Those 99% copied COD with the ADS, Lets be real here.
COD didn't invent ADS, far from it.
Was it a large factor in driving the mechanic's popularity? Yes, absolutely. At this point though the market has chosen that as an FPS feature that all games have, same thing with sprint. Once the market has dictated that a feature is just something that every FPS will have, how does that automatically make the game like COD?
I remember talking with some Bungie folks at PAX and someone asked why sprint was in Destiny. The answer was literally something as simple as sometimes features are just dictated by the market, didn't even sound like a decision to be made. Every shooter has and will have sprint, am I going to claim all games are COD because of that? I certainly won't.
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Something I think people vastly underestimate about Titanfall is the player movement. Once you play it you'll know immediately, but the movement IS the game. Player Movement is a dominating element of the core gameplay.