Rush Slayer is a recreation of the brand new mode Cranked first appearing in the CoD: Ghosts franchise. Best of two franchises brought together to ensure crazy shenanigans happen on the battlefield.
On Rush Slayer each players GEN2 Mjolnir powered assault armor is set to self-destruct if its internal clock hits zero. In order to avoid this players must get kills, resetting the internal clock.
Each kill grants the killer a momentary set of traits (default: 5 seconds), boosting the player effectiveness on the battlefield.
These are the default settings I came up with, you
CAN and
SHOULD make ones of your own, to better reflect your preferences.
Rush Slayer options:
Things you may want to know:
A detonation will ALWAYS result in the player death, however you can choose the effect itll have on other players (enemies or not). EMP will paralyze vehicles and drain shields while lethal will destroy everything near the explosion, vehicles included.
You can choose for how long kill traits will be applied to each player, you can also opt to not apply them at all.
Players whose timer is about the hit zero can receive additional Last Breath Traits.
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