS and something innovative.
10. Chief & Cortana personal story.
11. Terminals are damned good.
12. More than half the books are now great.
13. Unification of the lore across media.

I could keep going but to write the whole game off because of just multiplayer or a few missing features doesn't see, right. I'm NOT trying to say Halo 4 is the best Halo game in every facet, there's a mix from all games in certain aspects.

Sure these things sucked:
1. No campaign theatre.
2. Forge fine editing.
3. Bugs and exploits, but we've seen far better support since new year.
4. Mammoth mission could have been so much better.
5. Scope of SPOPS in game play/Reach style customised character scenes could have been far better.
6. Marketing leading up or handling of DLC issues etc could have gone smoother.
7. Missed real developer made classic maps/settings at launch.
8. Ranked/social split should have been a given during early development.
9. Waypoint statistics could be less flashy and faster while retaining previous statistics e.g.
10. In game UI needed to use party display, more space for less scrolling in post carnage, joining players should show time left and current game score, some other "standard stats" etc.
11. Extension of new features e.g. streaming or spectating etc.

IMHO The game has its flaws but is far from being awful.
No, but that didn't take away from the fact that the game was really, really, well made. Compared to Halo CE/Halo 2/Halo 3/Halo 4, Halo:Reach was just developed perfectly. Everything about it was smooth and flawless objectively speaking. Most problems with it are based on design choices, not issues (Bloom shouldn't have been in the game, neither should have armor abilities, player movement are too slow compared to Halo 3, etc)

I'm claiming Reach is the highest quality game, not the best Halo game, because I know damn well it isn't.

Halo 3:ODST>
Halo 3>Halo 2>Halo CE>Halo:Reach>Halo 4

I know many of you say Halo 3 was bad... but in it's Prime it was god-damn amazing. It was also the first Halo game I played by myself on my own Xbox, and invested hours into, so that probably explains my love for it. Game has not aged very well though, I'll give it that.

Yea if you remove all the weird design decisions it would have been a great Halo game. What a shame. Also Halo 3 has always been mediocre.

IMO, Halo 2 was the worst Halo.

I have both, but Halo 2 isn't as enjoyable as Halo 4.

Yes, I just said that.

I just don't even know what to say
Everyone rate the Halo games for the hundredth time. go go go

CE - best art style, best base multiplayer, best sandbox
H2 - best cutscenes, best maps
H3 - best martketing campaign, best additions to the game (theater, forge, file sharing, etc.)
ODST - most polished, best soundtrack
Reach - best custom options, best stats, best Covenant AI (except vehicles), best armory
CEA - best graphics
Halo 4 - best player models (dat Cortana)



I'm a Halo 3 homer I suppose. It's my most played and most loved game of all time.

I liked 3 a lot but compared to going back to that versus Halo 2 its really hard, mostly due to aiming and netcode but I've already gone over that a lot lol

Halo 2 will probably always be my favorite Halo game. Yea it was "noobified" or whatever, but I will probably never have as much fun as I did during the H2 days

I always thought it was pretty much universally agreed in the Halo fanbase that either Halo 2 or Halo 3 were the best installments in the franchise. :|

toot toot! bad opinion club transportation coming through for another pickup!

What's your list Heckfu? Curious to if you place Reach or 4 above Halo 3.

EDIT: We should totally just name our favorites and also state what's the first Halo game you've played. Curious to see if first played=most loved for most people.

Favorite: Halo 3.
First played: Halo 3.


Where is all the Halo 3 hate coming from? It was perhaps some of the most fun I've ever had with a Halo game. The campaign ranks equally with CE for me, and it's multiplayer is second to Halo 2 for me. It's a tossup between 3 and CE for multiplayer for me.

Seriously? All jokes aside you would put reach above 3 and 4? You would also put 3 and 4 on a equal footing?


Just on a blow by blow feature level Halo 3 has a better theatre mode, ranking system and online stats tracking set up than 4 will ever hope to have. gameplay is subjective - but halo 3 should be a clear winner.
Halo 3 was the shit when it was peaking back in the day. I absolutely loved it. But it a game that I go back to now, and wonder if it just didn't age well or was always so clunky. Idk
I don't get the love for ODST at all.
Awesome environment, awesome atmosphere, amazing soundtrack (probably the best soundtrack in Halo) incredible campaign (although short), home to the amazing Brute Chieftin take down scene, good character development, amazing setting, best Fire-fight ever, included Halo 3's multiplayer complete.

Halo 3:ODST was amazing bro.

Dont get me wrong, I loved Halo 3 when it was at its peak. Its just aged the worst out of all the games though.

Halo 3 became really a chore to play to me mid-2010. After that... just felt way to aged. I wanted to get back into it but... just couldn't.


Also, liked the pseudo shoutout in the Podcast lol. I got the six win streak on the day where Jovi got 35. Mathematically impossible for me to win so I was just happy to be on the board. I was surprised that I lasted as long as I did. I think all 3 of the actual winners came back in to try and get me out but I beat them all. I actually ended my streak because I was tired lol. The line was dying down so we decided to do a 2 v 2 instead.
When you guys make your lists, it would probably be best if you separate your categories into Campaign and Multiplayer. Also, maybe we should include which Halo games you invested serious time with the multiplayer and not just casual, play here and there with friends when I have 15 mins to kill on the weekend.

Personally, I've invested a lot of time with each Halo game, starting with Halo 1. So my lists are:

  • Halo 1 - I replayed this game like a mo trucka.
  • Halo 2 - My favorite story and the reason why we have diehard Elite fans with people who care about the enemy we pew pew.
  • Halo 3 - dat 4 player co op where everyone wasn't MC.
  • ODST - Great atmosphere.
  • Reach - <3 Sabre.
  • Halo 4 - Too many directions that shouldn't have been taken with a 4 in the title.
  • Halo Wars - wat. Cool cutscenes though.

  • Halo 1
  • Halo 2
  • Halo 3
  • Halo Wars
  • Halo 4
  • Reach
  • ODST

Note: This is a list ordering my favorite overall Halo experiences for both Campaign and Multiplayer.
It means that if Guardian was the only map in the game, it would still be better, and there are 10 maps from H3 that could fit that.

I'd agree to an extent, but Guardian wouldn't be one of them for me. Put in the OG Lockout, not that bastard child.
When you guys make your lists, it would probably be best if you separate your categories into Campaign and Multiplayer. Also, maybe we should include which Halo games you invested serious time with the multiplayer and not just casual, play here and there with friends when I have 15 mins to kill on the weekend.

Well I spent the most time in H2 Campaign back in the day, but ODST would be my favorite in that regard.

In terms of most played for Campaign:


Most played for MP:

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