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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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Ugh armor effects were so stupid, glad those are gone.

Hell I'd gladly go back to the H2 days of Spartans being identical except for emblems if it meant the game would be even slightly better.


Eh Halo:Reach was nowhere close OT the frustration I get with Halo 4.

I try infinity slayer for fun, after months. I usually only play BTB infinity. If I want small combat I usually go for throwdown.

I wonder if I'll get some majestic maps. I get Adrift, Complex, Solace. I sigh, I say maybe I'll suffer through a match, get those maps after. It's adrift. Whole match is a clusterfuck of campers with PV, Camo, boltshots, assault rifles, etc. Not even halfway through match and other team has incineration cannons, saw etc. I get needler and pulse grenade. We lose.

Next match selection it's Haven, Solace and Abandon. I go for Haven, as does everyone else. Play close game, but it's full of jetpack and promethean vision. Whatever, we win this.

Next map selection is Complex, Adrift and Abandon. I quit out.

I try Castle DLC. I get JiP'ed into a SWAT match on Outcast. It's such a piss poor map for Swat with its caves. I get killed the second I spawn. I respawn near a guy who just got killed and die again. I quit out.

Played two matches of Swat and I'm done. I like Throwdown, have no one to play with. So frustrating. If this is the future of Halo, I don't want it. Mainstream Halo is now infinity, and classic Halo is now relegated to niche status for a few playlists. And it's the truth.

Someone said the other day, Halo 4 makes them want to play Black Ops II, I agree. If I'm forced to play this random killstreak, loadout, rock paper scissors stuff the majority of the time I'll go back to Modern Warfare 3.
You 'forgot' is code for 'too young to remember', right?

Eh Halo:Reach was nowhere close OT the frustration I get with Halo 4.

I try infinity slayer for fun, after months. I usually only play BTB infinity. If I want small combat I usually go for throwdown.

I wonder if I'll get some majestic maps. I get Adrift, Complex, Solace. I sigh, I say maybe I'll suffer through a match, get those maps after. It's adrift. Whole match is a clusterfuck of campers with PV, Camo, boltshots, assault rifles, etc. Not even halfway through match and other team has incineration cannons, saw etc. I get needler and pulse grenade. We lose.

Next match selection it's Haven, Solace and Abandon. I go for Haven, as does everyone else. Play close game, but it's full of jetpack and promethean vision. Whatever, we win this.

Next map selection is Complex, Adrift and Abandon. I quit out.

I try Castle DLC. I get JiP'ed into a SWAT match on Outcast. It's such a piss poor map for Swat with its caves. I get killed the second I spawn. I respawn near a guy who just got killed and die again. I quit out.

Played two matches of Swat and I'm done. I like Throwdown, have no one to play with. So frustrating. If this is the future of Halo, I don't want it. Mainstream Halo is now infinity, and classic Halo is now relegated to niche status for a few playlists. And it's the truth.

Someone said the other day, Halo 4 makes them want to play Black Ops II, I agree. If I'm forced to play this random killstreak, loadout, rock paper scissors stuff the majority of the time I'll go back to Modern Warfare 3.

Not trying to diminish your opinion or experience but didn't you find the same thing in Halo 3 or Reach or even 2 as well? I've always approached Halo online matchmaking knowing that playing with local friends is the best experience socially, tactically, voting options, teamwork, DLC etc etc.

Aren't such annoyances built into the nature of such FPS games? The limited times I've played COD online I've found those same quitters, regulars vs. host, stat padders, campers etc.

Regarding DLC I hope 343i release all the map packs for free, again I'll state they should become free 3 months after their release. It worked for Halo 3 and it really gives the game legs and returns/retains populations plus variety too.
Ugh armor effects were so stupid, glad those are gone.

Hell I'd gladly go back to the H2 days of Spartans being identical except for emblems if it meant the game would be even slightly better.

Really? I didn't mind them. Armor Effects were fun. I remembered I saved up all the credits I made in the first month so I can buy Heart Attack, I enjoyed it.
Passive/ambient armor effects = good
Armor effects that show up upon death (grunt birthday party, your spartan shitting themself with Pestilence on) = bad
I never worked during college. I found it counterproductive to my gaming and studying and banging.

Yes I have to work harder now but it was worth it.
I'm very curious as to what's Microsoft's & 343i's plans on another Halo game that's not a numbered sequel but either Halo 2: Anniversary, the continuation of Halo: Infinity in its own spinoff, or something totally different? What's the more likely approach they'll make & announce in the near future??
I'm very curious as to what's Microsoft's & 343i's plans on another Halo game that's not a numbered sequel but either Halo 2: Anniversary, the continuation of Halo: Infinity in its own spinoff, or something totally different? What's the more likely approach they'll make & announce in the near future??

I'm expecting a Halo launch title with next gen console. Most likely a spin off but there is a part of me that thinks Halo 4 is a redevelopment/testing/up-front sales based game for what they're making with the next gen Halo 5 launch title.

I continue to dream.


Not trying to diminish your opinion or experience but didn't you find the same thing in Halo 3 or Reach or even 2 as well? I've always approached Halo online matchmaking knowing that playing with local friends is the best experience socially, tactically, voting options, teamwork, DLC etc etc.

Aren't such annoyances built into the nature of such FPS games? The limited times I've played COD online I've found those same quitters, regulars vs. host, stat padders, campers etc.

Regarding DLC I hope 343i release all the map packs for free, again I'll state they should become free 3 months after their release. It worked for Halo 3 and it really gives the game legs and returns/retains populations plus variety too.

In all honesty? No. I've noticed this primarily with Halo reach and 4. Where people have turned into complete dicks without a reason. I can't explain it, maybe it was the age or the time. But playing Halo 2 on XBL after class, I made friends. Even randoms. People were talkative, helpful. I met a lot of good people, some of who I even have on Facebook.

I could jump into a match of Halo 2 and have fun, same goes for Halo 3. It's not so much that it's random vs. teammates as opposed to the game mechanics that piss me off. I had no problem with some guy sniping my ass on the Pit because he was skilled. I have a problem with two guys with ammo perk calling down sniper and camo crouching in obscure corners of the map in Ragnarok etc.

I'm not so sure about the dlc being free, but when I've obviously bought the maps, why aren't those heavily weighted? I've been saying it since crimson launched, I'm very rarely seeing the maps.

I really liked your idea about certain toggles. Goes back to what Juices said about having deleted the Reach map packs so he only gets the one he wants most of the time.

For call of duty, I think because it's so run and gun and individual based, it never really bothered me. I can't explain it. And I think it's because I never really cared about CoD, it was just passing time for me. But I get invested in Halo. I'm not even a pro player, I'm not as good as Juices, Tashi or whatever.

Sorry I know I'm rambling and not necessarily making sense now.


Passive/ambient armor effects = good
Armor effects that show up upon death (grunt birthday party, your spartan shitting themself with Pestilence on) = bad

I used Pestilence in Halo Reach so I could spread "creep" when I died. That way other Pestilence users got a speed boost when they ran over my creep to help finish the player that killed me.
Run and gun and individual based, it never really bothered me. I can't explain it. And I think it's because I never really cared about CoD, it was just passing time for me. But I get invested in Halo. I'm not even a pro player, I'm not as good as Juices, Tashi or whatever.

Sorry I know I'm rambling and not necessarily making sense now.

Please dont put me in the same sentence as Tashi regarding skill. I'm actually decent at Halo. Thx in advance.


I'm very curious as to what's Microsoft's & 343i's plans on another Halo game that's not a numbered sequel but either Halo 2: Anniversary, the continuation of Halo: Infinity in its own spinoff, or something totally different? What's the more likely approach they'll make & announce in the near future??

I wouldn't mind a Mass Effect/ODST combination.
In all honesty? No. I've noticed this primarily with Halo reach and 4. Where people have turned into complete dicks without a reason. I can't explain it, maybe it was the age or the time. But playing Halo 2 on XBL after class, I made friends. Even randoms. People were talkative, helpful. I met a lot of good people, some of who I even have on Facebook.

I could jump into a match of Halo 2 and have fun, same goes for Halo 3. It's not so much that it's random vs. teammates as opposed to the game mechanics that piss me off. I had no problem with some guy sniping my ass on the Pit because he was skilled. I have a problem with two guys with ammo perk calling down sniper and camo crouching in obscure corners of the map in Ragnarok etc.

I'm not so sure about the dlc being free, but when I've obviously bought the maps, why aren't those heavily weighted? I've been saying it since crimson launched, I'm very rarely seeing the maps.

I really liked your idea about certain toggles. Goes back to what Juices said about having deleted the Reach map packs so he only gets the one he wants most of the time.

For call of duty, I think because it's so run and gun and individual based, it never really bothered me. I can't explain it. And I think it's because I never really cared about CoD, it was just passing time for me. But I get invested in Halo. I'm not even a pro player, I'm not as good as Juices, Tashi or whatever.

Sorry I know I'm rambling and not necessarily making sense now.

I get it mate, I have to agree mics and generally wanting to play together with match made players was a Halo 2 and early-mid Halo 3 selling point. It was fantastic, I'm not sure why Reach & Halo 4 don't have the same response in terms of mic or team-up or rematch based experiences? Perhaps in game persistent rank always shown but only earned in certain playlists is the answer to that question? Perhaps pre-game lobby trash talking returning is part of the solution? Perhaps it's just mass appeal the king franchises have when they're at their peak thus it's a direct result of huge populations.

I've found in BF3 or COD for me when I am the "noob" player to those games that rarely do players want to chat or spend the time teaming up with a player that goes negative 1-3 games in a row. I suppose I've stuck to Halo as I've gotten "good at it". I also don't have matching up issues as Aussies pretty much want to stick together just for the chance of an Aussie hosted game, we basically check everyone's gamercard for their region and if you're Aussie we're matching up. Simple but doesn't help your game experience.

The DLC maps don't show because out of the 8 or 16 players in your playlist the pool of available players with DLC is very low. We saw the same things with Reach Anniversary maps too or the Noble map pack etc. I think in part it's another layer why Halo 3 had longer and larger populations, free DLC and double EXP weekends go a long way to giving your game and players fresh experiences after the title has launched. Free DLC after a paid window of say 3 months is the perfect solution to early adopters vs. mass population with the maps. Give them away free and then lock down some playlists unless you download the map packs, bam.

Thanks for the feedback on toggles. I've been working on a massive website/blog version of what I want from Halo moving forward and I'll be posting it here, over at Waypoint and PM it to the sustain/MM team when it's ready. I think it has something for everybody and I'm trying to unify an approach for developers and players alike without so much investment in resources required.
From a developer of 10+ years who worked on MAG, SOCOM & SWAT:
Why I'll Never Work On First Person Shooters Again

I don't think we're losing much. I always thought SOCOM was overhyped. SWAT was kind of a B class shooter, there were much better FPS' to play at the time. And MAG was MAG. I think the "Superdad" story was blown out of proportion. It seems to me that he tried to be successful in the FPS field but it didn't turn out that way so he's doing something new but saying it's a moral decision, when I really think it's an acceptance that they can't make the next big FPS. Good luck to him regardless. I'm glad there's another developer working on different things.
This dude cant write well. He never really explained why he wont work on an FPS again. He said they sell quite a bit, there are a bunch of FPS's, and that he wont work on them, because we can do better?

What does that even mean?

I think he was referring to a creativity void in the dominant FPSes on the market (not 100% the case but prominent). Which basically means he's sick of making the same thing over and over again.

Why he felt the need to bring up the fact that shooters aren't supposed to be for actual babbies I do not know. "Superdad" was just a random anecdote that didn't support his stance. Better not make any hack-n-slash games. Better not make any shmups. Better not make any Tomb Raiders. Better not make a GTA. No survival horror. No MetroidVanias.

Dumb argument and blatant plug for his company (which is perfectly fine on his blog), but nothing more.
This dude cant write well. He never really explained why he wont work on an FPS again. He said they sell quite a bit, there are a bunch of FPS's, and that he wont work on them, because we can do better?

What does that even mean?

I think the gist of his post was there is so much investment in the studios, game engines and marketing etc that it's stifling other genres or developers. Do I agree with that? No but I understand the point of view.

For me if a game came out as good as Halo 2 and even with the same graphics I'd be playing that night after night instead of Halo. Has there been a game that good done on a small budget that would give me that campaign and/or multiplayer? No.

Is it possible this guy/company make it on a budget? Yes but we're yet to see it.

I'm glad there's another developer working on different things.

Me too, I'm all for diversity and no one is holding a gun to his head to develop FPS games. I do however feel there is a major abundance of crap made for mobile gaming or indie games. I'm not shitting on indie games per se but there is an overwhelming amount of mediocrity in mobile and indie games. It's why I prefer AAA games, even if they are casualised to an extent.


Mobile games have never caught my attention. I've not seen one yet that impressed me and made me think "Whoa this is on a mobile?" Or shown me great gameplay. Most of them are either crap, or crap rip offs of the more decent games. Maybe I'm not looking around hard enough.
I also forgot about Armor Effects. I want my Heart Attack back, Halo 4 can clearly have them, as you have Grunt's Birthday Party equipped in Fiesta in Action Sack.

I want Heart Attack back in Halo 5, 343 pls. :D
Armor Effects were fucking awful. Plain stupid and useless I'm glad 343 dropped them

From a developer of 10+ years who worked on MAG, SOCOM & SWAT:
Why I'll Never Work On First Person Shooters Again

Admittedly I only skimmed the article but those games were god awful. The creative void that comes with FPS is manufactured by developers and publishers chasing CoD CA$H™

FPS can be as diverse as any other genre, More diverse than some even. Portal, Halo, Half Life, Bioshock, Doom, Bulletstorm are crazy diverse and that's only a fraction of the market. If you take "FPS" as any first person game then Dishonored and Elder Scrolls and Mirrors Edge make the list.

Mobile games have never caught my attention. I've not seen one yet that impressed me and made me think "Whoa this is on a mobile?" Or shown me great gameplay. Most of them are either crap, or crap rip offs of the more decent games. Maybe I'm not looking around hard enough.

Mobile games for the most part can exist in a competition free market. Dev's are not going to get Angry Birds money so its useless trying to chase it. You can build a niche title and put it on the store and see how it sells. Many of the developers are small teams between 1 and 10 people incapable of producing visual impressive games or games with excellent refined, focus tested gameplay. The best hope is to produce something that plays okay.

The big players in the scene simply don't see the market as having a big enough return. EA do develop some solid titles. Mass Effect Infiltrator ect but its still very much at a point were its a learning experience to create a game with solid controls and unless they can nail that gameplay will always be wishy washy. The vast majority would rather play a bejeweled clone. Its game made for its market.


I'm very curious as to what's Microsoft's & 343i's plans on another Halo game that's not a numbered sequel but either Halo 2: Anniversary, the continuation of Halo: Infinity in its own spinoff, or something totally different? What's the more likely approach they'll make & announce in the near future??
It wouldn't surprise me if the next Halo game went the AC route and was numbered regardless of its position in the universe (I.e whether or not it was a ODST type spin off, it would still be called Halo 5).

But yes. It will be interesting to see where they go.
It wouldn't surprise me if the next Halo game went the AC route and was numbered regardless of its position in the universe (I.e whether or not it was a ODST type spin off, it would still be called Halo 5).

But yes. It will be interesting to see where they go.

I doubt Halo 5 would be anything other than the sequel to Halo 4. Having a subname or whatever you want to call it like ODST, Reach and Wars is a smart marketing move because it informs the majority of customers what they are getting (a spin off )

Being entirely optimistic I expect the next halo titles to be Halo 2:Anniversary in 2014. Halo 5 in 2016 then maybe a spin off title in 2017/2018 and Halo 6 some time around mid 2019.


What are we basing Halo 2: Anniversary on anyway? I mean the point of Halo:Combat Evolved Anniversary was to get gamers reacquainted with Chief and Cortana and the feeling of being on an unknown planet. It helped that we just saw Chief and Cortana at the end of Reach etc. And it segued into it. Plus they used it to bring a large map pack to Reach.

I mean people are making it seem like it's a certainty, when I doubt it. This time 343 is probably balls deep into Halo 5 preproduction for the next gen. It'd be a lot more costly to make a Halo 2 remake no? Plus would they give us the original unaltered multiplayer?

Don't get me wrong, it'll sell like hotcakes amongst fans and it's something a lot of us want. I just don't know if it will happen.


What are we basing Halo 2: Anniversary on anyway? I mean the point of Halo:Combat Evolved Anniversary was to get gamers reacquainted with Chief and Cortana and the feeling of being on an unknown planet. It helped that we just saw Chief and Cortana at the end of Reach etc. And it segued into it. Plus they used it to bring a large map pack to Reach.

I mean people are making it seem like it's a certainty, when I doubt it is. This time 343 is probably balls deep into Halo 5 preproduction for the next gen. It'd be a lot more costly to make a Halo 2 remake no? Plus would they give us the original unaltered multiplayer?

Don't get me wrong, it'll sell like hotcakes amongst fans and it's something a lot of us want. I just don't know if it will happen.

343 didn't make Halo CEA, it was Saber so they would probably just commission someone to do it again so it doesn't take away from Halo 5 pre-production. Also I would assume MS would want a Halo game at the launch or the year after the launch of the new Xbox.


343i Lead Esports Producer
What are we basing Halo 2: Anniversary on anyway? I mean the point of Halo:Combat Evolved Anniversary was to get gamers reacquainted with Chief and Cortana and the feeling of being on an unknown planet. It helped that we just saw Chief and Cortana at the end of Reach etc. And it segued into it. Plus they used it to bring a large map pack to Reach.

I mean people are making it seem like it's a certainty, when I doubt it. This time 343 is probably balls deep into Halo 5 preproduction for the next gen. It'd be a lot more costly to make a Halo 2 remake no? Plus would they give us the original unaltered multiplayer?

Don't get me wrong, it'll sell like hotcakes amongst fans and it's something a lot of us want. I just don't know if it will happen.

What are we basing Halo 2: Anniversary on anyway? I mean the point of Halo:Combat Evolved Anniversary was to get gamers reacquainted with Chief and Cortana and the feeling of being on an unknown planet. It helped that we just saw Chief and Cortana at the end of Reach etc. And it segued into it. Plus they used it to bring a large map pack to Reach.

The point of Halo CEA was to celebrate Halo's 10th anniversary The Point of Halo CEA was to make money and It did.

I mean people are making it seem like it's a certainty, when I doubt it is. This time 343 is probably balls deep into Halo 5 preproduction for the next gen. It'd be a lot more costly to make a Halo 2 remake no? Plus would they give us the original unaltered multiplayer?

Not sure how it would be more costly. Presumably the same process used by Sabre Interactive can be done with Halo 2. If not it could be built from the ground up with new/reused assets from H4-Reach. Its a smart move and arguably Halo 2 was more influential than Halo CE. Xbox live is what it is today because of Halo 2. It was The online game during its reign.

While I agree its not a certainty its very likely. It means they can push halo 4 under the rug as an online title and focus less on fixing a broken MP(Halo 4) and more on making a solid MP for Halo 5. Much of the it would be outsourced development like CE:A so its more a question of "Can Microsoft justify the cost?" not "Can 343i really develop another title in between Halo 4 and Halo 5?"


Mobile games for the most part can exist in a competition free market. Dev's are not going to get Angry Birds money so its useless trying to chase it. You can build a niche title and put it on the store and see how it sells. Many of the developers are small teams between 1 and 10 people incapable of producing visual impressive games or games with excellent refined, focus tested gameplay. The best hope is to produce something that plays okay.

The big players in the scene simply don't see the market as having a big enough return. EA do develop some solid titles. Mass Effect Infiltrator ect but its still very much at a point were its a learning experience to create a game with solid controls and unless they can nail that gameplay will always be wishy washy. The vast majority would rather play a bejeweled clone. Its game made for its market.

The team I'm working for contains 3 people so I understand that they don't tend to have the time or numbers to push out high quality titles. It's just weird seeing a platform with a large player base not being given any games that you would expect on such a platform.


You're right it was a collaboration and 343 outsourced to Saber.

But my point was, that was before Halo 4. Yes it was a way to make money, but it also tied well into the end of Reach and a reintroduction to Chief and Cortana and show their beginnings right before showing their supposed ending.

I mean you'll release a game that shows an updated campaign that shows Elites, Brutes, New Mombasa, the prophets and yet you want people to forget them a bit and focus on Didact and the Forerunners no?

And yes it was probably cheap to do, but certainly the costs would be increased for next gen. It is Microsoft after all. They could probably justify it if it was a full price title or something. I'd probably pay for it, with all the original maps since Halo 2 is probably the shining star of Halo multiplayer, but will they release it?

But you're right, we should BELI343 lol.
No way Halo 5 comes out 4 years after Halo 4.

If we are lucky Halo 5 this year otherwise next year in my opinion. There will be another Halo title either before or after or both and then Halo 6. I see them going yearly from now on.

I personally think Halo 4 is a watered down or in progress build branch of the Halo 5 engine on next gen that's been in production for quite some time already.

I also think H2A is wishful thinking and won't happen.
h2a is happening. i'll bet my life on it.

I'll de-raise you female voice masking ;)

Sure I would love it too but we've seen all the Reach Anniversary maps and how low that uptake was in terms of population etc.

At a time of next generation consoles, retooling the engine, art and a new studio all while having to make another Halo trilogy why would they invest such financial or developer resources? They can make new games instead and use new technology or creative freedoms in place of divisive community demands through remakes.

CEA was a 10 year celebration and a stop gap while the studio and Halo 4 got underway.
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