Unconfirmed Member
Bungie sold me on the universe of Destiny on day one. They just need to some worth while gameplay. Maybe E3 2014.
Bungie sold me on the universe of Destiny on day one. They just need to some worth while gameplay. Maybe E3 2014.
How many times do you think Bungie can continue you to show us the same exact footage in every new trailer. Literally every trailer shows the same exact footage.
Music was good though, and the few new gameplay clips were cool looking.
Halogaf fell off
Don't talk down to our site like that, I know you're trying really hard to get a job with tweeting 343 employee on a daily basis but that was a real issue.
Well, if I'm not mistakened, Frankie said In-game ranks created a bad habit in selling accounts to people who wanted those Lvl 50 General ranks back in H3.
So 343's solution to implent the CSR was to be only visible through Waypoint.
In theory, DOTA's MMR update would fill the gap in between CSR and In-game ranks for online MM.
Edit: if by odd towards Dota's update than my mistake on the assumption haha
That Joel Banderas.gif was god-tier.
Naughty Dog easing the pain of watching this mess
Naughty Dog easing the pain of watching this mess
I still can't feel excitement watching anything related to Destiny. It just looks way too uninspired and...boring. I'll probably get it because it's supposed to be a pretty big thing, but overall I'm pretty indifferent toward it. Sorry, Bungie.
Still holding out hope for something related to Halo during VGX.
No Man's Sky looks incredible, as does Double Fine's game. Joel doing the Banderas was excellent.
Other than that it was a waste. I wonder if GTA V XB1/PS4 will be announced at the end of the concert. The whole Rockstar team is apparently there.
This rapping makes me want to cut off my ears. Not as bad as the rapping from the H4GC.
Hopefully they do the 10$ upgrade if that happens, cause I'm not double dipping.
I've had it muted, lol. I like rap, but based off the show I would assume it was not very good.
Other than that it was a waste. I wonder if GTA V XB1/PS4 will be announced at the end of the concert. The whole Rockstar team is apparently there.
It had some ok instrumental interlude stuff, but the rap itself was, frankly, shit.
it's still going...
It's encouraging to see people talking in the chat about wanting to see Halo 5. People haven't completely given up on the series yet.
Just stop trying...
I love that the Josh Holmes handicapped Spartan graphic was slapped in there again for extra TMZ Value. Classic.
edit: LOL that gif is amazing. "8 years old Dude"
Don't talk down to our site like that, I know you're trying really hard to get a job with tweeting 343 employee on a daily basis but that was a real issue.
I think it's fair criticism of Beyond, Ray. I'm not saying it wasn't an issue, I saw people's reaction to it even though I did not have the same reaction. But it was a long time ago, and to make that connection, to start that rumor, reminds me of TMZ. That's all.
And again if you don't like my tweets just unfollow me bro.
Didn't Josh retweet WheelchairChief from someone else and not made by himself?I think it's fair criticism against Josh, let's not pretend it was years ago now. I wish him luck (JH) with his new role at 343 Industries, but I'm very excited to see someone else at the helm to hopefully steer Halo in the right direction for Halo 5.
Always nice to see banned members find a new home.
You have your opinions on behalf of 343's handling of Halo... but ever since you came back you resumed posting cheap shots at the Devs. That type of habit will definitely get you banned again here. Not saying you will but I don't like seeing fellow members get banned or perm'd on Gaf.Beyond is the neglected stepchild of The Halo Council. who killed their step parent
What's your definition of give up on the series, exactly?
I'm sure Halo 5 will sell millions and they'll be tons of people who are happy with it for the month they play it until the next game comes out.
Our expectations and needs as fans who primarily play the series or treat it as our go-to game are very different from the people who pick up and drop games. We the hardcore fans are a minority of the multiplayer population, itself a minority segment of the entire gameplaying population. Halo hasn't ever been a niche franchise catering to a certain segment.
People stop talking about it is the definition of a dead series to me. Even casual fans know that Halo 4 sucked. I see it on a bunch of facebook page comments that "343 sux, bring back Bungie". But people are still excited about the next game.
Customs commencing shortly... get online peeps.
Why would you want to play Halo after that?Finishing my bowl of ice cream and watching my girl twerk dat ass to Just Dance 2014. Give me 10 minutes.
The Fo'runners!
Halo is dad.
So we are all going to claim a planet as our own right?
Actually since this is a MMO like (or just flat out MMO) I wonder what type of emergent gameplay it could have.
How can a indie dev with 4 people have a more ambitious game than Bungie? So, in Destiny, you have a ship, but no, you can't fly it. What's the fucking point then?
Planet Wahrer will be a sight to behold. Trespassers must convert to Gauntletology or face permanent imprisonment in the Diddle Chamber.
No Man's Sky trailer is what I wanted from a Destiny trailer.
You must also check your privilege before entering.
And you have to [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVr5SMTNeAo]sound like a nigga from myspace and [be] dirty[/url]
I don't know if that's true.
"We’re not making a space sim where you're flying through the stars," he explained. "We’re making a first person shooter. So the primary way you’ll get around the world is on foot as a first person shooter, then space travel is a cool way for you to customise your ship and get around.
"You can see the ship when you arrive in public spaces and they sort of herald your arrival. You can upgrade them, but they’re also the way that you’re moving around in the story and they’re primarily that story vehicle to get you from Earth to the Moon, then Venus or Mars."
New Destiny Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLqTJLaq0mQ
Watching VGX over college footblll today was y'all's firs mistake.
More screens
Watch it all
Still lose cause you watched VGX