'm just happy that your avatar is back to normal.
Any HaloGaf in Oklahoma? Stay safe, hope you are all alright. Multiple deaths today due to... (time lapse)
We're under a warning again tonight here.
wtf is that really going on at okc?
I can agree they really messed up not having real classic in a variety of playlists at launch. That goes for other classic like BTB objective, arena 4v4 etc.
343i are doing good things recently though and I'm really curious if this reveal has some Halo reveal along with it?
They sorta have too.
Everyone will be looking for a Halo reveal of some kind. If no Halo game at launch of the next xbox, no care.
Happened a few hours ago. Leveled a huge area. Tornado a mile wide.
I saw it was 2.5 miles wide. Fucking insane.
Had one touch down 10 minutes south of me last night. Nothing that huge though. Crazy time of year.
Wow at Dax steppin' it up!
Any HaloGaf in Oklahoma? Stay safe, hope you are all alright. Multiple deaths today due to... (time lapse)
We're under a warning again tonight here.
Stay safe.
So, place your bets. IF there is a new Halo announced tomorrow, what will it be?
Halo 4 expansion (ODST style)
Halo 2 Anniversary
Halo Wars 2
Something new/different
My vote is for something ODST like with new SP and Halo 4 MP. That is, if there even is a new Halo game, which Im not expecting.
Something new
Both Halo Wars and H2A have been denied by 343. Obviously this could mean nothing, but I'm gonna take it as they're not happening. I don't think they would re-use the Halo 4 engine on new I'm gonna say something new.
Anyone on Halo 4?
Speaking of a new Halo announced tomorrow.. I always thought that a game based on the Spartan training program would be kinda cool.
It fits as one hell of a contrast to Halsey's hardcore (war-crime) spartan program. You get what you pay for, so if you want Spartans on the cheap, you're going to get bros.
I'd be into a Spartan IV campaign where John trains them in the ways of the old-school Spartans. It'd get him back in touch with humanity, while giving Majestic some grounding and maybe a lesson or two in being the laconic, stoic type.
Anybody going to be playing tonight? At around 8:30 CT or so? Roughly an hour from now?
I don't expect a Halo Announcement, Something at E3 but not at this event. I can honestly see the next Halo title to be H2A in 2014. I don't expect anything this year from 343 but some updates and maybe a classic map pack later in the year.
So this new playlist implemented has never would have seen that coming.
Is anyone in charge of anything at 343?
is slayer pro in IS/BTB??
is slayer pro in IS/BTB??
Yeah just played two straight matches of slayer pro in infinity slayer.
There's been a new Halo title every year for the last four years, you really think that's going to stop this year?
Yeah just played two straight matches of slayer pro in infinity slayer.
Maybe, Those titles came about because they lined up well. Halo ODST was a evolved expansion, Reach was the swan song of a studio. Halo CE:A was developed mostly externally for the 10 Year Anni and Halo 4 was completed after a long dev cycle. It's not exactly screaming of an annualized franchise like call of duty is.
I find it hard to believe 343 could develop a game similar in scope to Halo 4 in a single year. A side title seems out of the question. ODST 2 seems like its not even being planned. H2A is 2014. Halo Wars will likely never see a succesor and I think Halo 5 is 2015 if H2A is made 2014 if it's not.
Don't get me wrong I'd like it but I just can't see 343 pumping out a second game that soon. If CA made something like ODST 2 then maybe.
Better get my 50 in Infinity Slayer before good kids start playing it.
Currently a 47 by playing with 2 friends that were low 30s in Halo 3.
We haven't even come close to losing a game yet.
Isn't your account protected? No one can see what you're tweeting unless they're following Certain Affinity responded to everyone but me on that tweet, they must hate me.
Also, damn that storm looks bad.
Good point.While I (think) I see where they're going with the hubris of humanity thing, people still want characters to root for.
So are they going to change the name of the playlists back to classic Team Slayer and BTB then if they're no longer just Infinity settings?
lol CSR
Wait until they reset ranks...for the laughs
Better get my 50 in Infinity Slayer before good kids start playing it.
Currently a 47 by playing with 2 friends that were low 30s in Halo 3.
We haven't even come close to losing a game yet.