Unconfirmed Member
After Halo 4, hearing that phrase makes me even more skeptical of a game actually feeling like Halo.-shooting apparently feels like Halo
After Halo 4, hearing that phrase makes me even more skeptical of a game actually feeling like Halo.-shooting apparently feels like Halo
After Halo 4, hearing that phrase makes me even more skeptical of a game actually feeling like Halo.
After Halo 4, hearing that phrase makes me even more skeptical of a game actually feeling like Halo.
Is it me or is that version of haven scaled differently? Spartan seems tiny.
Is it me or is that version of haven scaled differently? Spartan seems tiny.
Is it me or is that version of haven scaled differently? Spartan seems tiny.
As for playing Halo 4...
HALOGAF Customs Night December 7, 2013
Customs Night returns this Saturday, December 7th at 9PM EST to whenever everyone is sick of Halo, each other, or a combination of both. Send a message to GT: Fuchsdh to get in on a piece of the action.
Scheduled for play are Gabo's new gametypes, the always-entertaining Prop Hunt, and whatever else people have a hankering for. When I've been running customs we haven't played as many straight slayer or objective matches (with BR starts, natch), but if people want more o' that we can certainly accommodate.
If you want to play a map/gametype of your own or someone else's creation, put it in your file share so it's ready to go on game night, or send me a link and I'll grab it myself.
Also, if after the festivities you have clips you want rendered out, upload the film to your share and let me know.
See you there!
If we're lucky tgey mean like Quake or ShadowRun.
HALOGAF Customs Night December 7, 2013
Customs Night returns this Saturday, December 7th at 9PM EST to whenever everyone is sick of Halo, each other, or a combination of both. Send a message to GT: Fuchsdh to get in on a piece of the action.
Scheduled for play are Gabo's new gametypes, the always-entertaining Prop Hunt, and whatever else people have a hankering for. When I've been running customs we haven't played as many straight slayer or objective matches (with BR starts, natch), but if people want more o' that we can certainly accommodate.
If you want to play a map/gametype of your own or someone else's creation, put it in your file share so it's ready to go on game night, or send me a link and I'll grab it myself.
Also, if after the festivities you have clips you want rendered out, upload the film to your share and let me know.
See you there!
I just got accused of and reported for "using full auto BR". Love these kids.
I think it's a bad idea to go into Destiny thinking you're going to have a Halo-esque experience. There's a reason it isn't called Halo. If the features/mechanics provide satisfying gameplay within the contraints of they experience they are building then sign me up. If not, at least the scenery is nice.
Destiny sounds like a full blown Reach multiplayer. Not Halo at all, I also doubt shooting feels like Halo when there is ADS.
When is VGX again?
oh didn't know that, no slow diwn with ADS is niceADS that (from what I remember) doesn't seem to effect your movement speed, mind you. I think that will feel different, but closer to Halo than, say, CoD.
Halo 2 Anni @ VGX
edit: Thinking about this earlier, is Halo Anniversary any good playing in 3D mode? I completely forgot that it even had that feature, but I don't have a 3DTV.
did they confirm this. Halo 4 all over again.Halo won't be at VGX. Halo is cake.
So I went back and played quake live after a few rounds of battlefield.
I can safely say I really adhor the current state of shooters. Halo is literally my only hope.
This was her last update:
What happend? Did they find her?
Police located a body Tuesday afternoon while searching the unincorporated Libertyville area for Anne Stroll, 64, who was reported missing Dec. 2.
The body, which was found on the 32000 block of North Milwaukee Avenue, has not been identified. Lake County Sheriff's Office deputies and the Gurnee Police Department located the body at about 2 p.m. Tuesday.
"The incident remains under investigation," said Sgt. Sara Balmes, public information officer for the Lake County Sheriff's Office. "Further information will be released as it becomes available."
I think it's a bad idea to go into Destiny thinking you're going to have a Halo-esque experience. There's a reason it isn't called Halo. If the features/mechanics provide satisfying gameplay within the contraints of they experience they are building then sign me up. If not, at least the scenery is nice.
Kinda out of the loop. Who is Alison? Never seen her mentioned here before.
Pressing the jump button twice executes your focus' special movement (glide, double jump, teleport)
teleport? uh oh
edit: holy shit, what a terrible thing to happen. Deepest sympathies to Alison and her family.
Halo won't be at VGX. Halo is cake.
No mention about any of it. If they do have it they should probably show it to the community. Fans might admire what Traditional Halo 4 looked like.Did 343 ever show the "traditional" Halo 4 version they had earlier? I am curious to see it.
Did 343 ever show the "traditional" Halo 4 version they had earlier? I am curious to see it.
Nah, I'm just joking around.Was it confirmed? Not that I'm expecting it t be there though.