getting on to join my fellow dingleblainers
og halogaf 4 lyfe
EDIT: I remember a bunch of people complaining about how Cortana/Chief suddenly knew to call the Didact by name even though nobody said it. Listen close during the Didact reveal cutscene. Following "So fades the great harvest of my betrayal," Jul shouts "Didact!"
I got coke.
Whiskey or rum? Vote!
I got coke.
Whiskey or rum? Vote!
Y'all are too late. I did whiskey. Next one can be rum doe.
It's Jim Bean White Label.
Need 1 for maximum MLG poopin
i just bought a house. never been such a wreck signing my name to something.its fucking killer though
welcome to the club! mortgages suck, but it's just like brushing your teeth man - it's just something that happens and comes and goes.
I thought they fixed JiP? Why am I getting put on a team down 400 to 190 in SWAT? That's over half the match gone isn't it?
Over got pooped on
Cognac is expensive. I don't do mixed expensive drinks too often.
I thought they fixed JiP? Why am I getting put on a team down 400 to 190 in SWAT? That's over half the match gone isn't it?
Didn't act or claim I was a girl, just never acknowledged it and was vauge about to mess with people for a month. ;P Also changed my avatar to a girl Xbox avatar a bit to confuse people further. Was fun.
People my age around here who want to live in the "cool" parts of town pay $2100+ a month on housing--even around here, that's a good chunk of your mortgage right there. Never understood why people would essentially throw that kind of money away.
I thought they fixed JiP? Why am I getting put on a team down 400 to 190 in SWAT? That's over half the match gone isn't it?
You can't fix the JiP.
Then I pray for you to never play COD.
it's an investment man! i'm not going to disclose my funds here but i'm already starting a ton of work on my house to boost the property value when I sell.
Im a vodka man now. Vodka is amazing with the whole no hangovers thing.
CSR doesn't match you with similar or greater skilled players bro. If you didn't know already.Hmm, don't know how well CSR works. I'm with randoms who have a way lower CSR than me, and yet we just got matched up with some 45+ team in SWAT and they just shat over us on Shutout.
Didn't act or claim I was a girl
changed my avatar to a girl Xbox avatar a bit to confuse people further.
mortgages suck, but having your own land and property is very rewarding, and yeah the equity you get is great
Knockando and Laphraoig forever. Neat.
it's an investment man! i'm not going to disclose my funds here but i'm already starting a ton of work on my house to boost the property value when I sell.
Knockando and Laphraoig forever. Neat.
Shame on you
I know this is going to sound insane, but I just can't get into scotch, and I've tried what are considered some really good ones.
Oh I know how bad it is in games like modern warfare etc. Imagine joining a game where someone is in the air with an AC-130 etc. I'm just saying, I thought they said they fixed it in Halo.
I used to think JiP was needed to counteract the quitters, especially when you'd be down in ranked team Slayer etc. But the way it's used and implemented in Halo 4, has turned me off it forever. I'd rather wait 3 minutes for a match that is fair, than be put on a losing team minutes from the match ending.