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Halo |OT19| 793 Posts, And None Worth Reading

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Overrated. Yes I'm a hipster, clearly.

I couldn't get past the third or fourth episode, myself.

Why do the writers go through the effort of setting up a situation when the main character, if he were a real person, would take the money and get treatment instead of 'nah I'd rather cook meth'? It broke the show for me right then and there.
Overrated. Yes I'm a hipster, clearly.

Toshi, even I think you're a hipster and I wear a christmas sweater-themed jacket on a bi-daily basis, make my own coffee, produce alternative music and bring a manpurse with me everywhere I go.

I couldn't get past the third or fourth episode, myself.

Why do the writers go through the effort of setting up a situation when the main character, if he were a real person, would take the money and get treatment instead of 'nah I'd rather cook meth'? It broke the show for me right then and there.

Don't overthink TV show plots. It's like going into Pacific Rim expecting good (human) characters or plot.


343i Lead Esports Producer


I couldn't get past the third or fourth episode, myself.

Why do the writers go through the effort of setting up a situation when the main character, if he were a real person, would take the money and get treatment instead of 'nah I'd rather cook meth'? It broke the show for me right then and there.

I got through the first season myself. I had a problem with that as well. Not that particular moment but that fact that it was for the most part a very realistic show but then shit was just a little too crazy for it to continue to be realistic. I mean I liked it well enough honestly but nothing really drove me to watch season 2.


No joke, I am kind of trying to figure out how I feel about Dat Ending, but overall I am highly satisfied.
Also, when it comes time in a couple of weeks, I need help deciding: PS4 or Xbox One?
You should probably wait. I got a PS4, and I while I dig the system itself there really isn't a whole lot worth playing on it. Halo is the only reason I'd get an Xbox, and who the fuck knows if that's going to be any good. Wait if you can, otherwise you may as well save yourself the extra $100.
You consistently scare me

how is hipster shit scary tho

And I'M the weregay?


I'm already comfortable with my sexuality and frequent the LGBThread. Admitting you have a problem serious case of homolycanthropy is the first step to recovery.
I got through the first season myself. I had a problem with that as well. Not that particular moment but that fact that it was for the most part a very realistic show but then shit was just a little too crazy for it to continue to be realistic. I mean I liked it well enough honestly but nothing really drove me to watch season 2.

Watches 7 out of 62 episodes (not to mention none of the best arcs) of a show, declares it overrated.



No joke, I am kind of trying to figure out how I feel about Dat Ending, but overall I am highly satisfied.
Also, when it comes time in a couple of weeks, I need help deciding: PS4 or Xbox One?

Kind of biased as I got a PS4, but to be honest, I'd wait. None of the launch exclusives are very exciting (unless you're into sports games/racers).
Also, when it comes time in a couple of weeks, I need help deciding: PS4 or Xbox One?

I'd personally recommend the Xbox One over the Playstation 4, but it all comes down to you, your preferences, and what you want out of a next gen console.

First and Foremost are the games, which line up do you find more appealing?

This visual isn't that accurate, as it has a few mistakes, and is missing a few games but it's good enough that I'll use it.

At launch, in my opinion, the Xbox One has the better exclusives, with it offering great games like Forza Motorsport 5, Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Peggle 2, and Halo Spartan Assault..

Sony, on the other hand, while offering two below average exclusives like Knack, Killzone, and Contrast, , offers great free to play games like Resogun and Warframe.

Both game consoles offer some pretty below average games though, with Xbox One offering Crimson Dragon, Ryse, and LocoCycle, and Playstation 4 offering Knack, Killzone, Contrast. Just, comparing the titles, Xbox One has better games it seems.

The Playstation 4 however, is obviously the superior system as far as gaming goes, and if playing games the same game at a higher resolution really matters to you, the Playstation 4 is probably your choice.

Xbox One is the superior system for multimedia and it excels in multi-tasking while the Playstation 4 is kind of lacking though, and the voice navigation is god damn awesome. If you're willing to play some games at a lower resolution, I'd definitely recommend the Xbox One just because I feel it offers the "better" next gen experience. It has the better UI, the better network, and stuff like voice navigation is seriously fucking cool.

Honestly, everything else is kind of more tone to you. Is livestreaming a big deal to you? Because only the Playstation 4 will satisfy you in that regards at this moment. Do you really like indies? The Playstation 4 is currently the better console to play Indie Games on. Do you care if games take 10 minutes longer to install? Playstation 4 is once again your choice. Do you really like Halo and want to continue to play it? Xbox is your only option. Do you really want to use efficient and effective voice commands? Xbox is your winner again. Will the $100 price difference not mean much to you? The Xbox One is worth looking at in that case.

It really all comes down to you and what you like. :)


That was..... actually a pretty good post, Speedy. Got me thinking about which system I want, which I'm still undecided on. Either way I'm going to be waiting a good while before I get one if I get one.


"Oh, people really loved this thing? Well.. let's remove it and give some reason fans will gobble up!"

Frankie: "Grenade Launcher was rarely used so we removed it." lol.. What the hell kind of "stats" are they looking at? Bungie used to do the sameeeee shit... Justify boneheaded decisions by using "data" - I'd rather them just not say anything than make up crazy excuses like that. I'm sure that's one of the reasons we're not behind the scenes during the development process, because devs/publishers are so damn controlling. How about just being open and not lying? Not to call you out Stinkles, but you know that's some crap. Then what you said about Red X's being gone not being a big deal because we can see when our teammates' names disappear..


Hey Microsoft, you guys messed up big time with that 14 day play for free map pack and now look how no one respects you. Yet I'm probably going to be depicted as the bad guy for pointing this out on a "smaller" scale when it's terrible communication skills and avoidance of FUN that have been killing this franchise for years. I would love to learn more about Bungie's relationship with Microsoft over those years and see what was really going on.

It's a new year, so let's start over. Halo 5 will hopefully be the best Halo since the original Xbox.

You are one hell of a daft motherfucker. Let's start at the top.

The grenade launcher wasn't used by a ton of people, that's actually a fact. How do I know? Because HaloGAF's data agrees. For just kills, the grenade launcher is two-thirds of a percent of total kills. It's below half a percent of total deaths. At the time and even now, HaloGAF was a large proponent of the grenade launcher. So to get a total populations stats for the grenade launcher, assume it to be lower than that. So here's the Grenade Launcher data on 91 HaloGAF members that I've had the time to assemble the final bungie.net statistics on.

            Kills         Deaths
GL          14842         7120
Total       2223937       1533007
Percent     0.667%        0.464%

But you're saying that the statistics are a lie and that they took out the grenade launcher because they hate "fun". Although I can't disprove this, it tends to be the most radical idea coming from someone who has claimed that developers remove "fun" for no reason. It's similar to the street preachers claiming the apocalypse is drawing near. They have no evidence to back their claim, just coincidences and false injustices. Sounds familiar.

"Why aren't we more involved in the dev process?" Because of people that are acting like you are right now. You claim to know the secret formula to fun, while insulting the devs, claiming that they don't know what fun is. I was the same way for a while, but I've noticed that placing criticism and specifying where the fun isn't happening allows the devs to be more creative in what they do next. At the same time giving a concept of enjoyment, such as equal starts or player feedback, allows the devs to analyze and see what should be kept. Do I want you to have access to the game code? No. You've demonstrated time and time again in these threads that you are very childish.

You're being depicted as the bad guy because you're being a stubborn asshole who hasn't achieved a damn thing with any of your incessantly garbage posts. You claim the CE Pistol will bring Halo to its former glory. Here's why it wouldn't work:

1) CE was entirely LAN based with lockstep networking. CEA is internet based with lockstep. Have you played CEA co-op with even average ping? It's terrible. This leaves you with projectiles or hitscan.

2) Projectiles brings about much more inherent lag. Halo 3 used projectiles and it had an insane amount of bloodshots to go along with all of the other networking issues. It might work in 20 years when the infrastructure is better.

3) Hitscan worked oh so well with the Reach DMR in BTB. Funny enough, the Reach DMR was weaker than the CE Pistol and it had bloom, but yet the DMR was devastating. Was it the 3x bloom? Not really because now the BR has the same issue in BTB, but it's just a tad bit more inaccurate because of the spread. Now you're all out of networking options, so I guess it's back to only LAN. In 2014.

4) Assuming you had some magical way of solving the networking issues, you still have to realize that Halo's initial MP design principles largely rely on the ability to fight back. Now the CE pistol rarely gets the 3sk, but it has a higher firing rate than the other utility weapons. What does this mean? It means that even with missed shots, it still has the potential to kill faster than other utility weapons. And more importantly, it was much easier to get a kill off before the other player has fully realized what has happened.

Now, I know your response to that already, "Get some players that aren't shit in there..." Well guess what. There are shitty players on Xbox Live. That's a fact of life. You can either turn them away faster or you can give them a chance. Even Jaime Griesemer says that "the designer wants to keep the player in a constant state of challenge, where if you're not succeeding you know that next time if you do it a little bit better you'll prevail." When players are dying and they don't feel like they even have a chance, they will turn the game off and do something else. The CE Pistol doesn't give them much of a chance to do just a little bit better, versus Halo 4 where it didn't give players any challenge. (I'll also clarify this, I wouldn't include the other utility weapons in a game where I have the CE Pistol as a utility weapon. I'm also not saying balance around the BK, but balance around the average player.) "But the bad players will learn understand this naturally from experience." Not everyone plays for the same reasons as you. I can tell you that I don't play to become the #1 super mega awesome Halo player. Anymore, I play to relax a bit in my downtime. If I'm not entertained by a seemingly unfair game, I turn it off.

5) Even if you were to bring back the entirety of CE's multiplayer to Live without any major network repercussions, people will still flock to the new title. Just look at Call of Duty. They don't change much in the multiplayer between iterations, but yet the populations after a new release always drop a good percentage. Even better, look at the population from Halo 2 to Halo 3. Halo 2 shrunk, even though the two were arguably the most similar iterations to each other.

Yes, I read your Wahrer-esque fanfic about what CE2 should be. Your analysis, although thorough, was incredibly difficult to read, especially as someone who has notes over the first few games in that YouTube playlist. You claim it's not spamming, but running out of the clip and only landing 2 shots or throwing all grenades without any major damage is. You claim that a 50-20 match was a close game simply because about a quarter of the battles could have been swayed by a single missed shot. You use words like 'beautiful' or 'satisfying' for an analysis which is pretty un-analytic.

Also, quit using italics as if they are some kind of truth. It makes you look like a giant fuckwit. And I'm out of here for a little while. HGS.

Nice try Karl, but bottom line is this:

Grenade Launcher should've been in Halo 4. And your comments about CE, I've said many times a remake using the same engine would be a mistake. All I'm proposing is for is a return of those weapons and their functionality.

Break out all the hgs followers you want, still can't stop this train!


Oh and come watch a real man's game!
Nice try Karl, but bottom line is this:

Grenade Launcher should've been in Halo 4. And your comments about CE, I've said many times a remake using the same engine would be a mistake. All I'm proposing is for is a return of those weapons and their functionality.

Break out all the hgs followers you want, still can't stop this train!


Oh and come watch a real man's game!
>Grenade Launcher should've been in Halo 4 because I liked it and any decision 343 makes against me invalid.

Cmon son, I loved the nade launcher more than just about anyone, but seriously not a lot of people used it. It had too high of a difficulty curve


The grenade launcher saw a lack of use largely because it wasn't very widely present, and because it usually wasn't as effective as other power weapons even if you knew what you were doing with it.

Call it "people didn't like it" all you want, Reach would probably have been a better game if they'd toned down the presence of other power weapons (and/or made them harder to use) and had more grenade launcher.


And this is not surprising in the slightest.

How about putting it anywhere but a spot where NOBODY goes? I mean, come on.. lol

Karl just pulled a Bungie and a few sheep bit.

I'm not sure if this is an extension of your elitism towards me because I like Halo 3 and Brawl but okay

p.s. bungie rules


How many maps even had Grenade Launchers on them in the first place? Powerhouse, sometimes Sword Base, maybe a couple Forge maps, and ???

It was underused by players because it was underused by Bungie.


343i Lead Esports Producer
What maps was the Pro Pipe on? I really played just a ton of MLG Reach so I'm not too familiar.

That weapon was pretty host dependent as well. In my experience if you weren't host you were popping shields with it. In that case it would often lead to a DMR clean up. I'm actually not too sure how accurate kill/death numbers would reflect its actual use and effectiveness in the game. However, it was still certainly possible to get kills with it off host.

It was a similar situation with the mauler. They were often combo'd instantly with a melee which sort of skewed the stats of the weapon.


Powerhouse for sure.

I think they might have put one on Sword Base at some point? Actually I think it was down on the bottom floor between the two plants in the back, but I think they replaced it with a sniper later on (or maybe I have it backwards). Other than those two I honestly cans think of a single other map where it spawned by default.


What maps was the Pro Pipe on? I really played just a ton of MLG Reach so I'm not too familiar.

That weapon was pretty host dependent as well. In my experience if you weren't host you were popping shields with it. In that case it would often lead to a DMR clean up. I'm actually not too sure how accurate kill/death numbers would reflect its actual use and effectiveness in the game. However, it was still certainly possible to get kills with it off host.

It was a similar situation with the mauler. They were often combo'd instantly with a melee which sort of skewed the stats of the weapon.
The Cage.
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